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Ken Tamblin

Low Diaphragmatic Breath, Triads complete, abdominal release on each Ha note

Then increase stamina by increasing tempo, 1,3,5,8

Rocket ship analogy, lose the weight as you go higher

Base Vowel

 It’s the ‘LA’ Ken shows curled tongue splatted vowel very high uvula
 Vowel modifications, AH, OH as in ‘loft’, UH , OO 1,3,5,8 wait until you
feel the vowel splat, but stay thinking AH
 Using ‘the smile’ concept to brighten the vowels as they turn
 Oo, Aa, Oo, close the mouth, but leaves the ‘La’ shape
 Michael will use a Mark Meylan variation, 5,1, Aa-Oo coming down
 Smiley Ee like I teach, smaller mouth, is more conducive to thicker vocal
fold mass

Aa-Oo, 5-1 coming down, and running up modifying to OH ‘loft’ on a 5 note
scale…closing down the mouth to turn it to an OH to and UH
Alternative L ‘Aa’-Oo 1,5, 1,5,1,5,1,5 Oh, closing mouth to Oo on a siren…

EE scale Ee , Yeah, Ee, Yeah Ee

1-3, 5 , 8-5, 3 ,1

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