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EAW 8 ICT Workplace Compliance

Workplace Diversity and Bullying

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Student Name Madhu Sudan Thapa

Student ID atmc200352
EAW 8 ICT Workplace Compliance
Assessment 8
Part 1 Workplace Bullying
Part 2 Workplace Diversity

Part 1 Workplace Bullying

1.1. Watch all of the following videos:

Workplace Bullying

How I survived workplace bullying | Sherry Benson-Podolchuk | TEDxWinnipeg

Fairwork Australia - What is workplace bullying?

SeeSayDo Something - Workers Bullying Reporting App

Now answer ALL of the following questions in detail.

Q1. Describe at least 5 behaviours that characterise workplace bullying?

 1 Sabotage of work

This bully is to look at every move and prevent a worker from succeeding at a
job. Bully view their collegues as competitors that they need to put down than

 2 Teasing or practical jokes

This is another common bully in workplace. This type of pratical joke is done to
make worker feel insulted infront of everbody. The person wants to humiliate

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the person by doing practical jokes.

 3 Interference of belongings
It is same as doing practical jokes. Hiding the personal belongings, invading the
privacy, reading emails and sending the email that embarrass the person later
are some examples of interference of belongings

 4 Excluding someone from work related events

You do find this kind of bully in work. The workplace already has a group and
they try to exclude people who they think they donot want to come and donot
pass the invititation so that they miss work related events.

 5 Unreasonable work demand

Unreasonable work demand is one of the common workplace bullying.

Employer or senior gives you unreasonable works which is too much work and
beyond your skill level.
Q2. Describe the strategies that you will adopt if you become a victim of workplace bullying
(Minimum 200 words)

 First, I will approach the person who is bullying you and tell them that
their behaviour is not acceptable.
 If they do not stop their behaviors, I will check if my workplace has a
complaints procedure and bullying policies.
 And I will be documenting everything that happens, what they do to me
at work.
 Then I will go to the manager to complain about the workplace bully.
If the bullying does not stop after complaining to manager, then I will contact
workplace health and safety authority and the Australian Human Rights
Commission to get advice and report bullying incidents.

Q3. A friend tells you that they are being bullyed at work. What trusted sources of help, advice and

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practical assistance would you advise them to use?

I will suggest my friend the same strategies what I use if I get bullied.

I want my friend first to face the bullied and say theier behaviour are unwanted
and request to stop their behaviour
If their behaviour doesnot change, I advise my friend to documentall the
evidence and incidence and report to manager.
If the bullying is very serious, I will advise my friend to go workplace health and
safety authority and the Australian Human Rights Commission to get advice and
report bullying incidents.

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Part 2 Workplace Diversity

1.2. Watch the following videos:

Understanding Diversity: Where Are You From?

The Cracked Pot

The Surprising Solution to Workplace Diversity | Arwa Mahdawi | TEDxHamburg

 How diversity makes teams more innovative

Now answer ALL of the following questions in detail.

Q4. Describe your personal reaction when someone asks you where you are

It depends on the situation how the person is asking. For example, usually at
work, when I am at work, I do things quickly for my customer and colleques, I
feel appreciated when with a happy face they ask me where I am from.

Q5 What are the key messages from “The Cracked Pot”?

The key messages from “The Cracked Pot” are:

 We all are cracked pots
 We do have our own kind of unique flwas.
 Nothing goest to waste in this modern world.
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 Even the things we think inefficient or useless in certain areas of our life,
but somehow, we can change those flaws into a blessing in disguise.

Q6 In your own words, what are the key benefits of Diversity in the Workforce?

The key benifiets of Diversity in the workforce are

 Productivity and creativity due to collaboration of different methods,

skills and knowledge.
 Gives great reputation for the company
 Due to respect of diversity, it helps in maximizing the potential of

Q7 In your opinion, What strategies should the Australian Government and

Businesses adopt or continue to promote in order to improve Diversity in the

The strategies that Australian Government and Businesses should adopt or

continue to promote in order to improve Diversity in the workplace are

1. Leverage diverse job boards

2. Offer targeted internships and scholarships
3. Reward diverse referrals
4. support flexible working arrangements such as part time work and
flexible hours
5. provide training for staff including Indigenous Cultural Awareness,
Disability Awareness and Mental Health First Aid

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6. celebrate days and events to promote diversity awareness and
7. support diversity specific employee networks for staff to connect
and share their views, experiences and information.

Q8 Describe the challenges that you personally face in assimilating into the
workplace culture of Australia whilst still maintaining the values, traditions and
characteristics of the culture which you grew up in?

Some challenges that I personally face in assimilating into the workplace culture
of Australia whilst still maintaining the values, the traditions and characterstics
of the culture which I grew up in are

Communication: Here I have to speak a different language in a workplace as a

result sometimes I do not sound empathic to others and they take me as a
mean or rude.

Holiday : It is very difficult to get a leave from work to celebrate our big festival
Dashain and Tihar and rather we get three weeks holiday from work in
Christmas which we do not know how to celebrate.

Food: In our tradition we donot eat beef. While in the work parties and
meetings, we have to be careful not to eat beef food by mistake. This is a
challenge for me.

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