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48 ntetltonal lOllTE in Soui

when the Western troops

Sirice 1917, the Social
countries. Kevolution,
ier SOcialist
revolution against

intentions. 1s.
Between 191: t
ure à counter Western base fo
of national

a strong

leadership had been highly by the goal of builling

ialist system
W appeasernent
gover ned sole no
Sovietpolicy was to the
(overied y the
threat of capitalismit felt that this was

1 5 5 R Its decisi
meeting the possi Russia as Sor ialist
al the
y the dosi

ltuween Nazi
of producin
Cing a war
secret non
concludeas had
latter no

such a Westem
nove the USSR,
foil Germany
Urion perated wi
194145, the
in 1941,
However, such a
cooperation did
Alies. During
but to join
hands with
to Coxist t
w e r e really
decided to
use its successin in te
the Westem the Western
believe that Soviet leadership in Europe
Jead her to Consequenthy,
increase of its intluence
USSR. an emboldon
basis for pursuing nations detinitely
over theiser.
War as a Europearn
Second World several
Western powers
c o n v e r s i o n of the
the successful of conflict
with realise further the neod
The emergence etc. made it
Berlin Problem, monorel.
such a thinking.
future of Germany, The U.S. attempts
to use its oly
treaties, world politics. richest country in 4
influence in Bombs and as the the
tncrease its of Atomic LDoctrine arnd Marcha
the sole possessor
The lruman
power-status as Soviet Union.
the w e r e out to isolat
viewed with alarm by as led by the U.S.A.,
world were
it that Western
the Soviet leaders decided ed
Plan'further convinced Consequently,
theinternational system.
Soviet Union in moves:
by the following two
counter the
Western moves
decided to boycottthe Marshall
to The USSR
ovietisation of Eastern Europe. to reniain away trom the
socialist states of Europe
Plan as well as to influence
the other
U.S. hegemonious programnie. Soviet Union initiated
As a counter move, the
Marshalk Plan.
2. Council of
and established the consolidation of socialist countries
the Moiotov
the economic
Assistance-COMECON, for helping was established for
Bureau (Comintorm)
In Septernber 1948,
Comnunist Information international tront. The
Communist Parties on the
ordinating the policies U.S.A. and the COMECON
the U.S.S.R.
entorcement of Marsha!! Plan by the relations or at
which heralded the eraof cold war in international
came to be the events

between the USA and the USSR.

Tensions. The period between 1941-47,
was as
Resuting Fears, Distrust and
such a period in which mutual mistrust
and tear between the USSR and the Western
extent. Each side became prepared for attempting
powers increased to a very large
because both sides
isolate, challenge and weaken the other. It was a preparation stage
undertook several policy decisions which were designed to produce a stiff competition
and race for domination. The ideal of international peace and security, as had been
solemnly affirmed by both the sides, was forgotten or deliberately ignored in tavouro
psychological and political warfare motivated by the selfish desire of each of the two
super powers-the USA and the USSR to establish their own domination over the
international system of the post-war period.
Q. Explain the history of Cold War between 1953-63.
Ans. In the first round of Cold War i.e. from 1947 to 1953 (Death of Stalin) both
the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., tried hard to consolidate their respective influences over
Europe. Consequently, Europe, more particularly, Germany came to be the major
Cold War 49
centre of the Cold War. The issue of atomic weapons, Disarmament, Peace Treaties
with Germany, Japan and Austria, Berlin problem and Korean war provided the
environment within which theUS.A. and the U.S S.R. tried to extend their respective
holds over international relations.
1. Germany as the Centre of Cold War. In respect of the Germany, the U.S.S.R.
came to adopt a policy which was strongly opposed by the Western powers. The
division of Germany into Federal Republic of the Germany and German Democratic
Republic was affected in the process of atternpts made by the U.SS. R. and the
Western powers to maintain their-powers in their respective occupation zones. The
politics of Marshall Plan Vs Comecon kept Europe in the nidst of a cold war between
the US.A. and the U.S.S.R. Organised American propaganda and political warfare
led to the formation of Comintorm by the USSR as a counter
2. Berlin lssue and Cold War. In 1948, the cold war between the USSR and the
Western powers got manitested in the form of Berlin Blockade by the former. With a
view to check Westerm economic intervention in Berlin which resulted from the
decision to introduce a new detlated currency in the western zone and Berlin city, the
USSR decided to introduce its own economic reforms immediately and asa part of
such an exercise decided to apply the new East Zone currency and goods to Berlin. It
enforced a blockade of Berlin which produced a strong Western reaction in the form of
Berlin Airlift. This led to the development of a real crisis which produced a
when the USSR refused to lift the blockade and the lU.SA. reiused to abandon the
airlift. The former insisted that the West should leave Berlin, and the latter announced
its determination to remain in Berlin until the Germany was reunited. Such opposed
stands made the conterences over Berlin big failures. The attempt made by the U.N
also proved to be a failure because of the veto power potentials of the U.S.A. and the
U.S.S.R. It was in May 1938, that the U.S.S.R. agreed to lift the blockade, but it was
too late to produce good result. The blockade had made the conflict between the
US.S.Rand the U.S.A. very deep and big.
3. Organisation of NATO and Division of Germany. The immediate fall out of
Such policies came in the form of the establishment of NATO on 4 April, 1949 by the
U.S.A. and her allies and the subsequent establishment of Federal Republic of
rmany on21 September, 1949. The Soviet counter move came on 7 October
1949, when Soviet occupation zone in East Germany was declared to be the state of
German Democratic Republic.
4. Rise of Communist China and Cold War. In 1949, the rise of Mao's
Communist Party to power in China gave a big boostto Soviet influence in world
politics and it produced a reaction in the form of the U.S. commitment to follow
containment of communism more vigorously.
5. Korean
Crisis andCold War. In 1950, the Korean war provided the ground for
the pursuance of cold war politics in Far East. The situation created by the North
Korean aggressionagainst South Korea provided the U.S.A. and the Western powers
with an opportunity toattempf containment of communism by helping democratic
South Korea against communist North Korea. In the Korean war,North Korea was
Supported by the U.S.S.R. and Communist China, whereas South Korea was
Supported by the U.S.A.and other western countries. American success in making the
U.N. Security Council agree upon the need to enforce collective. security system in the
Korean war was strongly opposed bythe Soviet Union. The differencesbetween the
5.A. and the U.S.S.R. over the issue of peace in Korea sharply divided the U.N.
ecurity Council and consequently, it failed to perform its responsibilityofpreserving
ntemational peace and security against aggression.. Thereupon, the UN. General
hternational Politie s
Assembly backed by the Uniting for Peace Resolution, pressed into serviceand this
Tecourse brought iting
into focus the
P'eace Resoi was

