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Graduation day is always a day of rejoicing for it marks the conclusion of an

educational journey and the commencement of another more uncertain and more
difficult part of man’s quest for a better life and future. Truly, today signifies the
culmination of many years of hard work in the relentless pursuit of knowledge:
knowledge that will enable a person to embrace opportunities and take on
challenges with clear vision and purpose.
Good morning and welcome to the 1st virtual Commencement Exercises of
___________ with the theme: strengthening the quality of education amid
covid-19 pandemic.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Processional.
May I request the audience to join us in the singing of the National Anthem, to be
followed by the singing of the _____ hymn, and the School hymn, and then a
prayer to be led by _______with honors.

At this juncture, let us all welcome _________ with honors for her welcome
address. Let us all give her a virtual clap.
Now, let us listen to our very own Deped Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones for
her message and to our Regional Director _____________ and our Schools
Division Superintendent _____________ for their greetings.

And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come.
May we call on __________ for the presentation of Candidates for graduation to be
followed by the certification by ____________ Public School District Supervisor
and the acceptance and confirmation to be done by the School Division
Superintendent _________________.

To express the message of batch 2021, may I call on the academic excellence
awardee _____________ with honors.
May we now have ______________ senior High School Teacher 2 for the
introduction of the commencement speaker.

Dear graduates the moment you have been waiting for has finally come. The fruit
of hard work and discipline will finally be reaped. You will now be receiving the
symbol of your accomplishments, your diploma.
Starting off with the graduates of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Track Agri-
Fishery arts strand.
Ladies and gentlemen the graduates from the Technical Vocational and Livelihood
Track home economics strands.
Ladies and gentlemen the graduates from the academic track humanities and social
sciences strand.
And now let us all welcome the graduates in their pledge of loyalty to be led by
_____________ with honors.

Music is the expression of the soul. It moves emotions with the movement of time.
Through a song that emphasizes the strength amidst challenges, let us hear the
graduates sing “This World is Yours.”
This commencement exercises has truly been noteworthy for everyone here.
Graduation is indeed a time of completion, of finishing of an ending, however, it is
also a time of celebration of achievement and most importantly a beginning for the
new graduates.
Congratulations Graduates!
Ladies and gentlemen, the recessional.

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