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4 — Project: Memory, BIOS, CMOS, UEFI

Start Assignment
Last week you selected a motherboard that had the following criteria:

 Budget: from 300 to 500 dollars.

 Ratings: other customers have given it high ratings
 Memory: must support 128 GB of memory
 USB: must support two or more USB3.2 ports
 Other: must support PCI Express

This week you will identify the memory that you would like to purchase for your
motherboard. You may “shop” anywhere, but the memory must be compatible with the
motherboard you selected last week. The budget is also your choice.

1. Research online to select 128 GB of memory that is compatible with the motherboard
you selected last week. 
2. Write an Executive Summary that includes the following supporting information: 
      (a) a photo or image of the memory components,
      (b) the price to be paid,
      (c) an image that shows where the BIOS, and CMOS components are located.
      (d) a screenshot of the UEFI
      (e) What constraints did you use to narrow the selection of memory?
      (f) How long did this process take to complete?
3. Submit your Executive Summary in Canvas as a file upload. 

Need help? Check out these resources:

 Visit the (Links to an external site.) website, or shop the web
for memory, and find a good price for the 128 GB of RAM for the
 Note the menu selection boxes on the left-hand side of the page. Start the
selection process by selecting memory.

Your teacher will use the following criteria to grade your submission. 

3.4 Project: Memory, BIOS, CMOS, UEFI Rubric Rubric

3.4 Project: Memory, BIOS, CMOS, UEFI Rubric Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeTechnical 10 pts 8 pts 6 pts 0 pts
Depth Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
The summary Technical Expectations Technical information
accurately and information is Technical is incomplete or
concisely describes largely accurate and information has a few inaccurate. The
technical information is directed at making small errors and summary is not 10 pt
and is skillfully the information attempts to address a directed at a non- s
directed at making the understandable to a non-technical technical audience and
information non-technical audience but could be would not be
understandable to a audience. improved with more understandable to
non-technical clarity and more someone outside the IT
audience. concise language. field.

This criterion is
linked to a 15 pts 7 pts 0 pts
Learning Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
OutcomeMeets All of the criteria outlined in the Some of the criteria outlined in The criteria outlined
15 pt
Criteria instructions have been met and the instructions are included in in the instructions
identified in the Executive Summary, the Executive Summary. Some has not been met. s
including budget, ratings, memory, aspects are missing or lacking.
USB, and other.
3.4 Project: Memory, BIOS, CMOS, UEFI Rubric Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is
linked to a
Learning 15 pts 7 pts 0 pts
OutcomeSupportin Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
All of the supporting information Most of the supporting information Supporting
g Information 15 pt
outlined in the instructions is listed in the instructions is included information is either
included in the Executive in the Executive Summary, but one lacking or missing s
Summary. It is accurate and or more items are missing or entirely.
complete. incorrect.

 This criterion is
linked to a
OutcomeCWC2 –
10 pts 8 pts 6 pts 4 pts
Exceeds Meets Approaches Below Expectations –
threshold: 7.0 pts
Expectations – Expectations – Expectations – Problems Problems with most of
Word choice is Overall word with several of the the following: careless
appropriate for choice is following: careless editing of spelling,
professional accurate; there editing of spelling, grammar, word choice,
and/or academic are some grammar, word choice, sentence structure, and
writing. Writing grammar and sentence structure, and punctuation; a limited
is free of mechanics punctuation; a limited understanding of the
distracting errors errors; evidence understanding of the writing prompt and
10 pt
in grammar and of persuasive writing prompt and subject matter; writing
mechanics. connections subject matter; writing is mechanical, s
Persuasively between the feels mechanical, inaccurately translated,
connects the writing prompt,  inaccurately translated, or inauthentic.
writing the subject or inauthentic
prompt, the matter and
subject matter, writing
and writing conventions
conventions specific to that
specific to that genre are noted.

Total Points: 50

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