aligned uld play in

states coul
role that
international relations The two suer IMJuCTS

also realised that it cold war was to be


Won they must avoid hot war andremainc o1 Sicharealisation helped tne COnclusion
of armistice
in Korea in
huly 1953
War. tfowever, despite
OT War in Korea, but continuaneeof Cold
amistice th and Soviet troops continued to
stationied in both
e d s and cold warNhostilitu continIed to b there T he US A stepped up its
a war against comunism and the Soviet UIrnion inteTIsified its drive
popularising communism The Soviet suxcess in soBving the Tystery o
greaty enhanced its influence and it became involved in the nuclear arrnarrient race
wth the S A This development further increased the intensity of cold war it
tneettorts for disarmament a biq failure. The UN. found itself helpless in the preserce
of cold war between the two super powers.
.Issue of Peace Treaty with Japan and Cold War. Besides the above irnportant
developments of cold war
during 1947-53 period.jthe issue of peace treaty with Japar
also demonstrated that both the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R were cornmittedto pursie
cold war in their relations. The U.S. decision to summon the San ranscisco
Conference in September 1951, for considering and approving the draft of peace
trearywith Japan was strongly opposed by the US.S.R. However, Soviet oppositiorn
did not deter America to conclude the treaty. It followed this up hy concluding a
detence treaty with Japan and thereby got the right to station its troops jn Japan his
reaty and the American treaty with Taiwan were obviously designed to put pressure on
the U S SR. and China, and to arrest the spread of communism.
,Thus, during 1957-58, the U.S.S.R. and the Western powers followed a cold war
in their relations The cold war kept the international relations highly strained and


Q. Explain the issues of Cold War between 1947-53.
Ans. The
history of the second round of cold war can also be described as cold war
between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S. R. during the Eisenhower-era in the
U.S. politics
and Khrushchev-era in the Soviet politics. In the U.S. 1952 Presidential elections,
Eisentpwer got elected. He and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles were
comiitied to follow "Containment of Communis1n" and "Massive Retaliation as
priniples of the U.S. foreign policy. In the Soviet Union, the death ot Stalin in 1953,
brought a change in top leadership but there too, Molotov kept up his commitment to
spread cornmunis1n and to check the forces of capitalistic
Soviet Premier Khrushchev came out with his call for imperialism. In mid titties,
the East and the West and initiated peacetul coexistence tetween
several bold moves for securing
with the USA. However, he found himseif rapprochement
involved in the Cutan missile
brought the cold war to the brink of hot war in 1962. crisis which
cold war tensions and strains continued to
Thus, during 1953-63 period,
characterise international
During 1963-70, a see saw gane emerged between the relations
in which on the one hand both the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.
countries entered into several
and agreements but on the other
haFd kept engaged in
meaningful contacts
pursuing cold war in Middle
Cold War 51
East, Vietnam, Berlin and other parts of the Globe. The cold war between the two
of the United Nations. The history oft
super powers adversely affected the functioning
cold war during 1953-70 can be analysed as under:
the U.S.A. continued
1. SEATO and Warsaw Pact.During this phase of cold war,
On the pattern of NATO, it organised
her policy of military and economic offensive. of
were meant to check the spread
the SEATO and MEDO. These organisations to such
communism into South East Asia, and
Middle Fast. As a counter action
was successtul ii organising a
American moves, the U.S.S.R. on 4th May, 1955,
Easterrn European socialist
communist defence pactthe Warsaw Pact involving
states. It was designed to "resist the attacks of
the imperialists and capitalists," This led
or the Socialist Bloc against
to the organisation and consolidation of Soviet
came to be vertically
American or the Democratic Bloc. The international system
with cold w a r in
divided into two parts the Soviet Bloc and the American Bloc,
relations further
between. The development of bipolarity in international power
increased the intensity of cold war.
of Nuclear
2. Nuclear Arms Race and Cold War. Further the emergence
followed by the space räce
armament race between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. each of the
further made the cold war more grave. The overkill capacity developed by
in which talks for disarmamernt
two super powers created a highly dangerous situation
ana a r n s Control were
but without success. In September 1953, the the West
rejected a no war pact proposal made by the Western bloc. In
March 1954,
Soviet P.M. Bulganin
rejected the Soviet wish to join NATO In January 1956,
submitted a propOsal tor the U.S.-Soviet Treaty of peace, friendship and co-operation
but the move failed to get a positive response from the west.

3. Civil War in Indo-China and Cold War. During this phase the cold war made its
Ho Chin Minh forces and
appearance in Indo-China. By 1954, the war between the
the French forces had reached a critical stage. Ho Chin Minh's forces were backed by
the U.S S,R. and Communist China, and France was strongly backed by the U.S.A.
France wanted to get rid of her involvement and therefore, advocated a peacetul
to avoid increasing the
solution. Likewise, the Soviet Union and China also wanted
tor a peacetulN
U.S. involvement in lndo-China and hence expressed their willingness
circumstances that the Geneva
settlement of Indo-China problem. It was under these
Agreement on Indo-China was attected in 1954. Vietnam got partitioned into Nortb
Vietnam under the Communists and South Vietnam under the DemocratsHowever
within 24 hours ofthe signing of the Geneva Agreement, the war broke otut
to check the spread ot
communist guerillas and South Vietnamese forces. In órder
communism, the U.S.A. started giving huge aid to South Vietnam, and subsequently
the U.S.S.R and
gotdirectly involved in the Victnam war. After this development,
China started giyng huge military and economic aid
to North Vietnam and thus, the
between the U.S.A. and
with the cold war
war inindo ha got inseparably joined the
sixties as the U.S.A. became thoroughly-1
intensitied in
theU.S.SRThe war got the thinking that
involved in this warThe U.S. policy in Vietnam was governed by U.S.A. in S.E.A.
of the
Communist victory in Vietnam would endanger the prestige Thailand and
would encourage the spread of communism in Cambodia, Laos,
of North Vietnam and the Vietcongtorces compelled the
Durmma. Ihe growing powerbombardment of Vietnamese positionsa decision
U.S.A. t0 resort to heavy other countries including
was thoroughly opposed by the non-aligned and several
France. However, the U.S.A., in complete disregard of international public opinion,
maintained the bombardment of North Vietnam positions. The Soviet Union,
American involvement in
and other communist countries strongly opposed the
out to give full support to North Vietnam
Vietnam war and therefore came
International Politics
in tho
tension and strains
1953-70 perod, Vietnam ontinued to be a

a tlenent
settle of
U.S.-U.S.S.R relations The cold war

Vietnamese problem. intervention in iungary

War. In 1956, the
Soviet e x h i b i t e d its abilitu t
n g a n a n Crisis and Cold But the former
was strongly opposed by the Western countries.

