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In a highly collectivist culture, performance appraisals should be focused on

a. competitive analysis with coworkers.

b. individual effort and results.

c. group performance and feedback.

d. accurate collection of information.

e. 360-degree feedback
The choice of which behaviors to reward is a function of the __________ system.
a. performance measurement

b. managerial

c. compensation

d. total quality management

e. performance management
Norms are
a. a tendency toward a particular set of behaviors.

b. two or more people interacting with and influencing each other.

c. a set of expected behaviors associated with a position.

d. the sum of the activities of individuals.

e. a standard against which the appropriateness of a behavior is judged.

Organizations may benefit from allowing employee participation in
a. work schedules.

b. All of these are correct.

c. product quality.

d. what material to use.

e. what tools to use.

Aria has been performing successfully at work for several months. Aria believes that she will get a pay
raise if she maintains this high level of performance. This is an example of the __________ expectancy.
a. performance-to-benefit

b. effort-to-performance

c. effort-to-outcome

d. performance-to-outcome

e. performance-to-valence
Reducing the work hours of low performing employees is an example of
a. negative reinforcement.

b. punishment.

c. extinction.

d. positive reinforcement.

e. classical conditioning.
Which of the following statements describes performance measurement that has a developmental
a. Developmental performance measurement focuses on an employee’s growth since the last
b. Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation provide information for future performance


c. A developmental orientation entails a focus on past performance.

d. A developmental orientation helps managers punish undesirable behaviors and demote low-performing


e. Developmental performance appraisals are used to determine wages and pay raises.
Which of the following statements explains why 360-degree feedback is highly beneficial to managers?
a. This type of feedback is performed more frequently than traditional methods of feedback.

b. It gives managers a much wider range of feedback than traditional performance appraisals do.

c. The feedback focuses on objective performance criteria.

d. It helps managers to be more aware of their employees’ day-to-day performance.

e. This form of feedback is the easiest to administer and is the most cost-efficient form of appraisal.

A successful MBO program starts with top managers establishing which of the following?
a. Very easy goals
b. None of these are correct.
c. Specific employee goals
d. Very difficult goals
e. Overall organizational goals
People with a high need for power can be successful managers if they
a. curb desires that interfere with organizational relationships.
b. seek power to increase their standing in the organization.
c. lessen alienation with other employees.

d. have a high need for affiliation.

e. strive to get along with others.

Sara tries to always be on time for work because she once saw her supervisor give someone an award for
good attendance. Sara is exhibiting learning through
a. punishment.

b. positive reinforcement.

c. avoidance.

d. a stimulus-response mechanism.

e. extinction.

__________ refers to the inability of human beings to process an unlimited amount of

information, causing most decisions to be made in a partially irrational manner.
a. Bounded rationality

b. Post-decision dissonance

c. Suboptimizing

d. Satisficing

e. Groupthink block
__________ cohesive groups will not necessarily be more productive in an organizational sense than
groups with low cohesiveness.
a. Highly
b. Moderately
c. Strictly
d. Somewhat
e. Newly
Which of the following is a purpose of an organizational reward system?
a. Retain qualified employees
b. Attract qualified employees
c. Satisfy employee needs
d. All of these are correct.
Motivate qualified employees
What is the primary use of performance appraisal information?
a. To allocate organizational rewards
b. To develop training and development programs

c. To provide job performance feedback

d. To provide human resource planning information

e. To provide support for human resource decision making

According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the second step of the
decision-making process?
a. Identify the problem

b. Evaluate alternatives

c. State the situational goal

d. Determine the decision type

e. Generate alternatives
A team is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
a. it is an interdependent group.
b. members share a common goal.
c. it consists of two or more people.
d. members share accountability for their own individual outcomes.
e. members do not share accountability for the team outcomes.
The primary job of __________ is to create new products, processes, or businesses.
a. problem-solving teams

b. interdisciplinary teams

c. quality circles

d. work teams

e. venture teams
Which of the following is an alternative work arrangement in which an employee is
given more control over the times worked on a typical workday?
a. Variable work schedules

b. Job sharing

c. Flextime

d. Telecommuting

e. Compressed work week

What is the best reason to create teams in an organization?
a. The competition is also implementing teams.

b. Teams are increasing in popularity.

c. They can increase productivity almost immediately.

d. Teams are always well received by employees.

e. Teams make sense for that organization
A __________ is an informal alliance of individuals or groups formed to achieve a common goal.
a. collective
b. workshop
c. group

d. coalition

e. team
According to the human relations approach to motivation, offering employees __________ is the best
way to enhance motivation in the workplace.
a. opportunities for advancement

b. self-direction

c. longer vacations

d. the illusion of self-direction

e. increased compensation
Job design can be used as a technique to increase employee
a. motivation.
b. appraisals.
c. feedback.
d. job difficulty.
e. job integration
Participation occurs when employees
a. become fully vested in a benefits program.

b. have a voice in decisions about their own work.

c. work closely with a mentor or supervisor.

d. join a labor union or other employee association.

e. work together in teams.

