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The register of conversation of the wedding make-up artist community in


Hana Rizky Muhadian

14 321 038

A. Background

Life in this world all human beings must be connected with

communication. Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages
or information between two or more people effectively so that it is easy to
understand. Communication with the realm of ideas and emotions is the
dissemination of information, ideas as attitudes or emotions from one individual
to another, especially through symbols. Communication has a role in feelings
toward others, be it happy, happy, disappointed, do not like. And others. In a
communication, there is a communication to the group. It can be pronounced as
speech communication.

The speech community is a group of people who have a set of linguistic

norms and expectations with regard to how their language is used. The greeting
community is used as a set of norms for the use of a particular language through
live interaction and mutual interaction. The speech community can appear among
all groups sharing and sharing certain norms and ideologies. This group can be a
village, state, political or professional community, a community with interests,
hobbies, or lifestyles, or even just a group of friends. A community of gratitude
for certain words and grammatical rules, as well as styles and genres, as well as
norms about how and when to speak. Most languages have standard variations,
some of which are selected and promoted by quasi-legal authorities or other social
institutions, such as schools or the media. Standard varieties are more prestigious
than other non-standard varieties and are generally considered correct by language
speakers. Because the election is an arbitrary standard, the standard varieties are
"true" only in the sense that they are highly respected in the societies that use the
language. As Ralph Harold Fasold says, "It is a general social acceptance that
gives us a workable standard of arbitrary, no inherent excellence of the
characteristic set." In this case an authority can be applied as a rule in the
community. A variation of the language in which the authority of a community is
called a register on community.

The register is a language used at a given time and determine by what you
do, with whom and by what means. The register shows the type of social process
that is going on. Registers cover all the linguistic or linguistic aspects of choice,
so many linguists refer to the register as a style or style of language. The variation
of the choice of register language depends on the context of the situation, which
includes 3 variables: fields, tenors and modes that work simultaneously to form
contextual configurations or configuration meanings. Register as the use of a
special vocabulary relating to a particular type of work or group of people Such as
medical registers, traders, bank employees, factory employees, farmers, make-up
artist, taxi operators, salesmen, teachers, and so forth. There for the language used
by someone who is engaged in a particular job or profession has a special
characteristic that is not owned by other language users.

Register make-up artist understood as the use of language by make-up

artist. Use of language by make-up artist describes peculiarity or special
characteristic in make-up artist language. Make-up artist uses a special vocabulary
in accordance with the scope of the work. The word was deliberately created by
the community of make-up artist to communicate smoothly. The make-up artist
community agrees to agree on a special vocabulary in the work. The word is
called the language of make-up artist. Thus, the term make-up artist language
becomes a characteristic or special feature of the language make-up artist.
Language make-up artist has its own uniqueness. The language study of make-up
artist is known as the register language of make-up artist. The use of language
used by make-up artist describes the uniqueness of make-up artist language. A
society whose job is not a make-up artist is unlikely to understand the language of
the artist's make-up. It is just a make-up artist group who understand the language
of make-up artist. There are vocabularies used by make-up artists when doing
their work. As well as for example the vocabulary used by the wedding make-up
artist community in Ngawi. In make-up artist activities people speaking use
special language. Generally, it is often found the addition of vocabularies from the
list of languages in communicating in the field of his work. Makeup artists use
vocabulary in the form of news, commands, or questions.

B. Formulation of Prolem

The statements of this research are follow:

1. What are the form of register of wedding make-up artist community in

2. What are the meaning of register of wedding make-up artist community in

C. Objective

The purpose of the researcher conducting the research objective is to inform:

1. To describe the form of the register of wedding make-up artist community

in Ngawi
2. Tho identify the meaning of the language variation in the register of
wedding make-up community in Ngawi.
D. Significance of the study
The researcher really hopes that in this research on the register of
conversation of the wedding make up artist in Ngawi has some benefit to
readers, they are:
1. Theoritically: this study is expected to give clear explanation,
information, and description about the form and meaning of the
register of conversation of the wedding make-up artis community in
2. Practically: this study expected to increase the knowledge of the reader
about the form and meaning of the register of conversatio of the
wedding make-up artist in Ngawi.

E. Data Collection Tehniques

Technique of collection data is form of strategy to get research data. The

researcher uses interview techniques to collect data. Observation is the
researcher's effort to get the data. The researcher uses the media to
document his research in observation. Media used is audio recording
media where the researcher record all conversation from the wedding
make-up artist community in ngawi. The recordings are made into
transcript records. The writer selects the register from the member's
conversation. The last is the researcher analyzing the data to know the use
of the register and its meaning referred to by that member.

