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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

NOTE: A times B is represented by A×B or A*B. A raised to the power n

is expressed as A^n. All problems are 1 point each.

1. An earthen embankment under construction has a total unit weight

of 99.9 pcf and a moisture content of 10%. Compute the quantity of
water required to be added per 100 cubic foot of earth to raise
its moisture content to 14% at the same void ratio.
A. 5.74 cu.ft C. 5.28 cu.ft
B. 5.47 cu.ft D. 5.82 cu.ft

2. A sand mass with a void ratio of e = 0.70 and Gs = 2.66 is given.

Determine the safe hydraulic gradient for the given flow system
with a factor of safety FS = 3.
A. 0.515 C. 0.325
B. 0.465 D. 0.285

3. An undisturbed soil has moisture content of 54.2% and liquid limit

of 56%. Determine the compression index of the soil.
A. 0.165 C. 0.414
B. 0.231 D. 0.567

4. The results were recorded in a shrinkage limit test using mercury:

Mass of container = 17.5 grams
Mass of wet soil and container = 78.1 grams
Mass of dish = 130.0 grams
Mass of dish and displaced mercury = 462.0 grams
Mass of dry soil and container = 64.4 grams
Determine the shrinkage limit.
A. 12.1 C. 7.6
B. 8.9 D. 13.4

Situation 1. Two footings rest in a layer of sand 2.7 m thick. The bottom
of the footings are 0.90 m below the ground surface. Beneath the
sand layer is a 1.8 – m thick clay layer. Underneath the clay layer
is solid rock. Water table is at a depth of 1.8 m below the ground
surface. See figure below.

5. Compute the stress increase in kPa below the footing A (1.5 m x 1.5 m)
at the center of the clay layer. Assume that the pressure beneath the
footing A is spread at an angle of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal.
A. 20.15 C. 22.50
B. 30.75 D. 25.51
6. Determine the size of footing B so that the settlement in the clay layer
is the same beneath footings A and B.
A. 2.85 m x 2.85 m C. 1.80 m x 1.80 m
B. 3.24 m x 3.24 m D. 3.68 m x 3.68 m

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7. Determine the settlement in mm beneath footing A.
A. 34.70 C. 58.10
B. 30.85 D. 46.65

Situation 2. A retaining wall 7 m high supports a cohesionless soil

having a dry density of 1600 kg/m^3, the angle of shearing
resistance is 33° and void ratio of 0.68. The surface of the soil
is horizontal and level with the top of the wall. Neglect wall
friction and use Rankine’s formula for active pressure of a
cohesionless soil.

8. Determine the nearest value of the total earth thrust on the wall in kN
per lineal meter if the soil is dry.
A. 113.4 C. 125.7
B. 154.2 D. 138.4
9. Determine the nearest value to the thrust on the wall in kN per lineal
meter if owing to inadequate drainage, it is water logged to a level 3 m
below the surface.
A. 214 C. 312
B. 178 D. 236
10. Determine the settlement in mm beneath footing A.
A. 1.58 m C. 1.97 m
B. 1.75 m D. 2.54 m

Situation 3. An earth dam requires one hundred cubic meter of soil

compacted with unit weight of 20.5 kN/m^3 and moisture content of
8%, choose from two from the three borrow pits given in the table
below, the specific gravity of solids particles is 2.7.

Borrow Pit Void Ratio Cost(Php/m3) Available Volume (m3)

A 0.60 500 80
B 1.00 750 100
C 0.75 850 100

11. What is the dry unit weight of the required soil(in kN/m3)?
A. 18.98 C. 17.42
B. 19.52 D. 20.50
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12. What is the total cost of soil from the borrow pits?
A. 63,925 C. 72,223
B. 82,583 D. 92,618

Situation 4. An experimental set up in the laboratory is shown. Two 50

mm diameter soil samples A and B are placed under constant head.
(All dimensions are in mm). The permeability of sample A is twice
that of sample B.

13. Assuming the tail water level as the datum, what is the total head at the
interface between the soil samples?
A. 93.0 mm C. 86.5 mm
B. 62.5 mm D. 53.0 mm
14. If 200 ml of water flows through the sample in 5 minutes, determine the
permeability of sample A.
A. 0.038 cm/s C. 0.076 cm/s
B. 0.043 cm/s D. 0.086 cm/s
15. From the previous problem, what is the permeability of sample B?
A. 0.076 cm/s C. 0.086 cm/s
B. 0.038 cm/s D. 0.043 cm/s

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