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Mama’s Little Kitchen

Italian classic margarita .

 250 flour .
 ½ tsb salt
 3.5g Dry yeast
 163 ml warm water
 2 cans peeled tomato
 Half can tomato paste
 ½ chopped onion
 2 cloves garlic
 2 tbs oregano
 2tbs olive oil
 Fresh basil
 Salt and paper to taste
 Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese
 Sprinkle oregano
 Drizzle olive oil
 Mozzarella cheese
 Is desired add sausage ,mushroom ,or any thing you want .
Mama’s Little Kitchen

1. Mix the flour with the salt and set a side .

2. Mix the Dry yeast with the warm water .
3. Pour the yeast mix into flour and mix for 10 min
4. Shape the dough into 2 balls and cover to rest for
about 2 hours .
1. On medium heat put olive oil and onion and garlic
together for 3 min
2. Add the basil and stir for another 2 min then remove
the garlic
3. Add the tomato paste and the crushed peeled
tomato to the onion
4. Season with oregano ,salt and paper.
5. Keep it on medium -low heat for 20 min
6. After 2 hours take one ball and spread it into pizza
7. Put about 2 tbs from the sauce then sprinkle
parmesan cheese
8. Add basil and mozzarella cheese then drizzle some
olive oil
9. Put it in oven 200 for about 10 min

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