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Ministerio de Educación

Programación Educativa

In the English Classroom

Vocabulary/ Grammar/ Speaking

Managua, January 2021

Wilmer Zambrana
ECRIF- Framework

1. ECRIF Background................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 ECRIF Origin ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 ECRIF Meaning. ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 The Purpose of ECRIF .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Role of students and teachers in ECRIF. ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Learning Styles ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Three dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Meaning: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Form: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Use: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2. ECRIF Stages .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Encounter Stage: ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Clarify Stage: ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Remember Stage: ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Internalize Stage: ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Fluency Stage: .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
3. Unit: ECRIF Lesson Planning ............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Learning objectives: ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Skill and language focus: ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.3 Learner Assumptions: .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Activity choice:.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.5 Resources: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 Assessment: .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
4. Unit Revision........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 Check your understanding 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Check your understanding 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Check your understanding 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5. Tasks to Turn in: .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Task 1: Poster Session .................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Task 2: ECRIF Practice ................................................................................................................................................. 16
A. Lesson plan:................................................................................................................................................................ 16
B. Reflections. .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
6. Reference ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
7. Annex. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 ECRIF Activities .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
7.2 Lesson Plan Sample ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

ECRIF- Framework


The module “ECRIF Framework” is aimed to help Secondary School English teachers to
improve the language teaching–learning process in the classroom.

This module is composed by the following units:

Unit I: ECRIF Background

Unit II: ECRIF Stages

Unit III: ECRIF Lesson Planning

General, technical and scientific information you need to know in order to acquire the
competence unit and competences elements are provided in the unit contents. This manual
contains illustrations, drawings, and graphics intended to help you internalize target

Unknown words and technical terms not commonly used are defined and placed along the
text. You can find them within the text as footnotes which are labeled with numbers.

At the end of the manual you will find the following information:

 Bibliography
 Annexes

We hope that this information will help you to improve your language teaching skills.

ECRIF- Framework

1. ECRIF Background
1.1 ECRIF Origin
Josh Kurzweil is Mary Scholl, a teachers´
the author of trainer in a community
“Understanding English program, is
teaching through deeply interested in
learning” which creating compassionate
was published by communication, joyful,
McGraw-Hill in engaged, and
2006, and his particular areas of interest empowering learning opportunities, the role of
include Experiential Learning, reflective creativity in language learning, the role of
practice, and lesson design. The ECRIF compassion in learning, reflective practice,
Framework was first introduced in this observation and feedback, learning-centered
book. language teaching and thinking skills and

Kurzweil and Scholl developed a framework of stages called ECRIF that focuses on how learners learn. ECRIF
moves from classroom instruction to student-centered collaboration and independent practices rather than
teacher-guided lesson. ECRIF is related to spontaneous and planned scaffolding. The object of this method
is to supply what to do or what not to do, and in which style students can learn better. By means of ECRIF,
teachers can notice that to what extent the teaching is fruitful and they observe the approach of the students
to the target language.

to reflect on
student learning
to assess where
after a lesson
students are in
(reflecting on
to plan lessons their learning
and adapt course process during a
book materials lesson (reflecting
(reflecting for in action)

ECRIF- Framework

1.2 ECRIF Meaning.

ECRIF framework equips teachers and learners with certain steps to follow. Each stage in ECRIF
contains hierarchic activities with different learning style that help promote meaningful learning. This
Framework stands for:

Encounter → Clarify → Remember → Internalize → Fluency

For instance, when we first encounter a bike for the first time, we start by identifying the object
(meaning), naming, or pronouncing (form) and we understand how it works or in which situation it is
present (use). Then, we may have somebody that explains to us how to ride a bike, so we clarify our
learning about the bike. After that, we can have some opportunities to practice by our own and
remember how to ride a bike based on the previous clarifications. Consequently, we continue
practicing and we now internalize by building up a set of experiences, by listening to conversations
about a bikes, seeing others riding a bike, and having more chances to practice. These experiences,
over time, make it possible for you to fluently ride a bike, meaning that you have become automatic
with it.

1.3 The Purpose of ECRIF

The purpose of ECRIF is not to describe teacher behavior, but rather to provide a way of looking at
what students are doing and thinking as they learn during lessons. Cordelo and Peer (2014, p. 12)
argue that there are several goals that can be achieved through ECRIF for both learners and teachers.
The eventual goal is to expand a technique that stimulates opportunities for observing students'
performance and reflections during their learning rather than representing teachers' manner in class.

