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The Girl in the White Van

ALEXIS HAKES AUG 23, 2021 10:37AM

The first conflict is when Sir kidnaps Savannah from the Kung Fu
parking lot. After she fights back against Sir she eventually is
knocked out. When she wakes up the first time she jumps out of
the Van and hits her head, brakes her arm, and scrapes up her
body. At this point she can move and has the wind knocked out of
her. As Sir stops the car and walks up to her she passes out. When
she wakes up she meets Jenny and she convinces her to help each
other escape.

The second conflict is Sir's dog Rex. When Jenny first came to the
trailer she tried to escape and got attacked by Rex and becomes
terrified of him. When the girls make their escape plan together
Jenny hesitates because of Rex. The girls realized that Sir gives Rex
commands in a different language like German so the girls use the
radio and microphone and record Sirs commands for when they

The third conflict is the girls' escape. Once Sir realized that the
girls are escaping he drives in to the gate that Savannah was still
on. Sir then tries to wound and strangle the girls. As Jenny is being
choked Savannah was able to hit Sir with an old rusty axle and
knocks him out at the girls escape.

At the start of the book, it introduces Savannah and her home
situation. They always move in with Savannah's mother's new
boyfriend and jumps from boyfriend to boyfriend if things start
going south in the relationship. Savannah didn't get along well with
her moms new boyfriend and he would always say how going to
The Girl in the White Van her kung fu classes that she herself paid for were stupid and
anyone that wanted to attack her would over power her right away
By: April Henry 

anyway. After Savannah had a fight with her mom's boyfriend he

took her phone and she left for her kung fu class. At the class it
takes you through her class and shows that a boy she likes also
likes her. When class was over Savannah and the boy were asked
to stay and clean and lock up when they're done. While cleaning him between the legs and he drops down. As Savannah locates a
the boy asks if she wanted to go to a school dance with him but rusty axle Sir is choking Jenny and Savannah hits him. As Sir falls
she declines cause she doesn't want to get attached to people and Jenny starts to pass out from blood loss. Savannah get Jenny
when she'd end up moving anyway. After he beats him self up to the van and drives out of the Junk yard and escapes.

about it he questions why she was crying when she came to the
dojo. She doesn't go into detail but tells him that she got in a fight
with her step dad. As they get done cleaning and lock up the boy
asks if he can walk her home but she declines and lies that her
mom is waiting in a car just up the ally in the parking lot. The boy
watches till she rounds the corner and then goes home. After
Savannah gets around the corner she gets attacked by a man and
fights back against him and he ends up hitting her on the head.
When she wakes up she's confused and first and then remembers
what happened to her. Savannah slowly opens her eyes to make
sure her kidnapper isn't watching her and then she slowly makes
her way to the door and opens it and falls out. When she fell she
used her arm to brake her fall and she ended up braking her arm
and flipping landing on her back and nocked the air out of her. The
kidnapper stopped and as he gets closer to her she passes out.
When she wakes up she meets Jenny who was taken 10 months
before her and she tells her she's in a RV surrounded by a wall of
cars in a junk yard . As the girls talk and get to know each other
they make their escape plan. The girls record their captor Sir's
commands to the guard dog Rex. On the first escape attempt the
girls lay in to the horn in the drivers section of the RV. When Sir
comes out to yell at them, Sir gives Rex commands in a foreign
language and the girls recorded it with the radio and microphone
Main Characters
that Jenny used while she was alone. after they recorded the audio Savannah

the girls tried swinging a sock with cans of food inside at Sir and Savannah is a 16 year old girl that lives with her mother and her
he manages to dodge it and gets out of the RV and the next day mothers new boyfriend. Savannah and her mom are never in one
cuts the girls' water line to the RV. Then that night the girls notice place very long and move to where ever the moms new boyfriend
that in the bathroom where the vent is has leaked enough to rot is. At the most recent location Savannah joins Kung Fu to learn
out the floor. Savannah digs through the floor where they are able how to protect herself before being taken

to get in the compartment under the floor to escape. Before Jenny

leaving the girls layer up with cloths and Jenny gets Savannah's Jenny is a year old girl who has a stable family with her parents
Bruce lee book to protect her neck. Once the girls get out and just and younger brother. Jenny worked and a tanning salon before
passed the wall of cars Rex comes out at them. They end up a bit being taken. Both Jenny and Savannah have long brown hair with
separated and when Savannah plays the audio of the commands blue eyes.
Rex stops and goes after Jenny. Rex lunges for her neck and starts
biting at the book. As Jenny is being attacked she gets bit in the leg
she passes out. When Savannah finally gets him off her he starts
attacking. Savannah manages to lure him into an old car and traps
Rex. As Savannah gets to Jenny she wakes up and Savannah ties a
piece of cloth around her leg. Then both girls make their way to a
locked gate that has barbed wire on the top they use a cars old
floor mat to put over the barbed wire but Jenny struggles to get up
from the loss of blood. As Jenny is almost up Sir starts up the van
and drives full speed into the gate. Savannah gets to jump and just
before she jumps Sir hits the gate and barely misses Savannah's
foot. When the gates swing open it throws Savannah to the
ground. Sir goes straight for her and starts dragging her back into
the junk yard as she tries to kick herself free. Sir ends up pining
her down and swings a knife at her and she blocks it with her
makeshift splint on her arm and the knife gets stuck in the
magazine that is wrapped around her arm. Savannah manages to
to throw the knife and Jenny comes up and swings something at
Sir and he shifts his attention to her. Savannah manages to him
After Savannah is Kidnapped she spends a majority of the book I'd give this book a five star rating. "The Girl in the White Van" kept
trapped in and old trailer home in a junk yard. All the windows are me interested throughout the whole book and always made me
plastic and unbreakable with anything in the trailer and they are want to come back to it. I would recommend it to anyone who
covered with a black tarp to keep anyone from looking in. There is likes mystery and suspense books. This book made me want to
a drivers section, a living room where all the furniture is bolted read more from this author and I thoroughly enjoy her books.
down, a bathroom with a leaking skylight/ air vent, and Jennys bed
room. This setting is important because the junk yard is secluded
and the trailer is far back in the junk yard surrounded by a wall of
cars. The bathroom is important because the spot where the vent
leaks rots out the floor which provides a spot for the girls to

Theme Sentence
Even when things are looking dire, believe in what you can do
and never give up on yourself.



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