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Material Structure Levels

IMU 221  Sub atomic – electrons and nuclei (protons and

Materials Science neutrons)
Atomic – organization of atoms or molecules

 Microscopic – groups of atoms that are

normally agglomerated together
 Mesoscopic- viewable with a magnifier
 Macroscopic – viewable with the un-aided eye

Overview Atomic Structure

To build your knowledge of atoms, material structure, chemical Materials can be classified according to their
bonding, and properties of materials.
different behavior, both physical and
This knowledge leads to a better understanding of the chemical,
physical and mechanical properties of materials.

To understand why materials are different

In later sections of the course this knowledge will be valuable
in understanding the reasons for using a particular engineering from each other, we first must understand
material, and the techniques necessary to well use it. some basic chemistry about how material is
made, and how this influences its properties.

Atomic Structure Molecule: A particle formed by the chemical bonding of

two or more atoms. The molecule is the smallest
Atom: The smallest structural unit (of all solids, liquids particle of a chemical compound (matter) that
& gases) of an element that retains the chemical retains the chemical properties of the compound.
properties of the element. Atoms can exist alone or
in combinations with other atoms forming Compound: A material formed by the chemical
molecules. combination of elements in defined proportions.
Compounds can be chemically decomposed into
Element: One of less than 118 pure chemical simpler substances.
substances. An element is a substance composed of All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are
atoms with identical atomic number; and cannot be compounds.
broken down into substances of simpler composition For Ex.: Molecular hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2 are not
any further by chemical reactions. compounds, but H2O and CO2 are compounds.

Matter: is anything that has mass and occupies space.

Fundamental Units of
Modern Atomic Theory Atom

Bohr conclude his atomic theory as: Nucleus: central part of atom.

• Atoms consist of subatomic particles Proton: A sub-atomic particle with a positive charge of 1.60x10-19
• The nucleus contains protons (+ charge) and coulombs and a mass of 1.67x10-24 kg. Protons are found in the
nucleus of atoms.
neutrons (no charge).
• A cloud of electrons (- charge) orbits the nucleus. Neutron: A sub-atomic particle with no charge and a mass of
• The volume of the nucleus is extremely small 1.67x10-24 kg. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms.
compared to the volume of an atom.
• The atom is electrically neutral since the number Electron: A sub-atomic particle with a negative charge of 1.60 ×
of electrons = number of protons 10-19 coulombs and a mass of 9.11 × 10-28 kg. Electrons are
generally found in orbit around the nucleus of an atom, but may
be gained or lost during ion formation.

Modern Atomic Theory

All elements are made up of different combinations of

these subatomic particles. The number of each type of
sub-atomic particle in an atom can be determined from
the information about that particular element contained
in the Periodic Table. This is a table of all the
known elements and their basic properties,
arranged in order of atomic number.

Modern Atomic Theory
 Atoms link to form materials. When this linkage is
self-sufficient, the resultant will be a gas, a liquid or
The a solid.
arrangement of
particles in an For example;
atom. Atoms bond to form long chains→Polymers
PROTONS (+ Atoms bond in regular 3-D arrays→Metals
NEUTRONS  The bonding b/w atoms is the result of the universal
(no charge) tendency of all systems to take up their lowest
and energy state. Atoms achieve their lowest energy
ELECTRONS level by the possession of 8 electrons in their outer
(- charge). most shell (except for the first shell which is stable
only with 2e-)

The Periodic Table:
A Preview
Electrons are arranged in Energy Levels or  A “periodic table” is an
Shells around the nucleus of an atom. arrangement of elements in which
the elements are separated into
• first shell a maximum of 2 electrons
groups based on a set of repeating
• second shell a maximum of 8 electrons properties
• third shell a maximum of 8 electrons
The periodic table allows you to
easily compare the properties of
one element to another

The Periodic Table:

A Preview
 Each horizontal row (there are 7 of
them) is called a period
Each vertical column is called a
group, or family
Elements in a group have similar
chemical and physical properties
Identified with a number and
either an “A” or “B”

 Considering the periodic table, the elements having

8e- in their outermost shell are inert gases.  Valence electrons: The electrons at the outermost
 They are chemically inactive. 8e-
H He

Li Be B C N O F Ne  Atoms of the elements having 5, 6, 7 e- in their

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar outermost shell accept 3, 2, 1 electrons
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr respectively.
Rb Sr Y Zr Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba * Hf
W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn  Those having 1, 2 or 3 e- give up their outermost
Fr Ra ** Rf
Sg Ns Hs Mt
shell electrons to remain with 8 e- in their
underlaying shell.
Light Transient Metals Non Metals
Electropositivity increases Electronegativity increases
 Atoms having 4 valance electrons may behave in
* La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu either way.
** Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

Counting the Pieces Atomic Number
 Atoms are composed of identical
 Atomic Number = number of protons protons, neutrons, and electrons
 # of protons determines kind of atom.  How then are atoms of one element
 the same as the number of electrons in the different from another element?
neutral atom.  Elements are different because they
 Mass Number = the number of protons + contain different numbers of PROTONS
 The “atomic number” of an element is
the number of protons in the nucleus
# protons in an atom = # electrons

Mass Number
Atomic Number
Atomic number (Z) of an element is Mass number is the number of
the number of protons in the nucleus protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of each atom of that element. of an isotope: Mass # = p+ + n0
Element # of protons Atomic # (Z)
Nuclide p+ n0 e- Mass #
Carbon 6 6 Oxygen - 18 8 10 8 18

Phosphorus 15 15 Arsenic - 75 33 42 33 75

Gold 79 79 Phosphorus - 31 15 16 15 31

Complete Symbols Atomic Mass

 How heavy is an atom of oxygen?
Contain the symbol of the element,
  It depends, because there are different
the mass number and the atomic kinds of oxygen atoms.
number.  We are more concerned with the average
Superscript →
Mass atomic mass.
number  This is based on the abundance

Subscript →
X (percentage) of each variety of that
element in nature.
 We don’t use grams for this mass because
the numbers would be too small.

Measuring Atomic Mass HELIUM ATOM
 Instead of grams, the unit we use proton
is the Atomic Mass Unit (amu)
 It is defined as one-twelfth the
mass of a carbon-12 atom. +
- N

 Carbon-12 chosen because of its isotope purity.

 Eachisotope has its own atomic neutron
mass, thus we determine the
What do these particles consist of?
average from percent abundance.

ATOMIC STRUCTURE Properties of Metal and Non-Metals

Atomic number
the number of protons in an atom What distinguishes metallic from non-
metallic elements is the number of electrons
they have in the outermost shell of their
atoms. We call these valence electrons.
4 Atomic mass
the number of protons and
neutrons in an atom
An element will behave as a metal if it
number of electrons = number of protons
easily loses, or donates, one or more
electrons when forming chemical bonds.

Properties of Metal and Non-Metals

Non-Metals are elements that have outer electron

shells that are close to being full. They readily
accept electrons during chemical bonding.

1. The Atomic Number of an atom = number of
protons in the nucleus.

2. The Atomic Mass of an atom = number of

Protons + Neutrons in the nucleus.

3. The number of Protons = Number of Electrons.

4. Electrons orbit the nucleus in shells.

5. Each shell can only carry a set number of electrons.

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