ECRIF- Framework

1.4 Role of students and teachers in ECRIF.

As language learners we are encouraged to learn new words in each lesson we take, which is
paramount in the pursuit of becoming a proficient foreign language speaker. However, for some
learners it might be hard to acquire new words. Therefore, this Framework shifts the traditional
thinking from focusing on teacher as the central part of learning process to students. These new roles
include sharing students in planning, implementation, and assessments.

The first step depends on accepting the levels of students, their needs, interests, and individual
differences. Teachers must become comfortable with changing their leadership style from directive
to consultative. There are many characteristics that distinguish Ecrif teachers:

Being a Managing Willingness to

Creating a
Collaborative flexible, skilled effective interfere in the
learning and warm classroom style appropriate
leader and strategies time

Teachers should be more conscious of their options and decisions that reflect the best choice for
classroom activities and tasks.

Traditional teaching techniques do not provide the students with the awareness that they need to
share and learn the new knowledge they have perceived from their errors or mistakes. Thus, the
students can feel more productive and safe while learning the target language. Supplying them with
the useful materials, prompts, cues, realia, will increase the success of the students because they will
easily concentrate on learning thanks to the ECRIF.

ECRIF- Framework

1.5 Learning Styles

The VAK learning style uses the three main sensory
receivers: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (movement) to
determine the dominant learning style. It is sometimes
known as VAKT (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, & Tactile).

Learners use all three modalities to receive and learn new information and experiences. However,
according to the VAK or modality theory, one or two of these receiving styles is normally dominant.
This dominant style defines the best way for a person to learn new information by filtering what is to
be learned. This style may not always to be the same for some tasks. The learner may prefer one
style of learning for one task, and a combination of others for a different task.

Classically, our learning style is forced upon us through life like this: In grades kindergarten to third,
new information is presented to us kinesthetically; grades 4 to 8 are visually presented; while grades
9 to college and on into the business environment, information is presented to us mostly through
auditory means, such as lectures.

 Use visual materials such as  Discuss their ideas.  Take frequent study breaks.
pictures, charts, maps,  Work in study groups.  Work at a standing position.
graphics  Recite information that is  Listen to music while they
 Use colors to highlight important to remember. study.
important points in the text  Review printed material  Bring some type of” grip
 Ilustraste ideas in a graphic before auditory information toy” to class to hold on to.
 Use multimedia is presented.  Skim through reading
 Repeat back instructions just material to get a rough idea
heard to check clarity. what it is about before
sitting down to read it in

ECRIF- Framework

1.6 Three dimensions

What meaning does the vocabulary, functional expression or grammar
structure has in the (specific) context? There are two aspects of meaning.
First, what is literal or essential’ meaning of the word, phrase, functional
expression or grammar structure? Second, what does it mean in the context
it’s being used in?

For instance,” She is wearing a red skirt.” The literal or essential meaning of the word has to
do with naming a particular color. However, in the example “He was a well-known red.”
Red indicates the person’s political beliefs and affiliation.

How is the vocabulary unit, functional expression, or grammar structure formed? Form refers
to the visible and audible parts of vocabulary, functional expressions and grammar units: the
spelling, phonemes, words in a phrase, prefixes or suffixes, syntax (word order), choice of noun
or verb, for a particular place in a sentence, and/or punctuation.

For example: the present perfect is formed with “have been” plus the past participle of the
main verb; or “tired of” is followed by ing/gerund not an infinitive “in my opinion” not
“on my opinion”; the word is spelled c-o-n-t-e-n-t and the first syllable is stressed.

When or why is the vocabulary, functional expression or grammar structure used? The words,
functional expressions, grammar structures we choose to use are determined by the situation
we are in and/or what we want to communicate to our listener(s). Use is interconnected with

For example: Good morning! is a greeting we use with friends, family, our boss, etc. when we
see them before noon. If we say Good morning! to a family member as he/she gets up in
the afternoon (because they were out late the night before), we are being ironic and perhaps
indicating disapproval. We would probably not say this to our boss when s/he came in late

ECRIF- Framework

2. ECRIF Stages
2.1 Encounter Stage:
The encounter stage of learning is the first time a learner encounters new
material or information. In PPP framework it is the Presentation. Very often
the Encounter will be prefaced by activating the learner´s background knowledge, or finding
out what they already know (FOWSAK). It is essential to take into consideration the different
learning styles (VAKT)

