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[Test launch findings]


Milestone: Sign contract with tablet vendor

Milestone: Complete tablet installation
Milestone: Complete Stuf training
Milestone: first internal test run of the tablet's ordering capabilities
Milestone: Create quality standards and evaluation criteria
Milestone:Design and conduct customer survey to measure the customer satisfaction
Milestone:Analyze and present the survey results

In order to ensure faster, more efficient experience has been achieved we had to set some evaluation
indicators such as (a good average is eight minutes for appetizers and 12-15 minutes for entrees/
checkout time of one minute or less/less than 5% of customers who use the tablets to report technical
issues each week./98% order accuracy/achieve average wait time of 10 minutes)

Did the kitchen prepare your order correctly?

Next Steps

Based on the survey results My first recommendation would be adding an option that allow the guest to ask for
a waiter if he doesn't feel comfortable using the tablet alone.
Next Steps

The next step would be ask the vendor to the option of call a waiter to the tablet system.

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