Keep the iron curtain tight over the Eastern Europearn stale U.5.A and
ol 1956, the
Cold War. During the
Suez Canal War
ez Crisisand unintentional coofperation. The
engaged in
. S . R . found
a forcihle occuparion
of Suez
ngio-trench-Jewish invasion of
Eqvpt for maintaining
lorce tgypt and
it held that it would
the U.SA., as Soviet intluence
Srongly disliked by aid and be
to accept Soviet
of Middle East the US.5K., tound
COnties invasion. Likewise,
the U.S.A. wanted an early end to this influence in the Middle
tast by
ence, increase its
Canal crisis an opportunity to invasion of Egypt and
n the Suez call for the end of the in
ng with Egypt. It, therefore,by holding the threat to use atomic weapons
gave a

U.S.A. and the

TOOwed this up immediately to terminate the war. Thus, both the and
failed Britain
Britain, France and srael though on different
came to the same conclusion,
immediate ceasefire, and thus
S.S.R. the U.N. call for an
to accept
rance thereupon agreed
ended the Suez War of 1956. Eisenhower
However, in June 1957,
Doctrine and Cold War.
send the U.S.
6. Eisenhower
under which the U.S. Congress authorised the
President to
Principles, Communism, gave a
checking the danger of
armed forces to any place for the last two years of tenure
of President Eisenhower,
intensity to the Cold War. During characterise the relations between
the U.S.A. and
cold war continued to continued
the U.S.S.R. Germany, Berlin, Indo-China, Korea, Japan and Middle East
to be the major centres of cold war.
for Peace, In 1957-58,
7. Khrushchev's visit to the U.S.A.-a hope
coexistence between
Khrushchev came out openly in support of peaceful
Premier renouDce war and to get engaged
East and West. He expressed the strong desire to the
intercourse. He expressed his
readiness to visit
peaceful cooperative international the U.S.-Soviet differences.
U.SA. and meet President Eisenhower for sorting out
This appeared as a welcome change, particularly
when the U.S.A. decided to extend
an invitation to Khrushchev. From 15 to
28 September, 1959, Soviet Premier
Khrushchev paid a Washington and conducted meaningful talks with
visit to
Eisenhower. Khrushchev's visit successfully made the international
develop a healthy look. Further positive development came when agreement
an was

U.K. and
made for holding a Four Power-{theU.S.A., the U.S.S.R, the
France)-Summit at Paris in June 1960. )
and renewal of Cold War. Unfortunately, however, just a few
8, U-2 incident,
daysbefore the Sunmit, the U-2 incident of 1 May, 1960, took place and spoiled the
entire environment that had been developing since 1957. U2 was a U.S. Spy plane
which was shot down by the Soviet forces. The U.S.S.R. felt greatly annoyed with the
US.A. and wanted a U.S. apology and assurance to ernd such spy missions over the
Soviet Union. The U.S.A. was not prepared to accept the Soviet demand, and hence
the -2 incident once again made the U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations highly tense and
9 . Failure of Paris Summit and Cold War. TheParis Summit was held on 16th
May, 1960, under the shadow of the U-2 incident. Despite an earlier assurance that
U-2 incident shall not be raised at the Paris Summit, Khrushchev demanded an
Cold War 53
American apology over the incident, and as a mark of protest refused to shake harnds
with President Eisenhower Under the circumstances, the Paris Surnmit failed to reach
any decision, and cold war contimued to be the natural form of the US. USSR
10. Berlin Walls Crisis 1961 'and Cold War. In 1960, John F Kennedy was
elected as the President of the USA and he continied to be so till 22 Novernber,
1963. hitially, an aftempt was made to repair the lamage that had heen done to the
US USSR relations bythe lU2incident. However,little meaningfulprogrosscould
result from such efforts On the contrary.the Berlin wall crisis of1961 ar1d the Cuhar
Missile crisis of 1962 brought the tuwo countries to the verge of a full hot war, In August
1961, the construction of a wall y the Soviet Union for separating the Soriet cerctor
from the Western sector of Berlin city, was strongly opposed by the U SA. Both the
USA and the US.S.R moved their tanksto the frontiers and war appeared to tea
distinct possibility. However, a wiser sense prevailed on both sides and several mutually
agreed steps were taken to diffuse the tension,s
11. Cold War towards Hot War-Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. However, it wasir
October 1962, that a really big crisis-the Cuban Missile crisis, came to bedeveloped
between the two super powers and brought them tothethreshold of a war,The Soviet
decision to establtsh a missile base in Cuba was strongly opposed by the Americans.
When the Soviet missile carrying shipswere on their way to Cuba, America, in order to
preventtheirentry into Cuba ordered the blockade or strict "Quarantine" of all military
equipment bound for Cuba. The American government declared that it would regard
any missile launched trom Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an
attack by the Soviet Union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response.
On 23 October, 1962, the U.S.A. decided to take all necessary steps for ending the
Soviet threat to peace and security of the American continent. On 24 October 1962,
the U.S Blockade of Cuban ports became effective. The war between the U.S. and the
U.SS.R. became a distinct possibility. The U.N. Secretary General, Mr. U. Thant tried
to prevail upon the U.S.A. to suspend the blockade and also askedthe Soviet Unionto
halt shipments to Cuba, but failed to break the deadlock. The Soviet Union demanded
the withdrawal of-the U.S. rockets from Turkey as a precondition for stopping
installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba. This demand was rejected by the U.S.A
Oltimately, after some very anxious days, the Soviet Union agreed to divert her missile
carrying ships and to dismantle the Cuban missile sites. Thus, ended the dreaded
Cuban Misite Crisis.
12. Some attempts to limit Cold War Tensions. The Cuban Missile Crisis proved
to be a blessing in disguise in so far as both the super powers became very conseious of
the dangers of cold war which, if pursued further, could lead them both into a totaly
destructive hot war. Both came forward to accept the need for increased mutual
contacts and regular direct conmunications between Washington and Kremlin. For
this purpose, a decision to establish a "hot line" between the two capitals was taken
and promptly executed. Next came the conclusion of the Moscow Partial Test Ban
Treaty on 5 August 1963, between the U.S.S.R.-U.S.A. and Britain. This treaty put
in the
end to thepractice of conducting uncontrolled nuclear explosions
atmosphere. It was a limited but wetcome step towards arms control./lhe
Missile crisis and the Sino-Soviet differences made the Soviet Union more
of the need for mending fences with the United States. The latter
also realised the
and that it generated.
growing danger of cold war and the unhealthy race thecompetition
The success of several non-aligned nations towards statesbuilding
of cooperative and
further brought home the
triendly relations with both communist and capitalist
International Politics
futility of the thesis of ncompatibility of relations between the Soviet and American
inco of bipolarity into multipolarity and the consequent chango
Lne relations among the memhers of each of the two blocs also innued
# OWers to attempt a real aditustment of their relations. Such a thinking gave rise
o ope that both the super powers woud try to burild up peacetul andd cooperative
relations in post 1963
(D) CoLD WAR BETWEEN 1963-70
Q.Discuss the nature of Cold War between 1963-70.
Ans. Unfortunately, however, this was not destined to be so In the post 63 period
their relations both the USA. and the U.S.S.R. kept playing a see saw game. At
e sthey behaved as mature states working for the peaceful conduct of rnutual
elaons uhile atother times they kept on conducting their relations ina spirit of cold
ar Between 1963-70, Vietnam, South Asia, Middle East, U.NO., and Berlin
expenenced the continuance of cold war, but at the sarne time there took place
exchange of visits, summit meetings, signing of Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968 and
several other positive
Change of leadership in the USA and the USSR and Cold War. In November
1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and Mr. L.B. Johnson became the UJ.S.
President. In October 1964, Khrushchev was ousted from
Some months Brezhnev and power in Moscow and after
Kosygin emerged the two powerful Soviet leaders.
Indo-Pak War and Cold War. In 1964, President Johnson's decision to
increase the strength of U.S. military operations in Vietnam invoked Soviet
opposition. In 1965, the Indo-Pak war came and both the U.S.A. and strong
the U.S.SR.
took opposite stands. The Soviet role as mediator between India and Pakistan at
Tashkent Conference greatly irked the U.S.A.
3. 1967 Arab-lsrael War and
Cold War. In 1967 Arab-lsrael War, the Soviet
Union came out very
openly and strongly against the pro-Israeli policies of Western
powers. The U.S.S.R. used the war to voice consolidation with the Arabs and thereby
to increase its influence in
Middle East. Once again the competition for
their respective holds in Middle East
increased the intensity of cold warstrengthening
between the
U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. But at the same time the
the system of
leaders of both the countries kept up
increasing their mutual contacts.
4. An attempt to reduce
tensions-The Glassbrough Summit.
Johnson met in a summit at
Glassbrough from 23 June to Kosygin and
26 June, 1967 and
exchanged views on Vietnam and Middle East. The summit was held under the
of the growing nuclear
bomb in 1967. This summit
capability of China who had successfully exploded a shadow
helped the two countries to understand hydrogen
problems of their mutual relations and the key international better the
signing Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968) further
of issues and problems. The
contacts between the U.S.A. and helped the of
the U.S.S.R. The U.S. process securing more
bombing Vietnam further made the environment
of decision to suspend the
less tense.
and the Berlin Blockade ofHowever,
intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968 the Soviet
era of Cold War. 1969 kept alive the
5. 1969 Berlin Crisis
and Cold War. In
centre of cold war tensions March 1969, Berlin
and strains in again became the
the West Geman Soviet-American relations.
was strongiy Government to hold the election of FRG ChancellorThe decision ot
opposed by the U.S.S.R. and the in West Berlin
Government of G. D.R. on the
Cold War
and as
was a part of West Germany
that such a step was designed to show that Berlin
of the FRG in pursuing
such was opposed to the Potsdam Agreement. The persistence then
Blockade by G.D.R. The FRG
the election led to the enforcement of Berlin the
airlifted the members of the electoral college to
West Berlin and got election
for the diffusion of
the way
conducted there. The peaceful conduct of election paved
further their opposition
the crisis The USS.R and G.DR lid not try to pursue
vigorousty as thev felt that it would serve no real and good purpose
Towards Detente. Thus, during
1953 1970, the world
6. The Thinking
continued to live with the tensions and strains created by
the cokd war between East and
the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. in particular. The thing that
only good
West in generaland that there appeared a
resulted from the US Soviet relations during this period was