It’s always a highlight when the lessons start with conversation. This is an amazing way to
help students connect with the topic, and hopefully with the class. (Khan, 2013). Brainstorming,
elicitation, questions, and pictures descriptions are some activities to encounter the new target

• The main idea is to present the target language either oral or written in a
Encounter meaningful realistic context

2.2 Clarify Stage:

Clarifying is the process that is realized in the inner part of the student; when
the student tries to define the form, meaning, use of a vocabulary. (Journal of
Education and Training Studies, 2017)

Clarify is something that happens inside the learner; when the learner can determine for
example what the meaning of a vocabulary word or pronunciation is or is not, or that a certain
grammar construction is used here not there. Teachers assist in clarifying, and check or assess
learners’ understanding of material. One way to check comprehension is with
comprehension checking questions (CCQs)

 In this stage students distinguish the meaning and the use of new language or skill. They
ask questions and think about what is correct. S-S interaction
 Teachers assist and provide explanations by eliciting ideas from others rather than
telling them the answer

ECRIF- Framework

 Some activities that help students clarify their learning include: word/definition
matching, gap filling, and discussions.

2.3 Remember Stage:

This is the first step in committing new material to memory. It is usually
characterized by repetition, drilling, and referring back to support materials
such as models or prompts.

The activities for this stage of learning are also called controlled practice. Controlled practice
means that the learner has lots of support, and little or no choice in how to successfully
complete the activity or exercise. Teacher controls the activity and identifies students´
difficulties, provide feedback (E.g. is his answer correct?)


Remember Stage -
retelling card games

quizzing word -
and sentences
Repetition starter

2.4 Internalize Stage:

When a learner internalizes material, it is committed to long-term memory.
After material or information has been internalized, learners no longer has to
refer to support materials in order to remember because they can refer to the
information that is stored in their own memory.

ELT 10
ECRIF- Framework

Continued practice is needed to help internalize new language or information; the practice
however differs from the remembering stage because it is now freer, less controlled practice
with the learner making more choices in how they are using the information and relying less
on outside support.

 In this stage students use the language to talk about themselves, recalling experiences.
It is more independent. The interaction is more student centered (S-S)

 Teacher prepares SS for the fluency stage.

 Some Internalize activities include: describing situations, answering personal questions,

stations, telling stories, and surveys.

Students can internalize the new knowledge only when they take part in the class activities
actively. Students need to internalize vocabulary in order to understand and access it
effectively, and need to develop personalized vocabulary in order to talk about their own
worlds (Glisan, Teaching grammar and vocabulary for proficiency. Guidelines, 1988)

2.5 Fluency Stage:

In this stage of learning, learners are using new material and information fluidly,
in accordance with their current understanding and internalized grasp of the
material. It is the stage where they freely test internalized knowledge and
spontaneously produce the target language creatively in a personal, real- life communication

 Teachers model the activity, notes errors but not corrections at the moment because it
interrupts the flow of language production.

 Some Fluency activities include: retell stories, reporting, role-play, discussions, making
decisions, convincing, and fluency lines.

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ECRIF- Framework

3. Unit: ECRIF Lesson Planning

3.1 Learning objectives:
Includes specific target language, observable verbs describing students’ behavior and
communicative task. For instance:

“Students use (grammar point, vocabulary, or pronunciation) to (function) in/ during (a

meaningful communicative task)”


“Students use 5-6 words about routines to describe

their daily activities during a fluency-line activity.”

3.2 Skill and language focus:

Sometimes we say what language and skills the students are going to be focusing on in the
aims that we detail (e.g. the students will be able to say what they have just been doing using
the present perfect continuous tense). Sometimes, however, we may want to list the structures,
functions, vocabulary or pronunciation items separately so that an observer can instantly and
clearly see what the students are going to study. This is often required by trainers in order to
provoke trainees into thinking about the implications of the chosen language or skills.

3.3 Learner Assumptions:

Another important aspect in a lesson plan is knowing what students already know and what
they can do in relation to today’s lesson. Therefore, teacher must be prepare to face
challenges or difficulties in order to remedy and avoid these potential barriers in students

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ECRIF- Framework

3.4 Activity choice:

When planning an Ecrif lesson it is important to describe the essence of the activity. What will
the teacher say/do? What will the students hopefully say and do? It is also crucial to plan
activities and assign an appropriate time for their development. Are the activities logically

 How can I help my students encounter language they need?

