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Name: Muhammad Anees

Assignment-1: Entrepreneurship

Submitted to: Sir Dr. Sajid Bashir

Technologies had played a vital role in innovating the business model of Freshippo; Freshippo
has many core competencies driven by technology:

1. Personalized Marketing:

Freshippo had access to the information of all consumers who used the Freshippo app to
purchase products; this information allowed Freshippo to learn more about their customers'
behaviors and preferences. While all of the data was retained in Freshippo's app, it was still
able to execute tailored marketing, which is one of Freshippo's core competencies.

2. Supply chain management:

New technology and equipment were used to control the entire supply chain process, and the
entire system was designed around the Alibaba Cloud platform. Freshippo and Alibaba
collaborated for 1.5 years and 500 engineers to create a solution that was suitable for
Fresippo's supply chain management.

3. Data-Driven Product selection:

Freshippo collected data from Alibaba and its customers and by using those data Freshippo
made a product selection and procurement forecasting system for each store.

4. Warehouse Management:

Freshippo created an automated inventory management system using various electronic

shelves and product codes. Using this system, whenever a product was out of stock or moving
slowly in a store warehouse or on a shelf, an automatic replenishment or promotion was
triggered in the warehouse management system.

5. Order Fulfillment:
Order fulfillment was also an area of expertise of Freshippo. For order fulfillment, an
algorithm was created that provides the highest efficiency in product production and
distribution, as well as the best consumer experience at the lowest cost of fulfillment.


Freshippo's business model is Omni. All of the above competencies are closely related to
Freshippo's business strategy, Personalized Marketing; they assisted Freshippo in identifying
the most promising market through big data analysis, resulting in increased foot traffic at
Freshippo outlets. The second is supply chain management; a solid supply chain system enabled
Freshippo to meet client needs and desires on time and at a lower cost. All of Freshippo's main
skills were technology-driven, allowing the company to develop and thrive.


Freshippo made it simple for customers to shop for groceries and fresh seafood in one location,
and if they don't want to carry the items themselves, they can order home delivery by scanning
the QR code with the Freshippo app. The clients liked it, and the business model allowed
Freshippo to open 46 locations in 13 cities in 2.5 years.


If YES: Because this is the era of technology and data, I could have opened 46 stores in 13

different locations in 2.5 years to take advantage of the first-mover advantage. Everything is
based on data collecting and analysis; the one with more data can exile in the market and
overcome the competition simply by accurately using the data; this is why I could have opened
46 stores to gain the first-mover advantage.

IF NO: I would have abandoned the plan to open 46 locations in the first 2.5 years since there
was a danger that customers would not appreciate the new business model, and instead of
expanding or taking advantage of the first moving advantage, the company would have closed
at the start.

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