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SMART Goal Setting

Complete the worksheet that follows, including as much detail as possible under each heading in the columns. Clarify your goals to
yourself as much as possible. When you are done with the table, proceed to the next page and write ONE long-term goal and FIVE
short-term goals based on the information you included in your worksheet.
GOAL What is it that you Who? What? Why? How Much? How
Achievable? you want to achieve When?
want to achieve? Where? When? often? How many?

I want to get a job as

Long-term a Programmer or a With a salary of
I want to get a job at Apple. Yes Yes In 5 Years
goal Product Designer in $90,000 per annum
Silicon Valley.

I want to reach
Winnipeg and get a
Getting a room under
house on rent, figure
Short-term To travel and settle in $550 per month and
the public transit, get Yes Yes In 25 days
goal #1 Winnipeg buy some winter gear
a SIN number, get a
for myself.
SIM card, get the
study permit.
GOAL What is it that you Who? What? Why? How Much? How
Achievable? you want to achieve When?
want to achieve? Where? When? often? How many?

Do all my
Doing my assignments in
Short-term assignments intime Doing 1 or more
time and preparing ahead of Yes Yes In 30 Days
goal #2 without them being assignments in a day.
the upcoming lectures.

Becoming Self Independent Exploring the job

Short-term Working 15 hrs. a
goal #3
and start working part time market and choosing Yes Yes In 40 Days
on the weekends. a flexible job.

Get a job for junior

Getting a full-time job as a
Short-term programmer in the Get paid around $30
goal #4
Developer in the summer Yes Yes In 5 Months
upcoming summer an hour
break at an IT firm.

Starting my Stating a business Dedicating it 25

Short-term from a stall or a small Yes Yes In 1 Year
Entrepreneurship Journey. hours a week.
goal #5 shop in Winnipeg.
Phrasing your SMART goals
In the spaces below, write your goals in the form of statements, incorporating the SMART elements you described above. Include
the actions you plan to take to meet each goal, your timeline, and indicate what types of additional skills and resources are
necessary to facilitate this goal.

Long-Term Goal
 Growing up ‘Apple’ as a company has attracted me a lot. I am a big admirer of Steve Jobs and his visionary ideas. Apple
being a Big Corporation has been one of the dream companies for me to work in. Now why become a Programmer at Apple?
Apple has some of the most skilled talent on the planet, for example -Craig Federighi is the Senior VP of Software
Engineering at Apple. Working with those people is a dream for me as I see there is a lot of space to grow and learn. I have a
lot of love for designing things from the childhood. Apple is one of the few companies that care about design a lot . In the
DNA of Apple great design is a very important aspect. So, Apple also has the set of people that are expert in the field of
design. Jony Ive is one of the great personalities how worked 27 years in Apple and is the guy whom I always looked upon.
 Why did I choose to complete this goal in 7 years? It is because it will take me 2 years to complete this Diploma and another
2 years to complete my Degree in Computer Science. I will then work for 1 year in the industry and study it by analyzing it
and then crack a job at Apple.
Short-Term Goal #1
 It is too hard to wake up all night and attend Online Classes from my home country that I choose to finally travel to Winnipeg
and start a new life full of challenges. I already booked an Air Canada flight from Delhi, India to Winnipeg, Canada on 6 th
February. As it will be an all-new country and I have nothing beforehand when I land. Just my 2 suitcases and me in this new
city Winnipeg. I will be a real survival test for me that can I organize stuff on my own and figure out things all alone. I will
have to do a lot of tasks just after landing here which include getting the study permit at the YYZ Airport, getting my Social
Security Number, getting a new SIM card for my phone, Getting a good winter jacket, shoes and gloves , renting an
Apartment , getting a bag of initial grocery. Which is simply a lot of work to do and managing my study besides it will put me
through my paces. I am really looking forward to tackle some problems in my way and learning from them and grow further.
Short-Term Goal #2
 After all of this moving my study will surely get affected in some way so I plan to cover that up and even get ahead of the
schedule by doing my assignments regularly. I still can’t get familiar to some parts of my education so I plan to understand
them and clear all my doubts about the Education system here in Canada as there are a lot of things different from my home
Short-Term Goal #3
 My goal would be to get independent by earning on my own rather than depending on my parents for paying my expenses.
so I will have to do a part time job the way that my studies are not affected too as study is my first priority I don't want to
affect it. so I will work part time on the weekends for about 15 hours a week which will be sufficient for my living expenses.
Short-Term Goal #4
 I already have some skills in the area of programming like I know Java, C, C++, Web Development. and I will Probably learn
data structures and algorithm tell the upcoming winter break. the set of all these skills bill help me get a job of a programmer
at a local form in Winnipeg. Which will help me in getting financially strong.
Short-Term Goal #5
 One of my goals has always been to start my own business. So, I always wanted to try out business side of things. In a
business environment one can really grow himself and learn to analyse a lot of aspects of a business. What a business can
teach you cannot be learned from anywhere else. I love to learn about Start-ups, Fundraising and Founder’s journey to build
a company.

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