 How can I help my students clarify the meaning, form and use of that language?
 How can I help my Students remember/internalize that language?
 How can I help my Students fluently use that language?

Additionally, teacher must choose what technique he/she will use to perform a specific activity.
For instance, if the teacher starts by the activity: “story telling” he/she might use
brainstorming, elicitation, questions or mimes as techniques to develop this activity.

3.5 Resources:
Good lesson planning includes knowing what you need to take with you for each lesson or
what seating arrangement you will have in your classroom. It is recommendable to prepare
visual aids with quality. That is, well edited so that all students can see it or listen it regardless
the distance. The resources must meet the different learning styles to help students learn

3.6 Assessment:
When we collect information about students’ learning progress, we can see how students
are progressing. Then, we plan future teaching strategies and learning activities based on this
information. Choosing assessment strategies and tools requires that teachers consider the
range of classroom situations that students will experience. A variety of tools and resources
may be used. That is, every lesson does not always need to end up with a quiz.

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ECRIF- Framework

4. Unit Revision
4.1 Check your understanding 1
A. Complete the circles with ECRIF information.

B. What does each abbreviation mean?

 CCQs  MFU:

4.2 Check your understanding 2

In which stage of ECRIF could these activities fit? Write down the stage in the box.

4.3 Check your understanding 3

Identify in the following learning objective the 3 of the 4 elements and which one missing?

“Students use time expressions in an interview.” ______________________________________

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ECRIF- Framework

5. Tasks to Turn in:

5.1 Task 1: Poster Session
Choose one learner and carefully observe him/her in class. Make sure to interview your
learner at least once during the week. You will create a poster of in-depth analysis based
upon what you have found and present your poster to your trainer and peers at the next

 Write a brief description of the student´s background and language learning.

 A short description of the student´s motivation and reasons for learning English
 The student´s learning strengths and challenges
 Is he/she visual, kinesthetic, auditory or tactile? How do you know?
 How does he/she work individually, in small groups, in large groups?
 In regards to language (speaking, listening, writing, reading), what can this
student do?
 What language and language skills does this student need to be working on?
Include specific inaccuracies you recorded him/her making in these areas. Why
do you think these mistakes occurred? Provide with evidence (student work, a
photo, video or audio)
 Make two list of suggestions. One for the student and one for you as a teacher
regarding (language points, activities, materials, learning or teaching strategies, etc.)

Note: This assignment can be done whether in a wall paper to present in the workshop or in
a PowerPoint Presentation and send it through email: or

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ECRIF- Framework

5.2 Task 2: ECRIF Practice

A. Lesson plan:
Plan an ECRIF Lesson to teach to your students. Make sure you prepare one or two different
activities per each stage in Ecrif (Activate schema, Encounter, clarify, remember, internalize
and fluency). See the model on Annex.

 Make sure you write measurable objectives (Including specific target language,
observable verbs describing students’ behavior and a communicative task)
 Choose varied learning activities to cater student´s learning styles (visual, auditory,
kinesthetic and tactile).
 Briefly describe what the teacher and students will be doing during the lesson.
 Use this lesson plan with your students in one of your lessons. Remember to take the
proper resources to your classroom.

Note: This assignment can be done on a digital word document and send it through email: or

B. Reflections.
Rigorously reflect on your teaching experience and write a description based on your ECRIF
lesson plan you applied to your students.

 How did you and your students feel during the lesson?
 What went well during the lesson? How do you know this?
 Were your lesson objectives achieved? How?
 What challenges did you or your students experience during the lesson?
 What would you do different in a future lesson?

