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Application. Formulate your own philosophy of who you are.

Name: ALBANO NOREEN U. Yr. and Course: 1ST YR-BS CRIM

Your Brief Background: I’m Noreen Albano I grew up in Baguio City and currently residing here at Pugo La Union. A few years ago I
decided to move here to come out of my comfort zone and to conquer my fear of socialization, I mean socializing
with new individuals. My journey wasn't good as how I knew it could be, I encountered a lot of people who use my
weakness as their strength, and others help me to learn from my experience that others thought it will be my end. I
took up Humanities and Social Sciences as my Senior High strand to continue aiming for myself to improve in
different aspects of my life. To be stronger and to learn to fight alone in the chaos of my life. As I graduated, I
decided to take up Bs Criminology as my pre-law course. I’m not intelligent as to how people view an individual
who deserves to be a lawyer but I knew in myself that I need to learn everything in my life to be able to understand
and be knowledgeable enough to fit myself in the society I’m in.

Significant Experience/s In my life, I experience situations that make me fear people and having a hard time trusting them once again.
leading to a philosophy: When I’m still in high school I have my best friend from grade school that I entrust my life and everything to her but
I ended up being bad and not a true friend to her. All of a sudden people we knew started to be like her because of
the rumors she spread that I’m against all of them. That was the begging of my teenage years that I learn to be
myself, I don’t trust anyone but myself alone. I’m in my youth now, it is hard to find yourself when you are with
people, and it is easy to define who you are when you are alone. Due to failures caused by my decisions in life I
blame myself for why I keep on losing people I loved the most. I keep on blaming myself that I don’t deserve
friends in my life because multiple times the friends know betray and turn their back against me that I end up being
afraid of people and afraid to trust them not even once. But today that I’m on my way to adulthood I learn that I
didn’t fail as a friend to them but I learn to be brave enough to be an independent woman who doesn't need
assurance from others but only lessons to apply for my everyday living. Myself before was defined by people who
knew me but now I know myself the way I live and how I view my growth from a different point of view.

Philosophy of the Self: Every one of us has its own different perspective in life. As an individual, we have our goals, dreams, and
philosophy that as we grew older we have to experience new things and encounter failures, pains, and sacrifices
that will lead us to a different understanding of how life should be. These failures make people think of their worth
and fate in life, other people think that when they fail it’s not their time, it is not their profession, and it is not the job
for them to work in. But in reality, other people look at failure as a stepping stone to strive more in life. For the
pains to vanished they need to endure it for them to be able to kñow the path where they belong. We do sacrifices
for us to learn and risk the impossible things to be possible in the future. Generally, failures don’t mean to hurt us,
don’t want to question our worth if we are or weren't but failure for me teaches us to be brave and optimistic in life.
We need the courage to get better results the next time we try again, we need to grow our mindset to seek the
opposite side of the stories we have encountered. We shouldn't seatback and let the pains, failure, loss, struggle,
and others stop us from believing in our self since we knew our self enough that we dream this goal because we
can and we need to conquer something in life because we are going to grow and learn from it.
Scoring Criteria
Application of Philosophical principles = __________/5
Clarity and Philosophical value = __________/5
Grammar and neatness = __________/5

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