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BNHA Vol. 4 Light Novel is out now, and here’s a short excerpt from Kirishima’s chapter where

he talks about Bakugou and Deku to Fat Gum and Tamaki! The context that happens before this is they

were patrolling at a festival in Osaka, and Fat Gum asked about dorm life. Enjoy~

Fat Gum exclaimed, “Man, seems like dorm life is pretty sweet! It’s almost like you’re on a field trip

each day!”

Kirishima said, “Well, if you get used to it, it’s just every day mundane stuff, but it’s fun to talk with

everyone in the dorms, right Senpai?”

Tamaki replied, “I guess you do get to know each other well…”

Fat Gum then asked, “Do you guys ever fight?”

Kirishima responded, “Ah, there was a fight recently in our class between two childhood friends…”

Fat Gum exclaimed, “Woah, even at an elite school there’s people like that?”

Kirishima looked at his surroundings and answered while Fat Gum’s eyes grew round. Tamaki then

said quietly, “Ah…” as he recalled the events and added, “Hound Dog Sensei was furious…”

In the middle of the night, Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki left their dorms to fight each other outside of

curfew. During the latter half of the semester’s opening ceremony, Hound Dog Sensei, who was in

charge of student life activities, warned everyone that doing so was forbidden.

Kirishima then said, “Well, those two never seemed to get along before anyway…Oh, by the way, their

names are Bakugou and Midoriya!”

Fat Gum asked, “Oh? Ah…you mean the kid who got first place at the Sports Festival, right? The one

who made a huge commotion? So he’s got a childhood friend?”

Tamaki said, “It’s the kid that piqued Mirio’s interest. I think Bakugou-kun was under house arrest

when Mirio went up against you guys though, right?”

Kirishima said, “That’s right! Bakugou used to be the one who would lose his temper easily, but after

that fight, I feel like he’s calmed down a bit!”

Kirishima smiled and laughed brightly, and Fat Gum looked at him and smiled back, saying “Ah,

youth! Anything from you Tamaki? During the duel at Kasenjiki, did you ever quarrel like ‘hey you do

it!’ or something like that?”

Fat Gum turned to Tamaki as he asked him while grinning, but Tamaki bunched up his shoulders and

said, “No, we have never fought before.”

Fat Gum exclaimed, “No way! Not at all? Even though you’ve been with each other since elementary


Kirishima interjected, “Ah, but I can see how they wouldn’t though. Mirio-senpai is a very upbeat


Tamaki agreed, “Yeah, Mirio is amazing.”

Kirishima then thought about Bakugou and Izuku. Ever since the start of the school until now, the two

of them never had a pleasant conversation, in fact, if they ever did speak to each other in a friendly

way, it would probably be huge news within Class A.

Kirishima thought to himself, “Well, there are different types of childhood friends after all!”

Kirishima decided to stop comparing the two. Society has a concept of what one would refer to as

compatibility. Within that, there are some people who might look like they don’t get along but actually

do. Those on the outside should not compare whether or not things between friends are good or not.

Kirishima added, “Bakugou is the type of person who explodes easily, y’know!”

Tamaki asked, “What do you mean?”

Kirishima smiled and then laughed as he said to Tamaki, “He’s just really honest towards himself!”

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