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Ammonia test

1. Give the name of a hydride of nitrogen. (5)

A. Which reactants are used in laboratory preparation of ammonia?

B. What are the conditions required for the synthesis of ammonia in

Haber’s process?

C. Which compound is used in drying ammonia?

D. What is the vapour density and nature of ammonia?

E. Name two nitrides from which ammonia can be prepared?

2. Explain the following observations: (3)

A. On inverting a jar of ammonia in a trough of water, it is quickly filled

with water.

B. A fertilizer containing an ammonium salt gets spoiled, if accidently

mixed with slaked lime.

C. When a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acid is introduced into a gas jar
full of ammonia, dense white fumes are produced.

3. Gas B turns red litmus paper blue. (2)

A. What is the name of gas B?

B. Write the equation for the reaction that takes place when gas B is
passed over heated copper oxide.

4. Give a chemical test and equations to distinguish between the

following: (3)

A. Ammonium chloride and Sodium Chloride

B. Ferric salt and Ferrous salt

C. Sodium sulphate and ammonium sulphate

5. Answer the following questions: (3)

A. Name the common refrigerant. How does it deplete ozone layer?

B. What is the alternative of Chlorofluoro carbon?

C. State advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia as


6. Ammonia is used in the Ostwald process, (3)

A. Give the source of reactants used in this process.

B. Name the catalyst used in the process.

C. Name the oxidizing agent used in the process.

D. What is the ratio of ammonia and air taken in this process?

E. Why is quartz used in the process?

7. Complete the following equations. (2)

A. Mg3N2 + 6H2O →

B. 2NH3 + 3CuO →

C. 8NH3 + 3Cl2 →

D. 4NH3 + 5O2 →

8. When ammonium hydroxide is added to solution B, a pale blue

precipitate is formed. This pale blue precipitate dissolves in excess
ammonium hydroxide giving an inky blue solution. What is the cation
present in soln B? What is the probable colour of solution B. (1)
9. (5)

(i) Name the gas collected in the jar.

(ii) Give a balances equation for the above preparation.

(iii) State how the above gas is collected.

(iv) Name the drying agent used.

(v) State how you will find out that the jar is full of the pungent gas.

(c) write a balanced chemical equation- Chlorine reacts with excess of


(d) State your observation- water is added to the product formed, when Al is
burnt in a jar of nitrogen gas.

10. (3)

(a) Show by balanced equations how would you carry out the conversions A, B,
C, D and E.

(b) How can ammonia be separated from unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen.

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