F. Data Analysis

Based of miles & Hulberman (1994:1) states that “qualitative data, usually
in the form of word rather than number”. Based from that explanation it can
be conclude that in cualitative research the data is the form of word not
number. The researcher will describe the form and the meaning according the
data sources. There are two kind the techniques choosed by the researd, it is:

1. Observation
Definition of observation is The recording of behavioral patterns of
people, objects, and events in a systematic manner to obtain
information about the phenomenon of interest.
2. Interview
Interview is the verbal conversation between two people with the
objective of collecting relevant information for the purpose of
research. According to (mcnamara, 1999)states that Interviews are
particularly useful for getting the story behind a participant’s
experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around
the topic. Interviews may be useful as follow-up to certain respondents

G. Research Procedure
1. Preparation
The researcher permits the wedding make-up artist in Ngawi for
observation. After getting permission, the researcher requested the
schedule of their agenda work. The location they work is always
moving because they work at home customers. So the researcher asks
for the schedule and where they work. The researcher began recording
all the conversations from the wedding make-up artist in Ngawi from
start to finish. The process they work on for very long can be between
8 hours. Due to too long, the researcher record when the important
things only. After the recording has been obtained then the researcher
record all the words on the recording. Recordings that have become
transcripts will be selected.
2. Action
The next rare thing is to find the word register in the transcript. After
the register has been recorded then the next is the research invite one
member for the interview session. In the interview session can be done
through face-to-face or calling telephone call. The researcher asked
what the meaning of the register has been said to the conversation in
the recording. The next session is the analysis. The researcher analyzes
the results of data that has been collected. The researcher analyzed the
register and the interview result. After that the researcher makes
appendix as an effort to make the reader understand the contents of the
meaning of the register. This research is field research. The researcher
is required to search his own data. The researcher will follow a
wedding event. After that enter the room where all members of the
make-up community wedding is located. The space can be called the
makeup room. The researcher asks permission to record all the
dialogue in their conversation. After being able to permit the
researcher start recording audio to take sample sample conversation.
The researcher interviews one of the members to explain the meaning
of the variation of the language that has been used in the group. The
researcher notes the meaning of the words described. In the interview
session, can be done directly or by telephone.
3. Report
the researcher reports the results of the analysis. Such analysis is the
result of observations and interviews. the report includes the form of
register of conversations of the wedding make-up artist community in
ngawi. and also includes the form of register of conversations of the
wedding make up artist community.

H. Definition of The Key Terms

1. Language
The language is basically sound, and humans have been using spoken
language before spoken language just as children learn to speak before
learning to write. In the world many people speak oral, but can not
write it down. So the language is basically an oral language (speaking),
as for writing is a form of a second language. In other words the
language is speech and it is a language symbol.
2. Language varieties
Hudson (1980: 24) a set of linguistic items with similar distribution.
Ferguson (1971: 30) any body of human speech patterns which
sufficiently homogeneous to be analyzed by available techniques of
synchronic description and which has a sufficiently large repertory of
elements and their arrangements or process with broad enough
semantic scope to function in all normal context of communication.
Wardaugh (1988: 20) a specific set of linguistic items or human speech
patterns (presumably, sounds, words, grammatical features) which we
can uniquely associate with some external factors (presumably, a
geographical area and a social group)
3. Speech community
Lyons (1970): "All people who use a give language or dialect“ Labov
(1972): "Participation in a set of shared norms; these norms may be
observed in overt types of evaluative behavior, and by the uniformity
of abstract patterns of variation which are invariant in respect to
particular levels of usage” Gumperz (1971): "A social group which
may be either monolingual or multilingual, held together by frequency
of social interaction and set off from the surrounding areas by
weaknesses in the lines of communication"

4. Register
(Spolsky 1998:33). Register: In the Dictionary of Linguistics and
Phonetics, Crystal (1991, p. 295) defines register as "a variety of
language defined according to its use in social situations, e.g. a register
of scientific, religious, formal English.’’ Register is widely used in
linguistics to refer to ‘’varieties according to use’’. In contrast to
dialect defined as varieties according to user (chesihire1992,
downes1994, beiber1988), they are also are a set of language items
associated with discrete occupational or social group (wardhaugh,
5. Wedding make-up artist
Definition of wedding by dictionary is "ritual officially celebrating the
beginning of marriage". The wedding ceremony means an event where
there is a sacred oath between the bride and the groom. activities
change the appearance of the original form actually with the help of
materials and cosmetic tools. The term makeup is more often directed
to the change of face shape, although in fact the entire body can be
inlaid. Wedding make-up artist is perias who works on bridal make up
at wedding event.

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