view in favour of the desire to end or atleast

lessen the gravity and
welcome positive Several tactors
intensity of cold war and to develop mutual contacts and cooperation.
Missile crisis made the two
helped in the emergenceof such a decision. The Cuban
and unlirnited cold war
Super powers highly conscious of the dangers of unbriddled weakened positions
The rise and subsequent strength of Non aligned Movement, the
of both the American and Soviet Blocs, the emergence of China and France as rising
military powers, the rise of Japan and West Germany as great econormic powers, te
economic integration and resultant big improvement in the power status of Western
Europe, the awakening of Asia, Africa and Latin America etc. produced
important changes in the interiational system which forced the two super powers to
think in terms of a detente)The eighth decade of the 20th century, witnessed, with
sense of great relief, the decline of cold war and the emergence ot Detente between
and China
U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. aswell as between East and West, and the U.S.A.
International Relations ot
Q. Discuss briefly the impact of Cold War on

Post-war period.
Ans. The outbreak of cold war had a big impact on the nature and course ot
post-war international relations. This impact got compounded due to the
operation of cold war during 1945-70. The following features of the internationa
relations of this period of cold war reflect the big impact made by it
(1) The world witnessed the rise of two competitors and rival super powers -the
USA and the USSR.
(2) The organisation of American and Soviet Blocs led to the emergence of
bipolarity in internatiornal relations.
(3) Power Politics and Politics of Military/Security alliances became two hard
realities of intemational relations.
(4) Intemational Peace and Security got recognition as a key objective and yet the
problem ot preserving it becane very acute.
(5) Increased velocity of ans rce including a nuclear amed race made the issue of
ms control and disammament complicated and precarious.
6) The cold war adversely affected international decision-makirng, particularly the
decision making process in the UN Security became a very dificult exercise.
(7) A Balance of Terror replaced the traditional Balance of Power in intermational
(8) The cold war, power politics, and politics of security alliances compelled the
newly emerged sovereign nation states of Asia and Africa to adopt
non-alignment as a fundanental principle of their foreign policies.
56 International Politics

for the launching ot Non-aligned

n e emergence of non alianment set the stage
Movement (NAM) in intemational relations
(0) The processes of dec olonisation, and qlobalisation hased upon the principle of
had their birth in
SOvereign equality and intemational inter dependence
international relations
colonialism started qetting transforned
into rnew inperialisn
(A Imerialism and
and neo colonialism
(12) Use of economic instnments of foreign policy. particularly toreign aid as a
major instnument of the cold war era of foreign policies of the fwo super pouwers

added importance. Politics of intermational

econonic relations
asimed an
started taking a shape
cold possible for the world to avoid the world war,
a blessing in
(3 The war made it
disguise indeed
(4) Colective Security System, as envisaged under the UN Charter became virtually
(15) Local wars came to be fought as proxy wars between the two super powers
(16) Propaganda and Psychological and Political Warfare became inportant
instruments of foreign policy.
Thus cold war had a big impact on the nature of post-war international relations,
so much so that the international relations came to be characterised as the cold war
international system.
Q. Discuss the History of Decline of Cold War during 1970-79 period.
Explain the process of decline of Cold War and the emergence of Detente
during 1970-79.
Ans. the international relations commencing from 1970 were marked by a
detente between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Several
the process of decline of cold
important developments helped
war and the
emergernce of detente. A conscious attempt
was made the two super powers to reduce areas of tension, to stem
by the further
escalation of cold war and to attempt the
development friendly co-operation and
collaboration in their bilateral relations. This development came to be popularly named
Detente/During the 1970s, on the one hand several key issues and problems of
post-war international relations were peacefully resolved and on the other
hand a
rapprochement between the U.S.A. and China got under way.
however, these developments were Unfortunatley.
a mutual cold war.
accompanied by increased Sino-Soviet conflict and

