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Brand Messaging

Target consumer be multi cultural & LGBTQ and multi ethinic

Tech Ideas:
1. Swedish beauty and personal care device brand Foreo. The device integrates
machine learning and sensors to monitor skin hydration levels,
and leverages the data to customize users’ cleansing routines over time.
US based skincare company, Atolla uses Environmental factors, lifestyle, mood,
stress, pH, oil measurements, hydration levels
and the Fitzpatrick index (measuring how easily one’s skin burns) are closely
examined to determine and create consumers’ most ideal facial serum

2. Henkel Beauty Care’s Choicify is a mobile colour consultation app launched in

Germany that helps customers choose the right hair colour by scanning
a QR code or using a NFC chip.Clearly explaining and highlighting product
benefits and end results will help people understand which products work best
for their hair, providing a more targeted solution to save time and money

1. Brand Messaging
2. Targetting multi-cultural & multi-ethnical consumers

Green Beauty:
Green is a 3-fold term:
a. Cruelty Free
b. Sustainable
c. Natural Ingredients
Our competition today is the Major YOUTH accrediated brands which serve atleast 1/2
of the Green beauty objectives. These brands include SUGAR cosmetics, Mamaearth,
and ilks.
However, in the Indian market, we can take analogy from the business strategy of
Maruti Nexa; a pioneer name in the industry - Maruti, shifted focus to Youth by
Individual branding
of NEXA, exclusive of its other portfolio to ensure it retains existing and gains
new YOUTH customers; to guard self against the dying brand image of a brand for
A new product line, all branded with our existing marketing capabilities, however
launched as an INDIVIDUAL brand, the GREEN BEAUTY by L'Oreal!

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