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4 — Project: Desktop Support

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Mar 6 by 7:59am
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Congratulations on your good work at the help desk. Your supervisor decided you had the skills to branch out into desktop support. You
were just assigned a Help Desk Ticket to resolve. In this activity, you will troubleshoot an intermittent fault with an employee’s computer.
Once you isolate the potential problem, you will proactively replace the suspected malfunctioning part. This will allow you to demonstrate
your ability to troubleshoot and repair common computer issues. Please troubleshoot based on the symptoms reported in the
Problem. What single item in the computer could simultaneously affect all the items described? 

You will be graded on:

1. Working on the correct computer

2. Making a good diagnosis
3. Correctly replacing a part (screenshot)
4. Showing that the computer works (screenshot) after replacing the part.

Step 1: Review the Help Desk Ticket

Open and study the Desktop Help Desk Ticket

download_frd=1) .

Step 2: Troubleshoot in the TestOut sandbox.

Troubleshoot the issue by opening TestOut 14.8 (the lab sandbox) and working on the computer inside of the support office room.
Go through the steps you would take to fix the problem, taking screenshots as you go. You will need to submit at least 2 screenshots
on your help desk ticket that show a resolution to the problem. 

Step 3: Fill Out the Help Desk Ticket

Step 3: Fill Out the Help Desk Ticket

Fill out the help desk ticket completely. In particular,

Demonstrate your understanding of the problem/solution by describing what you replaced, why, and how.
Demonstrate resolution of the issue by including screenshots (1) showing connected components that you fixed or replaced (2)
showing the computer powering on and functioning after replacement of any parts.

Step 4: Submit in Canvas

Submit the final updated ticket with screenshots in Canvas.

Need help? Check out these resources:

Refer to the TestOut section dealing with Power Supplies (currently section 3.2).
Learn how to take a screenshot ( on any platform.
Search online to learn how to annotate with the Windows built-in Snipping Tool.
Reach out to the instructor. 

Your instructor will use the following criteria to grade your submission. 

9.4 — Project: Desktop Support

Criteria Ratings Pts

Understanding 20
pts 17
pts 14
pts 0
of the Problem No Description No Description No Description No Description
The help desk ticket reflects the The help desk ticket reflects The help desk ticket reflects The help desk
student’s perfect understanding of partial understanding of the minimal understanding of the ticket reflects no
the problem/solution by describing problem/solution by describing problem/solution by describing understanding of
Criteria what they replaced, why, and how.
what the student replaced, why, what the student replaced, why, the
and how. and how. problem/solution. 20 pts

Screenshots 20
pts 10
pts 0
No Description Partial Credit No Description
The help desk ticket includes at least two screenshots that show The submission The help desk ticket does not
an accurate resolution to the problem, including the new connected includes one of the include two screenshots with an
parts and the computer powering on and functioning. two required accurate resolution to the 20 pts

screenshots. problem.

Help Desk 10
pts 8
pts 6
pts 0
Ticket No Description No Description No Description No Description
The help desk ticket is The help desk ticket is The help desk ticket is The help desk ticket is not filled out, or
10 pts

completely filled out. mostly filled out. partially filled out. was not submitted.

Total Points:


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