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Assistive Technology

Cassie White, Trevor Underhill, Taylor Findlay

Relationship between Accommodations and Assistive

Accommodations: adaptations or changes to educational environments and practices

designed to help students overcome challenges presented by their disabilities
Assistive Technology (AT): a tool that students can use to address barriers related to
developmental, functional, or learning skills
● Accommodations do not change what students can learn, but rather how they
access what they are supposed to learn
● All AT devices are classified as accommodations, but not all accommodations are
classified as AT
● Accommodations come in many forms and AT is made up of a spectrum of tools,
devices, services, and support
Aspects that make up AT

The two aspects that make up AT are devices and services.

Devices: any type of equipment that is used to increase, maintain, and improve the
functional capabilities of the child and excludes a medical device that is surgically
implanted or the replacement of the device

Services: any service that directly assists the child with a disability in the selection,
acquisition, or any use of any assistive technology device
Example Case: Jade

Jade is a high school sophomore who has struggled academically since she was in
elementary school. She has a learning disability and attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder. Like many students with LD and ADHD, she has difficulty processing
information; retaining and recalling information; and selecting, monitoring, and using
strategies. Although she is very creative and loves to share information with others,
she has difficulty getting her thoughts on paper in a cohesive manner. Jade puts in a
lot of hours working on homework, studying for tests, and attending after-school
tutoring sessions, yet she struggles to make passing grades in several classes. Jade’s
IEP team is in the process of determining if she would benefit from the use of AT.
Case Continued…

Based on the information in this scenario, consider whether Jade needs remediation
or compensation. Justify your answer.

● I think compensation is needed. Since it is clear that Jade is putting more time
into her assignments than other students and still not getting good grades,
something needs to be done. Compensation would help Jade achieve good
grades by providing other options in terms of learning. For example, one option
could be an audio book.
Case Continued…

If assistive technology is implemented, some actions that will need to occur are:
● Before attempting more difficult content, Jade should first practice with a new
device using academic content that is familiar to her. This will prevent her from
struggling with the academic content as well as struggling with learning to use a
new device
● Students using AT may require more time to complete some instructional tasks
than is typical for other students
● Teachers should familiarize the entire class with the AT and explain why certain
students need to use it
Case Continued…

AT can enhance a student’s independence in the classroom but should by no means be

considered a substitute for effective instruction. That said, to help get the most value out of
a student’s use of AT, the teacher can:
● Understand how AT helps support the student’s IEP goals and objectives
● Participate in AT training to learn about what the student is using
● Know the student’s strengths and weaknesses to better support AT implementation
● Communicate regularly with other teachers and family members about what is and
what isn’t working
● Attend meetings (e.g. IEP meetings, AT implementation team meeting) to share
information and consider the student’s AT needs
● Note whether AT is isolating the student or his/her peers
Case Continued…

Before Jade started using the speech-to-text software, her teachers collected baseline
data on her performance on written assignments. They then collected
implementation data. This data is recorded in the table below. Was the AT effective
for Jade?

Based on the graph, the AT was effective for Jade.

Case Continued…
The AT implementation team continues to monitor the effectiveness of Jade’s
speech-to-text software. The data they have collected is displayed below. Describe
what the data pattern indicates and how the implementation team should respond.

● Based on the graph, the data pattern indicates that with the use of AT, Jade is
turning in more assignments with better grades than without the AT
● The implementation team should continue with the speech-to-text software
because based on the results, it has made a big improvement in her assignments

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