The process of decline of cold war and the

international relatiorns can be reviewed çonsequent emergence ot detente in
positive developments hetween 1970 79
through account of the
tollowing helptul and
(1) Moscow-Bonn Agreement 1970. On 12
agreement was signed by Kosygin and Willy Brandt August, 1970, Moscow Bonn
quo in respect of whereby both sides accepted status
Germany and concludeda mutual on
agreement. This agreement was designed
reduce to
non-use ot torce

rapprochement between West Cermany andcold

way for a war tenaions and
East Germany.
paved the
(2) Berlin Agreement 1971. After the
German Chancellor initiated measures Moscow Bonn Agreement, the West
for resolving the Berlin
problem. After
Cold War
R., Britain and
3 September, 1971. the US.A., the U S.S.
prolonged negotiations, on
France signed a 4 jpower agreement on Berlin. By this agreement it was to
permit the people of West Berln g
maintain the statius quo but at the same time to
a consiaetde
to East Berlin and Geman Democratic Republic This agreement led to
reduction in tension over the Berlin issue
both North Korea
Agreement 1972. 1By an agreement of 4 July, 1972,
3) Korea and desist irom
and outh horea agneed to work for nomalising their relations of them. n i s
of any one
dn stICh action as may lead to weakness both the countnes
was tollowed by another agreement in 1973 whereby
agreed to promote mutual cooperation in various spheres ot Trelatioris
(4) East Germany-West Germany Aqreement 1972. On 8 Novernber, 19/2, an
West Cermany (RG),
agreement was signed between East Germay (GDR) and
wherety both agreed to recoqnise each other and to work for the promotion of murai
commitrnent to
m various spheres of their relations, Both affirmed a
renounce the use of torce for the settlement of German problem. his agreement
session ot the U.N
virtually ended the old era of cold war in Germany. In the 28thtwo sovereign stätes.
General Assembly both the states, FRG and GDR participated as
1975. The Helsinki
5) Helsinki Conference (1973) and Helsinki Agreement
Conterence on European Security was held from 3 to 5 July, 1973 and the European
nations, tboth communist and non-communists expressed with one voice the need to

increase their
mutual contacts and cooperation in international was agreed
relations. It
that no nation should try to resort to force for securing the desired goals of nationa
interest On 1 August, 1975, Heads of 35 states of Europe and America entered into
the Helsinki Agreement, which laid down a code of conduct for orderly and peaceful
conduct of their relations. 33 out of 34 European states (i.e. the whole ot turop
except Albarnia) alongwith the U.S.A. and Canada agreed to work for the promotion ot
mutual co-operation without any consideration for the communist or non-communist
nature of the political systems of the states. Mutual respect for sovereignty, sovereign
rights, territorial integrity of each state, non-use of force or threat or use ot force
peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference and non-interventipn in the internal
affairs of a state, promotion of cooperation and trust among the states of Europe etc.,
were the key principles which were to be followed by the signatory states. This
agreement indeed had the potential to end the era of cold war in Europe. Both the
US.A. and the U.S.S.R. formally affirmed their commitment to follow the Helsinki
Agreement. After 1975, the Helsinki spirit of goodwill and cooperation became the
basis for the development of peacetul and cooperative relations among the European
(6) End of War in Cambodia (1995). In April 1975, the end of war in Cambodia
as a result of the victory of the Sihanouk forces ended the civil war in Cambodia
(Kampuchea). It ended another centre of cold war in Indo-China.
(7) End of the Vietnam War 1975. On 30 April, 1975, the war in Vietnam camne
to an end. It resulted into the unification of Vietnam. The end of war in Vietnam greatly
helped the process of decline of cold war, as since mid-sixties Vietnan had been
proving to be a major centre of cold war in internationalrelations.
(8) U.S.-China Rapprochement. The emergence of Sino-U.S. detente in 1971,
further helped the international community to come out of the era of cold war. It paved
the way for China's entry into the United Nations, and eliminated an anachronism in
international relations of post-war period. However, the emergence of increased
conflict between China and the U.S.S.R. considerably reduced the possible advantages
International Politics internation
58 r e h a b i l i t a t i o n
in the ational
result of
as a
hat could have been secured
European Se
The third
system. Conference
was made to
and an
(9)Third European Security
1977 at Balgrade
Conterence was held in June
conclusion of
strengthen the Helsinki spirit The
and Israel 1979.1979, was another
between Egypt March,
David Accord 26 the US
made by
Israel on
amp and
Camp David Accord between vpt
as a
result of the ettorts
Israel a n d
was designed
which took place and
treaty between Egypt
D Mr. Carter. It was a sot of
esiaent, East. of 1970 0-79 years
to reduce the conflict in the Middle development
A very powers, Ihe mutual
(11) American-Soviet Detente. between the two super helped the
the post-1962 period
the emergence of a full
was countries in lessen hostile
the leaders of the two attempts to
COntdcis between (conscious in mutual
of the U.S-U.SS.R.
and cooperation
energence of collaloration two
Telanons and to work
for the promotion
Nixon visited the
U.S,5.K. and signed
the U.S. President Missile Systems
relations). n May 1972, the Limitation of
Treatv on the Limitation of
m e a s u r e s with
respect to
Agreement on certain Communist Party Chief,
and the lnterim (SALT ). In June 1973, the Soviet
rategic Ottensive Arms
During his visit four agreements
Dreznnev paid a
return visit to
in spheres of research in
view to increase their mutual cooperation
Signed with a
and expansion of cultural and scientific
and oceanography war and to hold
dgncuiture, transportation to avoid nuclear
Both Nixon and Brezhnev agreed a risk of
exchanges. at time whenever there appeared
consultations any
mmediate and urgent in the forth coming
Both the countries agreed to cooperate
uciear war,
Conference. and agreed on "the
met at Vladivostok
In 1974, President Ford and Brezhnev
offensive weapons for the next 10 years.
essentials of a new accord limiting strategic
bilateral talks at the time of 1975 Helsinki
They kept up their contacts and held U.S. and Soviet astronauts
Conterence. In 1975, the space-handshake between the
On 15
clearly reflected the progress made by detente between the two super pOwers.
June, 1979, the two countries concluded the SALT II Agreement.
Thus, during 1971-79 period several bold and positive developments took place in
mutual relations of the two super powers. The development of friendly cooperation
against cold war characterised their relations. Such a detente between the U.S. and the
US.SR led to the decline of cold war in international relations. Unfortunately,
however, detente could not continue for a long-time and towards the end of 1979, the
cold war reappeared on the international scene. The Soviet intervention in
Afghanistan on 27 December, 1979 cane as the tirst and big manifestation of the
re-emergence of cold war. Since then the spirit of detente started suffering a decline
and forces of cold war again began over-shadowing the international relations of
Q. Discuss the events which gave a setback to Detente
and led to the
emergence of a New Cold War in international relations.
Explain the causes behind the emergence of a New Cold War in
relations of 1980s. international
Cold Wa 59
Discuss briefhy the history of
international relations of 1980.. emergence and decline of New Cold War in
Ans. The detente of the 70s
By the yea: 19/9, the spirit of detente rernain
had ber
in operation only for nearly
ten years
ome (prite weak hue to the
siffered as a rest of Soviet role in sothacks it
relationsuith China with a view to buildAfghanist an: Armeric arn attempts to cultivate
failures in evetal other areas of
as a
counterpoise to the Soviot Jnion arid the
with several dec isions and a timerelationships maxe the tuo super powers to corne
and icopardised tatlher dihuted the which adversely affected the intornational system
spirit of detente In completo elisreqard to the
public opinion in tavn of the further worid
extension cof deternte to all areas of rolations arid
ali states the fwo su1 powers
mdertook several actions in differont of the glohe
which led to the re
emergence of cold war A New Cold War with parts
more dangerous potentialities ever higger


