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Coffin Notes

Neutral/Middle Vowels to build the voice. The vowel we snore on

Upside down v as in ‘schwa’ or ‘fun’

Real Voice Building comes from developing the muscles which help phonating and resonating
The Harmonic Overtones of the Singing Voice

The chest should not ring on lower notes. This happens when you collapse breath pressure

Degrees of Openness

Ways to open the vowel… Jaw lowering

Corner backing of the lips
Head raising
Movements of the tongue

Ways to close the vowel.. Jaw Closing

Lip rounding
Head lowering
Movements of the tongue

Take Note The larynx rises when the soft palette falls and vice versa
High arch- Dark timbres- Yawning lifts the arch Low Arch- Clear timbres- Swallowing lowers

Open mouth hum and or plugging the nose brings about this bright singing…

Poor transition through passaggio must be trained through mixed voice exercises, which will eliminate the yodel

Take Note End phrases as if there is another note higher or lower, this will maintain your support..

Practise on 2 vowel colours

Sing the moving part of the exercise twice through…

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