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Name : I Wayan Candra Purnata

Number : 09
Class : X SCIENCE 2


Dewandaru is a type of medicinal plant that is widely grown in sub-tropical and tropical
areas with health benefits. Dewandaru mostly grows wild and planted in the yard as
decoration or cultivated.
Dewandaru plants in the form of shrubs that grow annually to a height of more than 5
meters. The trunk is upright woody, round and brown in color. The leaves that are
owned are green and are single, scattered, oval leaves with a pointed tip and a tapered
base. Flat leaf edge, pinnate with a length of more than 5 cm and a width of
approximately 4 cm. This plant has a single and two-shaped flower with small green
leaves. Dewandaru fruit is a round wavy fruit with a diameter of approximately 1.5 cm
and has a red color. The seeds are hard, brown, and small. The root that is owned is
brown and is a taproot.
This plant comes from the eastern coast of tropical South America, which is spread from
Suriname, French Guiana, to the southern region of Brazil, as well as parts of Paraguay,
Argentina, Uruguay, and countries in the Caribbean region. In the area of origin and
distribution, dewandaru is known as pitanga, suriname cherry, brazilian cherry, cayenne
cherry, or cerisier carré. In Indonesia, Dewandaru is also known as asem selong,
belimbing londo, ceremai londo, or cereme asam.
The fruit and leaves of Dewandaru are used as an astringent enhancer and reduce high
blood pressure. The result of Dewandaru leaf decocta in Paraguay is used to lower
cholesterol and blood pressure. It can also decrease lipid metabolism and can be used
as a protective effect on triglycerides and very low lipoprotein levels.
The leaves of Dewandaru as a traditional medicine are efficacious as a diarrhea
medicine. High anti-inflammatory action is also found in the leaves of Dewandaru. In
Brazilian folk medicine, Dewandaru fruit is used as an antidiarrheal, diuretic,
antirheumatic, anti-febrile, and antidiabetic. In addition, Dewandaru leaf extract is also
a hypotensive agent (Consolini et al., 2000) and inhibits the increase in plasma levels
of triglycerides and glucose.
Dewandaru is a plant that has good prospects to be developed as an anticancer. Several
studies regarding the efficacy of Dewandaru leaves as an anticancer have been carried
out. Dewandaru cytotoxic test on Hela cells showed that ethyl acetate extract had a
higher cytotoxic effect than ethanol and chloroform extracts.

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