Note: This assignment can be done on a digital word document and send it through email: or

ELT 16
ECRIF- Framework

6. Reference
Campbell. (2008, 10 21). Beginning with what students know. Retrieved from The role of prior Knowledge in

Glisan. (1988). Teaching grammar and vocabulary for proficiency. Guidelines. Retrieved 10 27, 2018, from

Glisan. (1998, 10 27). Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary for proficincy. Retrieved from

Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford. Retrieved 10 19, 2018, from

Journal of Education and Training Studies. (2017, 03). Retrieved 08 31, 2018, from ECRIF Framework System:

Mary Scholl, J. K. (2007). Retrieved from

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7. Annex.
7.1 ECRIF Activities

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ECRIF- Framework

7.2 Lesson Plan Sample

Teacher’s Name: Wilmer Franklin Zambrana Level: Intermediate # of Students: 25 Date: October, 22nd ,2017

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. I will slow down my speech speed so that students can process information
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback 2. I will give enough time to students to do the activities planned
from trainers and peers, what are two things
that you will try to do in this lesson to help
your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? This lesson plan is based on vocabulary related to Crime, there were chosen 5 words
(Check the main lesson focus; also provide (kidnapping, pickpocketing, burglary, shoplifting, Mugging) to describe common crime in
details / list of items) a country. There are other skills that are required such us speaking, reading, and critical
Culture Grammar/Vocabulary thinking. The activities were chosen based on VAKT to help student learn effectively.
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: Students use 4-5 words related to crime and punishment to talk about personal
(What do you want the Ss to be able to do stories in a role-play activity.
with the new material that they couldn’t do
before?) (There might be subsidiary
objectives. Feel free to include them.

Assumptions: I know / expect that my students are familiar with…

(What do your students already know what Some words related to crime and use simple tenses (present and past) to talk about
can they already do in relation to today’s personal experiences and describe meaning of words.

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: I think student might have some difficulties with
(What will be new for your students? What Some words that they might not know
aspects of the lesson do you anticipate they Misunderstanding of the meaning of words and wrong associations
might find challenging / difficult?)

Solutions for challenges: In order to remedy/avoid these potential challenges I plan to…
(How will you avoid and/or address these Give more explanations, mimics, and examples to express the meaning of the words
problem areas in your lesson?)

Assessment: During the final fluency task I will check students’ performance and see how accurate
(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready the new words while describing their personal stories
to move on to the next stages of the lesson or
have reached the final learning objective?)

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ECRIF- Framework

Framework Focus:
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity. What Materials/Aids
Time ECRIF S; S-S;
will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
Stages T; T-S
1. Activity or task: Word Brainstorm / question bag. This is an activity that Visual/ Tactile:
Activating links students preview knowledge with the topic.  Questions
Schema Teacher: Write down the word “crime” Students: T-S papers
inside a circle. Then elicit some new Brainstorm about crime words  Board
words from it by having pair discussions. In pairs. Then, ask and S-S Auditory:
After that, Provide some questions for answer some questions  discussion
group discussion
2. Activity or task: Picture brainstorming. Visual:
Encounter Teacher: Show some pictures and ask Students:  Poster
Stage students pair up to discuss the meaning Look at some pictures and S-S Board
vocabulary of new words have discussion to express Auditory:
presentation the meaning of new words  discussion
3. Activity or task: Definitions Matching Visual:
Teacher: Show some definition cards and Students:  Poster cards
ask students to read then loudly and then Read some definitions and T-S about crime
Clarify Stage match them with the words in study. match them with the words  definitions
Vocabulary 4. Activity or task: Picture matching Visual:
definitions Teacher: Give some picture cards and Students: S-S  cards
word cards so that the students can Match words with pictures Auditory:
3min  discussion
match the word and the picture to see if
they understood. Ask students to minge Student quiz each other in a
and quiz each other mingle activity
5. Activity or task: Memory game
Teacher: Ask students to play a memory Students: Tactile:
game about crime words and if they get Play a memory game about  Ordering
the two cards they must say the definition Crime words S-S sentences
4min loudly
6. Activity or task: Fill in the blank Visual:
Teacher: place some sentences in Students:  Sentences
Remember different places and ask students in pairs Students read and complete S-S gap filling
3 min
Stage to walk around and complete orally the sentences orally Auditory:
sentence T-S Sentence
7. Activity or task: Reading stations Visual:
Teacher: Provide some short readings Students: Read a short text,  Worksheets
5min and ask them to report to their report and ask questions S-S Auditory:
classmates and guess from clues  Reporting
8. Activity or task: Personal Stories
Internalize Teacher: ask ss to think of a situation in Students: Think of a situation  Visual
Stage which student experience a crime and about crime that happened to S-S
5min  Tactile
talk to their peers. you or relatives and share
your ideas with your partner
9. Activity or task: Role-play
Fluency Teacher: Give Students a different Students: Based on the  Kinesthetic
5min Stage situation to role-play situation they improvise and S-S  Auditory

ELT 20

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