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This is my review of the covid policies and punishments for George Mason

University. Some of the biggest policies are the use of masks on campus as well as being

vaccinated against the coronavirus. The vaccine is required for all students attending

George Mason University except for health or religious exemptions. For vaccinated

students they must wear a mask at all times inside a George Mason building, while

unvaccinated students must wear them at all times when social distancing is not possible.

Physical distancing from others during classes will be arranged on a case by case basis

allowing the university to make arrangements for the students when needed. Keeping good

personal hygiene is also an important task for the students of George Mason to reduce the

spread of covid nineteen. Things like washing your hands and using hand sanitizer to

prevent the spread of the virus. George Mason University will also require students who

live on campus to get tested at least once a week. George Mason university will also

require faculty and students who live off campus to get tested for covid at semi regular

intervals. Students should also complete a daily covid check to let the school know that

they are healthy. These checks as well as the mandatory testing helps Mason University

track the virus and notify anyone who came into contact with someone infected.

Failure to do any of these can result in sanctions from the student office of conduct

such as a learning module, writing this three-page paper, or hurt your standing with the

university. I myself have been given three sanctions in the time period of two weeks for

failing to get tested as i did not know that I was assigned to get covid tested. It is my fault

for not looking at my emails regularly and not knowing that mandatory testing assignments

would be given through email even to students who live off campus and are vaccinated. It
is my fault for not learning the covid rules before going back to campus and I certainly got

more than I deserved. George Mason University needs to protect their students' health and

the health of their faculty. It is important that all students must follow the guidelines for

their own health and safety as well as others. Being vaccinated is a good start as if you

come into contact with the virus your body already has a jumping off point to fight the

virus. Being vaccinated though is only a measure to fight the virus, it is not a cure that will

prevent the virus from spreading and harming others. For a student's best chances to avoid

the virus they should maintain social distance and wear masks around others to prevent

themselves and peers from getting sick.

Covid is a virus that has taken the world by storm and leaving destruction in its

path. My Grandfather currently has it and had to be hospitalized. My whole family is

praying for his safe recovery, but with his preexisting health conditions we can't help

worrying constantly. My father went down to help take care of him and my grandmother

through this hard time. This is my first experience with the virus as no one around me has

gotten it until now. This also opened my eyes to how even with the vaccine the virus can

still infect people. I understand now why the school takes all of these precautions even

though nearly the entire student body is vaccinated. You can never take a deadly disease

too seriously or people could get hurt. I personally think that George Masons policies are

the going to help protect everyone that goes and create a safe environment for students to

learn and prosper.

I personally think the method of notifying students to get tested could use some

improvement. The emails can easily be lost in the jumble of emails a student gets a day. I

think the students should be notified through BlackBoard or by phone as well as email to

really decrease the chances of a student accidentally breaking school policy like I did. Now

that I know that anyone can be made to get tested, I will certainly keep a much closer eye

on my school email. I was forced to write a paper and got put on disciplinary probation for

half a year due to my negligence on the matter so you can believe me I will do better in the

future no matter how bitter and upset I currently am. The covid policy paper is quite the

punishment as i am not much of a writer as you can tell by my run on sentences and having

to write three pages in the middle of finals is truly cruel. Disciplinary Probation also is

quite the escalation from a learning module sanction. The Punishments are harsh and could

maybe be lessoned for future students. As Before I could even complete my first sanction

(the learning module) I was also placed on Disciplinary Probation. I must ask why before I

can even complete the learning module I got tried for disciplinary probation. These

punishments seem excessive for a student who didn’t look at his email. I can’t say this

enough, But I did not know at the time I would be notified by email and since my

roommate never got assigned, I didn’t even think about a possibility of me being chosen

especially not almost every week. I want to quickly clarify that I am not upset at the

mandatory testing that was my fault for being negligent, but I can and am very upset at the

quick escalation of the punishments.

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