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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

18125 City College Norwich

Candidate number: 2395

Candidate name: Jamie Luke Reeder

Brief chosen: Magazines and Online

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and
meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1

I have chosen to do a real-life story magazine as the target audience of 16–25-year olds are consumers of
real-life stories and digital technology, which means I feel that this type of magazine would beneficial,
suitable and appealing towards them. On the first edition of the front cover, I intend to construct
representations by having a main image of a person with big and bright text around it to push the main story
towards the consumer. The main image will have some sort of emotion on their face to interact and get a
reaction off the consumer. Using images will visually please and attract all people of this demographic are
most likely to interact with it. The masthead will be in a dark black, and bold text with the background being a
bright beige to make the masthead catch the eye of the consumer. The lighting will be shining on the main
image to gain the attention of the consumer towards the main and top stories. The content sell-lines consist
of multiple real-life stories relating to the type of magazine it will be, also they will be ranging from sport to
celebrities’ stories which pushes the type of content that would engage the readers. These will be stories
placed in different spaces on the page consisting of different stories. The layout and design consist of the
masthead in a dark black colour in order to stand out from the background. The coverlines will be in sans
serif font in order to catch the eye of the reader. There will be a ‘chance to win’ on the front cover of the
magazine as another way to connect and interact with the consumer. There will also be exclusive interviews
with celebrities or people who these stories have happened to which will entice the consumer as being one of
the few people to get it, this again will strengthen the brand-consumer connection. This type of content
enables the consumers to have their own opinions and views without any sort of bias.

For my contents page I want to show the brand identity, therefore I am planning to use the same colour
schemes across both pages as I want the audience to see the connection between them. I also want to have
my main image relating to a real-life story or a celebrity who has had a story about them recently for the
magazine as the target audience are very interested in it. The content will include a small masthead
consisting of the brand name at the top of the page with front cover lines and going into more depth about
their stories on the contents. I will advertise the social media for the magazine within the contents page which
gives the consumer another way to interact with these news stories that they are interested in. This will be
done by putting but an interactive banner across the bottom of the page with visual images of the social
media logos and usernames for the magazine’s website, which is the Bauer media logo.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
I also want to a certain type of typography that would appeal to my demographic but also look sophisticated
and simplistic.

By using classic serif fonts (for example Parkinson Roman which is most likely what I am going to use) for
the main cover lines, this is because it can target 16–25-year old’s I will also mix this with different fonts like
sans-serif to make it more appealing towards the eye and, make it more modern to look relevant. For my
second edition, I will construct representations by having a person’s facial expressions of either shocked,
worried, or surprised. This is because it will show the persons worries in order to engage the consumer in the
real-life stories which links to the brief which should target 16-25-year-olds with real-life stories. In this
addition I will target the audience through layout and will use co-ordination of colour through the background
of the masthead and the background of the page, this will allow the big and bold masthead to stand out. I will
use a variety of typography which allows me to chop and change depending on when sophisticated font is
needed. I am planning to represent two social groups which consist of age and social class as I think it will be
relatable towards them. The name of the magazine is ‘Vision’ because I feel as it gives the readers a clear
insight into what is within the magazine.

Product 2
On my website I intend to construct representations by keeping the colour palette similar on the website to
give my brand an identity. I will put the navigation bar at the top middle of page because the main masthead
will be on the top left, and the Bauer media logo will be in the top right, this keeps the generic link between
the magazine and the online website, which makes the website recognisable for the audience. I intent to do
an audio-visual element on my website which will allow the audience to interact with the website, grips the
audience and allow them to get stuck in with the website and engage quickly. The menu bar will include
different pages which relate to other hot topic real life stories, in which one of them that is a working linking
link between the home page and another page.

In both editions of my magazine, I have created a story in order to engage the consumer. This will be on a
separate linked page on the website as I want this to be surrounded by other stories in order to allow the
consumer to have the choice and an opinion what stories interests them, but they’re all linking to the brief of
real-life stories. This will include two images which feature in the main stories on that page. This introduces
the audience to the page and who they are. The target audience of 16-25-year-olds are very high consumers
of social media suggesting that having my magazine on a website basis allows the audience to consumer
different stories in different ways. One of which is open to them all the time which is easier to consume on
the go. In order to sustain the brand identity, I will use the same typography to show the clear link between
the magazine and the website which will look visually pleasing for the consumer. To entice the readers, I will
have images of the front covers of the magazines which will direct them to buy print copies. Also, I will have a
section at the top of the page that introduces the new amazing so that is the first thing the readers should
read. I will also put the Bauer media logo on the website in order to reinsure the reader knows where the
magazine has been produced by.

How do you intend to link your media product to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the
digitally convergent nature of your media production?

I intend to link the print the magazine to the website by having a banner across the bottom of the contents
page which will include the website name in bold writing which will draw the audience attention towards it. I
will also put all social media account logos, so the readers are able to follow them on all platforms. My target
audience are high consumers of the internet which will be a good way to have more than just a UK audience
and have a global reach of my magazines. In some stories of my contents page, I will include short and
sweet slogans, for example, ‘read more’ or ‘check this out’ to place the idea into the consumers head about
the website as the read on. This will be the same for both editions as it then becomes part of the whole brand
identity within the magazine as audiences should expect it every edition. I will direct my website audience to
the print magazine by putting two images of the front cover editions onto my website. I want to do this, so I
am advertising my print versions to the audience which allows a more globalised reach for my brand identity
as well as the website.
CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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