Several scholars trace the
origin of
decided to counter the the new cold war to 1978, when the Us
former US increasing Soviet inflhence in Ethiopia. Mr. Brzezin ski the
National Security Advisor, in his
book Power and Principle,
it was in 1978 that the ohserved
things began to go wrong in the relationship between the that
and the USSR. The Soviet USA
deployment of Cuban troops in Ethiopia was initialy
ignored by the United States. However,
increase their strategic when the Soviets persisted in their atternpts to
power vis-a-vis the United States, the
decided to act for containing Soviet Reagan administration
and the derailment of power. The resulting Cuban-Soviet brigade tiasco
SALT Il gave a severe blow to
rention in Detente. Later on, the Soviet
Aighariistan (December 1980) and the
virtually ended the era of detente and, once stronger US reactions aganst it
the era ofa new cold again, ushered international relations into
The following
developments led to the re-emergence of Cold War in 1980s
(1) Changes in the US
decision (i) to resecure ihe USForeign Policy under President Reagan. The
status as number one Anericar
Nixon Kissinger view that the power in world politics, (ii) to reject
only alternative to
selling detente, gave a big blow to detente spirit. detente was war, and (i) to stop over
(2) Irresponsible Soviet View. The
Soviet conduct in Angola, Middle East Reagan administration held the vew that
and the United Nations was
deteriinental to the attitude towards the US iresponsible and
interests and spirit detente.
(3) The US attempts to cultivate relations with
the of
a view to check
Eastern Europe and China with
Soviet Influence. The US
the attempt to increase the division toreign policy, even during 1970s involved
between China and the Soviet Union with a
secure a
strategic advantage vis a vis tihe Soviet Union by view to
China. Further, it involved the cultivating relations with
policy to win over the socialist states in Eastern
through increased economic relations and Europe
European security in the era of nuclear weapons as well as to European states conscious of
in Poland, was
again designed to contain the Soviet intluencestrengthen literalisation
Naturally such moves were strongly disliked by the Soviet Union andit over Eastern Europe.
measures to check such an initiated counter
(4) The US role in Nicaragua, Elsalvador and
torcibly maintain its superior influence over these statesGrenada. The US attempts to
Soviets. They
regarded it as a renewed American
were strongly opposed by the
spread of communism. attenpts at the containment of the
60 nternational Politics

Intervention in Afghanistan.
The Soviet attempt at keeping leftists in
() Soviet Soviet intervention
in Atghanistan, were
POwer in Atghanistan and the subsequent defente, which was
and big violation of
egarded by the United States as a naked again,
once became
aesigned to increase Soviet Power in the qulf
reqion. America, to reach the warm
in West Asia was
convinced that the ultimate ainm of Soviet policy
as a serious
threat to American interests in
of the Persian Giulf. It was regarded
Waters relations with the ulf countries.
The Soviet march
regions as well as to
blow o the deternte of the
blow, almost a death
nto Atghanistan, definitely gavea big
counter Soviet Influence. Apprethending
(A)The US Policies designed to the Keagan
interests and power in Asia,
serious Soviet threat to American
administration decided: it nuclear base as well
Diego Garcia by making
(a)lo strengthen its naval base at
and ecurity of
and strengthening the detence
as the main base for organising
the Persian Gulf.
threatened Soviet
(b) To strengthen and am Pakistan as a frontline state against
expansionism in West Asia.
in the Persian Gulf
(C)To organise and deploy RDF(Rapid Deployment Force)
strengthen Washington-Beijing-Islamabad-Tokyo Cooperation (axis) with
(d) To
view to counteract the Soviet role in Asia and to check the growing Indo-Soviet
and Soviet-Vietnam relations, and Moscow-Kabul axis.
(e) Togo in for the Strategic Defence Initiative (SD) prog amme, populariy known
as the Star War Programme or the militarisation of outer space programme.

f) To keep at hay the SALT|I agreement.

