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Speech production

Willem Levelt designed a working module of speech production comprises at least three stages. First,
conceptualization stage, this when a speaker thinks of what is going to say, and he/she must select information that
will reveal his/her message. Second, formulation stage, Is the formulation of thought into a linguistic form which
achieves two main tasks: 1. Grammatical encoding: deciding which words to use from the lexicon, and putting them in
a syntactic order. 2. Phonological encoding: generating phonetic shape for all words, and for the utterances. Third,
articulation stage, this is when the speaker physically says what he/she has thought of saying, involves the execution
motor programme to pronounce the sounds of words. Finally, self-monitoring stage, speakers they may come up with
errors during delivery and may want to make an effort to correct their speech or to make use of self-repair, and here
the mediating processing component is the language comprehensive system.


Memory is the function that enables to acquire, store, retain, and retrieve information, and consists of three stages.
First, Sensory Memory, is the process of information gathered through five senses, and it holds information for an
extremely brief period of time (less than a second) after the original stimulus has stopped. Besides, perceived
information that receives attention will move on to short-term memory. Second, Short-Term Memory, it is a
temporary memory, which holds information are actively thinking about. It last for a very brief time (less than a
minute) and can only hold 7 pieces of information at once. In addition, It does not store complete concepts, but hold
the most important information readily available. Short-Term Memory is necessary step toward the Long-Term
Memory. Finally, Long-Term Memory, holds information for long periods even permanently, it seemingly can hold an
unlimited amount of information, which can last for hours, months, or even years. It is believed that LTM stores all
meaningful episodic events. Moreover, LTM consists of two types: explicit memory that is a conscious awareness of
facts and events, and implicit memory that is an unconscious and holds procedural information.

Left-Right hemispheres specializations

The brain divided into two hemispheres, the left and right brain. First, the left hemisphere, is associated with
language, logic, analytic operation, reasoning, and speech. The left brain is very linear as it places things is sequential
order. Second, the right brain is associated with emotions, recognizing faces, music, and visual. Its style of processing
is nonlinear and non-sequential.

Lobes of the brain with their function

Cerebrum can be further divided into four lobes. First, the frontal lobe, involves in conscious thoughts and higher
mental functions like planning, organizing, and reasoning. Also this lobe contains motor speech area of Broca that
helps in producing coherent speech. Second, the parietal lobe, involves in somaesthetic sensing (feeling in the arms,
legs, hands). Third, temporal lobe, involves with the senses of smell and sounds, verbal memory and visual memory.
Also this lobe contains sensory speech area of Wernicke that helps in processing speech and vision and understanding
language. Fourth, the occipital lobe, is mainly for visual and integrating visual information, including recognition of
shapes and colors.

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