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LUHSD Community Issue Project

Mask Compliance
By: Liz Perez Period 2 :)
Ever since we started coming back to Liberty in Person again, we
are now required to wear mask at all times when we are on campus.
I have seen many people either not wearing their mask correctly, or
not even having one on at all. Some teachers haven’t been saying
anything to those students who were their masks incorrectly, even
some of them don’t wear it correctly themselves.
This can negatively impact the students, because this can spread
COVID faster and cases will rise. We would have to go to distant
learning again and have to do everything on zoom all over again like
last year. Most student’s grades will begin to drop, because some
learn better in person than on Zoom. Also some students will get sick
from COVID and might spread it to their families. This also impacts me
personally, because of my asthma. If I get COVID it will affect me in a
very negative way and I will become extremely Ill. I also learn better in
person and some of the assignments will get more difficult for me.
This can also impact teachers, because they can catch COVID as well
and they can even spread to to their families too. Teachers can help
address this issue, by being more strict about the mask being on
correctly and how there should be a punishment if you don’t wear
your mask correctly. They should address how COVID can spread
faster if masks aren’t worn correctly, COVID cases will rise and we
would have to go to distant learning again for the rest of the year.
Administrators can get in trouble and a lot of complaints if people
found out that many of their staff and students don't wear masks
correctly, and that they are not enforcing everyone to wear their
mask correctly. The Administrators should start placing punishments
on students and staff if they do not wear their mask correctly
when on campus and start enforcing more strict rules about the
I think that the staff and administrators should be more strict about students
wearing their mask correctly. They can only have their masks off during lunch or
when they want to have a drink of water. Masks shouldn’t be under the nose, or
on your chin when in the classrooms. It should be covering your nose. There
should be a punishment for those students who don’t wear their mask correctly
so they can start wearing it correctly in order not to get punished anymore. This
would benefit the student body as a whole because we will be more protected
against COVID and it won’t spread as quickly. I feel like this issue will take about
4-5 months to be resolved because some kids still might not listen to the mask
enforcement until they get in trouble is when they will start putting in on
correctly. This campus will look more safer from COVID and it slow down the
spread of COVID in the school, so we wouldn’t have distant learning again.
The End :)

If yoshi can wear his mask correctly

so can you :D

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