Westerm Europe with a view to
g) To install Perishing, Cruising and MX missiles in
strengthen its security against the Soviet threat.
(h) To go in for an increased production ot more and more sophisticated weapons
to secure a'superior position in arms race, and to refrain from Geneva Talks on
(i) To increase American power and presence in the Indian Ocean.
) To give extensive aid to Kenya and Somalia.
(k) To boycott the Moscow Olympic Games in 1980 and to impose a grain
embargo upon the Soviet Union.
All these US policies were strongly criticised by the Soviet Union as policies
designed to harm Soviet interests, and measures designed to revitalise cold war in
international relations.
(B) Soviet Policies designed to check the US infuence in different parts of the
Globe. Several Soviet policies were strongly opposed by the Americans as these were
regarded by them as policies designed to limit the US role in world politics. The
following Soviet policies were mainly responsible for inviting a strong reaction from the
(1) Soviet backed Cuban role in Angola.
(2) Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and its decision to keepentrenched in this
strategically important area of Asia.
(3) Soviet backed Cuban role in Ethiopia.
(4) Presence of Soviet brigade in Cuba.
Cold War
(5) Deployment of SS- 20, new medium range Soviet Missiles in Easterm Europea

(6) Soviet help and support to the leftists in several I atin Armerican countries.
(7 Increasngandsoviet infhuence in West Asia and growing frieridship
Moscow New Delhi, and Mose ow arnd Hanoi
(8) Soviet decision to strengthein its military bases in Africa
(9) Increasing Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean
(10) Soviet policy of inr reasing its infuence in the West Asia and Persian Gulr
All theseoviet policies were viewed y the Americans as dangerous
developments which pOsed a serious danger to Arnerican interests in world politics in
general and Asia, Africa and Latin America in particular. The Armericans felt that
Soviet polien Asiainvoled the creation of an anti-US axis and the encirclernent of
American friends in Asia, particularly Pakistan and China.
Alongwith these factors, the failure of the NAM towards Disarmarment, te
destabilisation of peace in West Asia as a result of the continued Iran-Iraq war, the
failure on the disarmament front, the slow and minor incremental progress at Geneva
talks, the tailure of the two summit meetings between the US President Reagan and
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, the increasing arms race between the fwo
powers, the extensive militarisation of Pakistan by the United States, the continued super
Soviet presence in Atghanistan, the Soviet Plan for Asian security and American
apprehensions, inability of the rich natjons to accommodate the poor developing
nations etc., all combined together to end the detente of 1970s and to bring back ccld
war in international relations.
Difference between New and Old Cold Wars. The cold war of 1980s i.e. the new
cold war was different from the old cold war in séveral
The New
(1) Cold War was more
dangerous than the Old Cold War.
(2) The New Cold War had its epicentre in Asia whereas the Old Cold War had its
epicentre in Europe.
(3) China became an active actor in the New Cold War.
(4) The Old Cold War involved the concept of maintaining
parity between the two
super powers, whereas in the New Cold War the
was to
attempt by each super power
dominae the world scene.
(5) Previously, both the super powers accepted that a nuclear war
could not be
actually fought because it would involve a total destruction of the two.
with the development of new However,
technology, the two super powers,
United States, accepted that there could be a particularly the
successfully fought limited
Consequently, not only was the size of the nuclear arsenals heldnuclearby the
Super powers vastly increased, but also nuclear war came to
and winnable by strategists on both sides. be seen as fightable
"The sheer quantity of nuclear
devices, the complexity of their new
technology and the sophistication ot the
early warniíng methods of detection also
of nuclear
increased the possibility of eventual use
weapons, by accident or by design."
6) The tight bi-polarity of the Old Cold War
era came to be
bi-polycentrism or bi-multicentrism or least by a loose replaced by
multi-centrism in intenational relations. bipolarity or

(7) The increased number of actors in

intemational relations, indeed, made the
operation of New Cold War policies different from the Old Cold War policies.
International Politics
sizeable nuclear powers
gave a ngq
and France as
tohe emergence of China
dinension to the New Cold War
the Old Cold War
in several respects
hus New Cold War wasdifferent from
the New (okd War hegan
of itsemergence,
rortunately within seven vears
of the Cold War Botth
to realise fhully
thhe dangers and futility
and the humankind atleast lirnit the era of New Cold
out or
again decidedd to
once the Soviet leader
he supe pOwers in the formof
bold initiatives takern by
The welcome break came
of Perestroika and Glasriost and
War nder the concepts
Mikhail Gorbachev. Acting dernands of non aligned and Third
the cries of world public opinion and the
respecting to accept certain moves in the
c a m e forward
World Countries, the Soviet leader of this on the
Disarmarnent. The willing recognition
direction of Arms Control and
development-the signing of the
for a very positive
part of the USA set the stage both the USA and the USSR agreed todestroy,
historic INF Treaty (1987) underwhich
missiles which stood deployed in Europe. This
under joint supervision, medium range which it was implemented in reality gave a
historic agreement and the speed with
international relations. The change
positive and qualitative change to contemporary
War. Soviet withdrawal from
got reilected in cetain events-End of Iran-lraq
the independence of Narnibia, Arms
Atghanistan, Four Party Agreement regarding
cuts accepted by the United States in the
cuts announced by the Soviet Union, Arms
visit of Soviet
NATO foces, Sino-Soviet rapprochement culminating in the May 1989,
President Gorbachev to China. withdrawal of
Sino-Indian rapprochement,
Vietmamese troops from Cambodia, the growing possibility of unification of Koreas,
between the USA and PLO over
recognition of lsrael by Palestine and direct talks
Palestine. the direct dialogue between the leaders of the Greek and Turkish
communities of divided Cyprus, a re-emerging faith in the United Nation's role in crisis
mandgement in international relations, the New Delhi Declaration, speedy
all these and several other such developments gave a big blow to the New Cold
As such within seven years of the outbreak of a New Cold War, a new detente came
to emerge in international relations. The changes in Soviet policies under the
leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev, particularly the induction of liberalisation,
democratisation and decentralisation in the Soviet politics and economy, gave a big
boost to the process of detente between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. i.e. between East
and West. The U.S.S.R. came forward to advocate and follow peace, peacetui
coexistence, friendship and openness in relations with the U.S.A. and other Western
countries. It decided to pull out of Afghanistan as well as to pull out its troops stationed
in Eastern European states. These Soviet moves were appreciated by the US.A. and
the West. Several positive- cooperative steps were initiated to encourage the
stabilisation of democratic changes in the U.S.S.R. and other communist countries of
Eastern Europe. East and West got engaged in a new maturer, speedy and profitable
new deternte which paved the way for the final death of the Cold War.
Q. Briefly describe the End of Cold War in International Relations.
AnsAfter having kept the world involved in the politics of confrontation and
confictduring1945.90,withtheexception of 1970-79, the cold war got a finat burial
in late 1980s After 1987, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. got engaged in a maturer and
continuous detente. Through it the two were successful in harmonising their relations
and ushering an era of peaceful co-existence and cooperation. Perestroika and
Cold War 63
Glasnost in the U.s.S.R. and their impact upon the countries of Eastern Europe
produced big liberaling changes in the political systems of Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Germany. These changes brought these states
very near to the Western European states. A new era of cooperation among European
states had its emergence. West Germany and East Germany got united into Germany.
Berlin Wall, the symbol and physical manifestation of cold war in Europe got
demolished. SuperpOwer involvement in regional conflicts qot reduced. The U.S.S.R.
pulled out ot Afgharnistan. The U.SA. became now more objective in its approacn
towards Atghanistan. The U.S.S R. began adoptingamaturer policy towards socialist
states. Several local wars came to an end. No nation tried to fish out of the troubled
waters in Sri Lanka. Both the U.S.A. and the US.S.R. adopted a positive and maturer
position over the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan. The thinking in favour of
cold war, alliance
politics, nuclear deterrence, balance of terror and
arms race,
aggressive power-politics got replaçed by a commitment to detente, peace, security,
development, peaceful methods of conflict resolution, increased cooperation tor
protecting the environment, disarmament and arms control and the principles ot the
UN. The cold war-politics
got replaced by relations in favour of peace, prosperity and
development. Gorbachev Phenomenon in international relations-Perestroika and
Glasnost in international relations,
played a key role in ending the era of cold war.
Disintegration of the U.S.S.R. and the final end of Cold War. The big change
that cameinto the international
system under the impact of the Socialist Revolution in
Soviet Russia in 1917 again underwent a
the Soviet Union got
big change in the last months ot 1991 when
a super
collapsed and disintegrated
The U.S.S.R. which continued to be
power during 1945-91 failed to maintain itself as a
to internal political and single integrated state due
economic pressures. It failed to
that adapt itselt with the changes
began coming under the concepts of Perestroika and Glasnost. After
Soviet Federation started 1988, the
the situation. Initially the three
cracks and the central leadership failed to control
Baltic States-Estonia, Latvia and
their independences from the
U.S.S.R. Later on other Lithuania-secured
other, started declaring their Republics also, one after the
In August 1991, independences./The
there was attempted coup in Moscow
central leadership became
the U.S.S.R. also failed against
leadership. This coup failed, but Mikhail Gorbachev's
single state. In November, 1991, all the to preserve its identity as a
of them joined hands to form a Republics declared their independences Nine
Commonwealth of
Independent State (CIS)-a loose
organisation of sovereign Republics of the erstwhile
recognised as the successor state of the U.S.S.R. U.S.S.R. Russia came tonbe
US.SR. faded into history)The collapse of the Finally on 31st December, 1991, the
war. Russia
being a weak economic power and beingU.S.S.R.. gave a final burial to the cold
a state
turmoil was incapable of
pursuing a cold war or
faced with internal political
U.S.A. and the West.
ts confrontationist policy vis a-vis the
countries of the West for dependence on the U.S.A.
and other
developed and rich
pro-west orientation in world foreign aid compelled it to follow
low-profile and
politics. Its decision to side with the U.S.A. and
got reflected i several decisions of the UN. the West
Cambodia, Somalia, Istrael, Palestine, Security Council regarding Angola,
others: The new detente Iraq, Bosnia Herzegovina, Libiya and on several
of post-1987 years also
Cold War. The
help that the influenced it to abandon the idea of
U.S.A. and
other developed countries started
Russia to keep the cold war
buried along with the giving it also
U.S.S.R. and the Berlin
Thus, the collapse of the
in international relations.- U.S.S.R. completed the
process of the end of Cold War
International Politics
the tollowing
war inrelations relations stands reflected in
u r e s of the tinternational
of tho of this last decade of the 20th Cenury
A new faith in peace, peaceful co existence and cooperation for development

