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Communication means the exchange of information from one place to another, this is what
People do to convey their feelings, their thoughts, ideas and feelings to each other. Communication has
been going on since the beginning of humanity. Most People communicate through the spoken word or
in their actions and postures (Nonverbal communication).

Later, written communication developed. People wrote letters to each other and later invented
newspapers and books. Although so much information is still oral, a large amount of information is
exchanged through the written word. Human communication is faced with two barriers all the time;
language barriers and distance barriers.

When people from different tribes, races, and nations come together, they often find that they
do not speak the same language. This language barrier continues today. But it can be overcome as
people learn new languages every day. Long distance communication is also a big barrier, most
communication, in the beginning, is limited to face to face conversation.

Statement of problem
Although electronic communication offers a wide range of advantages, it has no disadvantages.
Some of its disadvantages are as follows-
Loss of information: The big challenge of this communication is that information can be lost at
any time due to virus, hacking, machinery damage and so on.
Loss of confidentiality: In this communication, it is very difficult to keep information
confidential. Anyone can copy information from electronic media and use it for their own
Dependency on technology: Electronic communication is dependent on electronic devices. Such
dependency can negatively affect people’s productivity. Due to the deterioration of technology,
the day-to-day operations of a business may come to a halt. For example, one cannot operate
the computer in the absence of a power supply; or someone communicating via video
conferencing or e-mail, may remain idle due to a problem with satellite or internet connection.
Lack of legal validity: Information transmitted through electronic media has little or no value in
the eyes of the law. Because such information cannot be made as a document in time of need.
Heavy investment requirements: Heavy investments are required for the installation of
electronic communication equipment. So not all organizations can afford to buy modern
electronic communication equipment.
Technology is obsolete: Technology is doing creative damage. That is, new technology brings
new ways of developments and at the same time makes existing technology obsolete
overnight. Therefore, electronic communication equipment needs to be replaced at a regular
interval. Despite the existence of the aforementioned limitations of electronic communication,
we cannot deny its usefulness in business, social life and even in personal life.
Objective of the study
With reference to above relevant information the main objective is to study the induction of IT tools in
urban cooperative bank in light of software engineering concept. With the help of this initial information
the followings are some of the objective of the study –

To study the Information Technology in view of research study

To study the use of Information technological means in the system

To study the feedback of the past transaction system

To study the existing transaction system

To study the all dependent parameters

To study the work culture of customer, employee and management

To study the feedback of the existing transaction system

To study the service provided by the system in view of customer relation

To study the view of management, employee and customers review

To study the Software Engineering in view of research work

To study the feedback of implemented technology

To study on collected data and information by applying various methods

Significant of the Study

Scope of the Study

Electronics are now part of our daily lives, from mobile phones to televisions, computers and even to
high-end advanced satellites that help us live well. From the evolution of technology, Electronics and
Communications have become an important discipline required by all industries. Therefore, Electronics
and Communication engineering is one of the most sought after branches of the students. Electronics
and Communication Engineering has also penetrated other areas such as healthcare, instrumentation,
automation, remote sensing, signal processing etc. So students pursuing electronics and communication
engineering have a lot of scope in different industries. Considering the scope of education and career
options, here are the popular areas of study in the field of Electronics and Communications.

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