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Campuses all over the city

The University of Gothenburg was founded as Lundbyvassen Tingstadsvassen

Göteborgs högskola in 1891 and its eight academic
faculties separated in different parts of the city. Nordstaden
This university don't have a campus in the outskirts
Inom Vallgraven
of Gothenburg; instead the whole city is its campus
and the campuses are absolutely integrated into the
Haga Lorensberg
city and students use the whole city as a campus.
On the other hand Chalmers has more
concentrated campuses which mainly is located in
Johanneberg and the other one is in Lindholmen.


The departments of the two universities are located in

orange districts.
1. Lindholmen
Tingstads tunneln
Lindholmen is full of development-intensive
companies, there is also a union building and a
library related to Chalmers. There are so many
ongoing project in this district but the connection of
this district is not so strong with the city center.By
adding an extra bridge and having some student
dormitories I believe so many students would like to
live there.

Hisingsbron bridge
1. Nordstaden

Nordstaden is a central district of Gothenburg, Sweden, to the north of Stora Hamnkanalen and a part of Gothenburg's original city area. Since it is
close to the GU campuses, it is always a place for students and also all the people to hang out in the bars and restaurants there.

Attraction reach to population Attraction reach to local markets Closeness centrality

1. Improve the connection
We realized that there is a great
connection between Gothenburg
university and Järntorget square. Lundbyvassen
Therefore by connecting the
Lindholmen to Järntorget square
we aimed to improve the Lindholmen Nordstaden

integration of areas around the Haga

Existing situation
GU campus and the chlamers
Backaplan Proposal
campus in Lindhomen. Nordstaden




1. Improve the connection

Existing stations New stations

1. Improve the connection
What we propose is a vertical-lift bridge
made of steel and concrete similar to the
Connect the city Embrace the Adding a central
one we already have called Hisings Bridge. water node
The length would we close to the Hisings
the bridge should be opened for Bring the city together across Make the water as a To make the Lindholmen an
pedestrians, cyclists, cars, buses and the river to become a permanent feature of urban other central node like the
physical and social whole. life and an asset for Nordstaden and attract more
Trams. There would be a circulation path everyone people in that area.
which improves the connection between
Lindholmen and the current city centre.
1. Expectation
What we aim by adding this bridge is bringing more liveability in Lindholmen and the area near that. We believe by this bridge people would use the
other side of the city more and it would become a new node for the city. It will improve the connection between GU to Chalmers university in
Lindholmen as well.

Social Economical

1. Change the flow of people 1. High density of businesses

2. Providing meeting spaces 2. Changing the value of the district
3. A place for long walks 3. Providing an industrial section
4. More job opportunities
2. The island of Chalmers
Chalmers often tends to work as a self-
sufficient island within the city of Göteborg.
It manages to do so by providing all
needed facilities inside of the campus:
restaurants, bars, night life, study rooms,
shops, sports facilities, meeting spots and
even on campus students housing. This
creates a situation where leaving campus
almost becomes unnecessary. The
campus on its own, is quite closed off from
the city, hard to access and works as a
bubble in which life unfolds.
2. Korsvägen

Korsvägen (“Crossroads”) is a
transportation hub where public transit,
car traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians all
converge. It is a pulsing center
surrounded by some of Gothenburg’s
landmarks, including the Congress
Centre and Liseberg Park. A constant
flow of people fills the place with life,
movement and much to see and do.
Creating a connection to Chalmers,
allows students to be directly emerged
in these attractions and have an easy
access to and outside the city,
2. The aura of student housing





Image from excercise 2

2. Improve the connection
2. Improve the connection

We propose designing a walkway (also
Break open Creating a
accessible for bikes) through the unused
green area in between Chalmers and the Chalmers halfway stop
Korsvägen. In the middle of the park, we bubble
also aim at creating a squarespace that
can be used as a meeting place for the Breaking through the strong Give the student housing Providing a squarespace in
surrounding student housing. The walkway border lines of the Chalmers surrounding Chalmers the middle of the green area,
campus by providing direct another quick access to the as a sort of halfway stop in
would also connect the student housing to access to Korsvägen starting city, without having to go between Chalmers and
the park and Korsvägen. This way from within Chalmers. It also towards or through campus. Korsvägen. Can be an
connects some campusses informal meeting point, but
students have easy access to many of from UG still close to campus. It also
Korsvägen assets. It can be an area provides a meeting point for
people pass through, as well as a the student housing, that is
not in relation to campus.
destination point for people to meet.
2. Improve the connection



2. Expectation
What we aim by creating this walkway would be for Chalmers students to have easier access and direct access to some main attraction in the area,
without having to use a car. We also aim for the student housing surrounding Chalmers to have an involvement in this and make them more
connected to the city.

Social Economical

1. Mixing up the public, by adding people 1. Connection to major point (Korsvägen)

who are visiting Korsvägen and coming 🡪🡪 influence along walkway: food
from GU stalls, fika stalls (small scale)
2. Social meeting point for student housing 2. Connection to major point: research
on their way to the city (destination) facilities, job opportunity,…
3. Fleeting passage during the school 3. Easier access to markets outside of the
hours (chalmers), permanent passage Chalmers bubble
all day and in the weekend (residential)

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