among the members of the intemational comnunity.

ETd of cold war mechanism like Warsaw Pact NATO continues, but despite
expansion it has lost much of its relevance.
(3) Increased peace
keeping role of the United Nations.
(4 ncreased ability of the U.N. Security Council to take tinely and eltective
collective security decisions and actions.
(5 Universal acceptance of the principles of democracy, decentralisation,
depolarisation, denuclearisation and development.
(6) Increased global commitment for the preservation arnd protection ot the hurnan
rights of all the people
(7) Universal efforts towards the
(8) End
protection of environment.
of conflict in several parts of the world. Germany is now one
two Koreas are trying to be nation; the
one: China and Taiwan have reached severa
agreements (April 1993) ; Cambodia is heading for peace; Afghanistan crisis is
getting diluted ; Arab-Israel talks are in progress, democratisation ot politics and
end of apartheid have been taking place in South Africa;
the U.N.
keeping operations are successfully taking place in several (15) parts ofpeace the
world, fuller European integration is on the cards
; several countries of the world
are trying to forge regional cooperation for development; peace is
Angola, Cyprus, Somalia, Ethopia and other trouble-tom countries; returning to
ànd tne
worid is now
gearing to enter the 21st century in
environment free from
many tensions and strains.
(9) Since September, 1993 the peace
process in West Asia has been getting
stronger and stronger. The PLO and Israel have been
Palestine issue as well as in engaged in settling the
keeping intact peace in the region. Israel has
withdrawn its troops from all the six Palestinian
towns and now these have
come under the rule of PLO.
Israel and Jordan have signed a
a similar one is peace accord and
expected with Syria. During 1996-97, the PLO-Israel peace
process continued to remain at work.
(10) Angolan Peace Accord of November, 1994
of world peace. gave further strength to the cause
(11) The world today has been witnessing a
march for securing economic steady action towards more fruitful
co-operation and increased intermational economicthrough regional economic
(12) Good progress towards arms control and diplomacy.
START1, START-II, chemical weapons abolition disamament is reflected in INF,
NPT and signing of CTBT. treaty, indefinite extension of
CTBT as a real step towards Ams states like India,
however, do not accept
Control because it
nuclear disarmament ignores the core issue of
(13) Ethnic Civil War in Bosnia has come to
the peace-keepers were in a position end and the Bosnian
and an
to celebrate the new Muslims, Serbs
peacetuly. The peace process continued to work year day 1996
Globalisation, Sustainable slowly but steadily.
Environmentof our assuring the enjoyment of Human
and Democratisation, Protection ofof
inhabitants planetary mother Earth now stand Rights and Freedom for all the
accepted as universal objectives.
Cold War 65
AlL these features indicate the end of cold war and the emergence of the era ot
peaceful coexistence and co-operation among the people living in various parts of
world in international relations. Now the world community is keen to direct its efforts
towards the securing of an end of a neocolonialism and under development in the
world. Cold War has ended but complete peace, harmony, development and peaceful
co-existence is yet to be secured in the years to come NPT has been extended
indefinitely but a plan for global nuclear disarmament is yet to be formed and agreed
upon. China continues to test its nuclear devices and Pakistan continues to keep up its
nuclear plan. India has refused to sign the discriminalory NPT and CTBT and demands
an agreement for Global Nuclear Disarrnamnent. The logic "Do not develop nuclear
weapons. Destroy the existing stockpile of nuclear weapons and enforce strict arms
control measures," constitute a good package for peace. It is, however, yet to be
accepted by all, particularly by the Nuclear nations. This alongwith NIEO must be the
international agenda for the 21st century, which is just about 30 months

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