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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

18125 City College Norwich

Candidate number: 4975

Candidate name: Dulcie Dockery

Brief chosen:

Brief 3 – Magazines and Online

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and
meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1
The magazine that I will be creating is a real-life story magazine. So, this is quite a vast range of content available,
as there are many types of real-life magazines. In mine I am going to include stories from my target audience 16-25,
because this will attract my audience, as they may be able to relate. I also want to include celebrity gossip, current
events, politics, fashion, and music. I want to include these topics because these are things that this age group are
interested in and would actually want to read about. The representation I intend to construct in edition 1 is
sexuality. Because this is quite hard to represent through image alone, I can construct this through props, costume
and colour etc. For this I am going to include a woman in a suit, with dark makeup, chunky
jewellery, and slick back hair to show connotations of gay sexuality in women. A woman in a suit, has connotations
of gay sexuality, even though it is quite stereotypical, but that’s how I thought I could construct this representation.
I am going to have her stand in a powerful pose, to represent her as a powerful woman, and independent. I will do
this my having her stand over the camera or make her appear taller with a low shot.
To create brand identity with my products, I am going to use the same font/typography for both editions, so that
both the products have brand identity. To attract my target audience, I am going to use bright colours, like yellows,
purples, pinks, greens, and blues. I am going to do this because I think it creates an instant attraction to the
product, and will draw my audience in straight away, then giving them a chance to read further into the magazine. I
also think this creates a visually pleasing and aesthetic look, and by using this range of colours, it appeals to all
genders. For the contents page I want to use the same colour scheme as their front cover edition for brand
identity, so that they link together.
I am going to include links to competitions and prizes for the readers to enter and win. This will include maybe if
they subscribe to the magazine, they get a free gift with the next edition. Also, competitions to write in the best
real-life story, and the winner gets a prize, or a feature in the magazine. I am going to add social media links
throughout my magazine, I think this is important for advertising, and means it would reach to a larger audience. I
will add social media icons/links on the contents page, with the names below and a link to the website. With
industry, Bauer has a range of different magazines, and don’t really stick to one genre, so I don’t have to stick to a
specific style.
CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Other ways that I can target my audience is through typography, I plan on using sans serif fonts as they give more
of a modern feel and will be more attractive to my target audience. I also want to have a section where people can
write in their own stories, to include in the next editions.
For the second edition I will use bright colours again, so there is brand identity, but maybe some use of different
colours, so that it still looks different from the first edition. I also want to use layout with a main image, and lots of
typography around it, like edition 1. For this edition I will represent gender, by doing a cover with more
stereotypical representation of women. So, I will have the model dressed in more ‘typical’ women’s clothes, like
dresses, skirts, and more girlie makeup, with pinks and warm tone colours. I will also use warm toned lighting, like
yellow or orange, to create a softer feel to the images. For this edition, in the cover lines I want to stress ‘girl
power’ and experiences that women go through like sexual harassment. I think this theme will also attract my
target audience and make them interested in my product. With this edition, to keep the brand identity I will use the
same fonts and typography and keep a similar layout to the first edition.
For my second contents page, I will keep mostly the same layout and design, but obviously I will change the images,
change the colours, and use different cover-lines and headings. On the contents page, I will add the competitions
and prizes here, and also, I will put another link to social media here. On the contents page I will also add a link to
the website, so there is cross media production.

Product 2

With my website, for synergy, and to keep the brand identity, I will keep the bright colour scheme, so the website
will be recognisable as the same brand. I will have the magazine name at the top of the website, in a big bold font,
to keep the brand identity. At the side I will also link social media, to then further my audience, and to have cross-
media production. For my linked pages, I want to have one ‘about us’ section, with a section about our magazine,
and links to read my two magazine editions. Also, I want to have another linked page of a gallery of different
pictures from the photo shoots, and pictures of the front covers. I also plan to have another linked page ‘contact’
which, when you click it will scroll down to the bottom of the page to the contact information.
On the homepage, I will have the recent cover, and other images of one of my models. Here I will also have a link
where the audience can write in their own stories for next editions, and enter competitions etc. Also, on the
homepage I want to add a merch section as I think it’s a good way to get audience interaction, and what you
typically see on magazine websites. On the homepage I am also going to include an audio interview with the model
from the first edition, where she will be asked questions and talk about themes discussed in the magazine to
further keep the brand identity. With this interview I will also include more images of her next to it.

How do you intend to link your media product to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the
digitally convergent nature of your media production?

To link my print magazine and my website, I will have a link on the contents page to the website to readers can find
it, making sure it’s easy to see, and has a bold font so readers will notice it. Also, I said, I will have links to social
media platforms on both products. For this I will have little logos, and on the magazine, I will include the handle
names of the different platforms. I am so adamant about linking it to social media as my target audience are a huge
consumer of it, and it will mean that my product is more likely to have a more global reach. To keep the link
between the two, I will keep the same layout and fonts, plus bright colour schemes in both so that it is recognisable
with the brand.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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