According to Maslow, if a previously satisfied lower-level need becomes deficient,

a. the individual returns to the level just below the deficient level.

b. the individual becomes demotivated.

c. the individual advances a level.

d. the individual begins again at the bottom of the hierarchy.

e. the individual returns to the lowest level that is now deficient.

Which of the following statements describes variable work schedules?
a. Employees can learn new skills as a result of variable work schedules.
b. Employees have a say in critical decisions in the organization when they have variable work
c. Employees grow resentful and powerless as a result of variable work schedules.
d. Employees can organize their work behaviors when they have variable work schedules.
e. Employees recognize the value of motivation when they have variable work schedules.

Which of the following terms refers to the tendency of people to make more extreme decisions in a group
than when alone?
a. Escalation of commitment

b. Brainstorming

c. Groupthink

d. Risk propensity

e. Group polarization
Which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment?
a. Job enrichment has been proven to increase satisfaction but at the cost of lower performance.
b. Job enrichment has recently fallen into disfavor among managers.

c. Job enrichment continues to be a highly successful job design.

d. Nearly all Fortune 500 companies use some form of job enrichment program.

e. Job enrichment has been proven to increase performance but at the cost of lower satisfaction.
It can be difficult to develop a sense of community with a team that never actually meets together in the
same room, which is called a
a. quality circle.

b. virtual team.

c. product development team.

d. management team.

e. cross-functional team.

For various reasons, Anne is unable to move ahead into a higher position at work. According to ERG
theory, which of the following sets of needs will become more important to Anne?
a. Security

b. Belongingness

c. Relatedness

d. Growth

e. Existence
According to Herzberg’s two-factor, dual-structure theory, motivation factors are often cited as the
primary causes of
a. job enrichment and motivation.

b. higher performance and pay.

c. satisfaction and motivation.

d. dissatisfaction and lack of motivation.

e. loyalty and commitment.

Telecommuting is an example of an organization using
a. alternative employees.
b. alternative workplaces.
c. part-time employees.
d. seasonal employees.
e. full-time employees

A team that is comprised of members from different departments or functional areas is

a. a cross-functional team.
b. an interdisciplinary team.
c. a problem-solving team.
d. a quality circle.
e. a virtual group.
When groupthink occurs, silence is viewed as agreement. This most directly contributes to the
a. shared illusion of unanimity.

b. collective efforts to rationalize or dismiss warnings.

c. unquestioned belief in the group’s inherent morality.

d. stereotyped views of “enemy” leaders.
e. shared illusion of invulnerability.
One important method for enhancing creativity is to make it a part of the organization’s
a. culture.

b. strategic plans.

c. standard operating procedures.

d. None of these are correct.

e. decision-making processes.
The most difficult performance factor to manage is
a. equilibrium.

b. environment.

c. motivation.

d. activity.

e. mastery.
The benefits of job sharing include all of the following EXCEPT
a. a way to entice more workers to the organization.

b. the organization can tap into a wider array of skills.

c. additional cost benefits to the organization.

d. the organization is demonstrating it is concerned about worker safety.
e. the organization does not have to offer benefits to employees.
The following statements are key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in
the job characteristics theory EXCEPT
a. high profits for stockholders.

b. high-quality work performance.

c. high internal work motivation.

d. high satisfaction with work.

e. low absenteeism and turnover.

Removal of current or future unpleasant consequences to increase the likelihood that someone will repeat
a behavior is called
a. positive reinforcement.

b. extinction.

c. punishment.

d. classical conditioning.

e. negative reinforcement.
The rational decision-making approach assumes decision makers
a. All of these are correct.

b. have complete information.

c. are objective.

d. are systematic in their approach to decisions.

e. work in an organization that encourages logical choices.

Receiving a $10 bonus for every fifth sale is an example of which schedule of reinforcement?
a. Continuous

b. Fixed-ratio

c. Fixed-interval
d. Variable-interval
Which of the following is true about intuition?
a. It is largely arbitrary.

b. It’s not based on rationality.

c. It’s similar to guessing.
d. All of these are correct.

e. It evolves over time.

Nonprogrammed decisions require managers to use __________ rather than decision rules.
a. strategic thinking
b. creativity
c. ambiguity
d. relaxed rules
e. strict rules
Shortly after implementation, team performance often __________ before returning to
previous levels.
a. fluctuates unpredictably

b. increases slightly

c. ceases completely
d. dramatically increases

e. declines
__________ is a reward system commonly found in team environments, where recipients are required to
acquire a set of core abilities.
a. Commission-based pay

b. Skill-based pay

c. Annual profit sharing

d. Stock options

e. Seniority-based pay

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