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The teacher’s role in the

The teacher’s role in the classroom 1

Let’s think…
What kind of classroom manager are you?

What kind of teacher do learners expect?

An example, Magaly, a English primary teacher, asked her seven-year- pupil to draw
and describe their ideal English teacher and she replied:
A teacher that would do a lot of games and parties, that would not let us
speak Spanish, that would never get angry, that would teach us in fun
ways, that would bring surprises, that would love a lot and would not be a
bad person. Above all she would be “cool”. (Paula) 5

What did we learn from Paula’s ideas of a teacher?

The teacher’s role in the classroom P

Classroom management in schools

There are qualities needed to manage a class effectively.

 Be kind.
 Have a good sense of humor.
 Be patient.
 Be interested in your learners.
 Be consistent, firm, and coherent with your routines and
 Motivate your students.

Let’s think….

What other qualities can you add?

The teacher’s role in the classroom P

Ways of developing a positive classroom

Sense of security
What is happening in the picture? What is the
teacher doing? Is it an effective learning
environment? It is an English lesson with 30 eight-
year-old pupils. Robin, a trainee teacher, is revising
some words he taught the day before. He writes up
some sentences on the blackboard, leaving gaps.
Students have to suggest the missing word. They
begin to shout out the answers, so Robin tells them to
put up their hands if they want to respond. The
shouting out gets steadily worse. Robin occasionally
reminds them to put up their hands. By the time the
activity finishes, the children are not paying
attention to Robin.
The teacher’s role in the classroom

Sense of self-esteem and confidence

Let’s think…
How do we build self-teem and confidence in learners?

Some tips that enhance self-teem and confidence are:

 Memorize your students’ names.

 Exhibit the work that they do in class.
 Give them prizes for good behavior or correct answers.
 Make them feel important.

The teacher’s role in the classroom 5

Teachers have a great impact in the lives of their students. Teachers are best
known for the role of educating the students that are placed in their care.
Beyond that, teachers perform many roles in the classroom. Teachers set the
tone of their classrooms, build a good environment, mentor and nurture
students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble.

Some of the roles of teachers in education include;

Teaching Knowledge

The most common role that teachers play in the classroom is teaching
knowledge. Teachers facilitate knowledge in many different ways including
lectures, small group activities and hands-on learning activities.

The teacher’s role in the classroom 6

Creating Classroom Environment

Teachers also perform an important role in the classroom when it comes to

the learning environment. Students often mimic the teacher’s actions. If the
teacher creates a friendly environment, students are more likely to be happy.
An environment set by the teacher can be either positive or negative.

Role Modeling

Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however,

inadvertently they are. Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher
and therefore, the teacher becomes a role model to them. This can be a
positive or negative effect depending on the teacher.
The teacher’s role in the classroom


Mentoring is a natural role taken on by teachers, whether it is intentional or not. This

again can have positive or negative effects on students. Mentoring is a way for
teachers to encourage students to strive to be the best they can. This also includes
encouraging students to enjoy learning. Part of mentoring consists of listening to the
students. By taking time to listen to what pupils say, teachers deliver to the students
a sense of ownership in the classroom. This helps build their confidence and helps
them to be successful.

Signs of Trouble

Another role played by teachers is to be a protector. Teachers are taught to look for
signs of trouble in the students. When students’ behaviors change or physical signs
of abuse are noticed, teachers are required to look into the problem.
The teacher’s role in the classroom

Optimize students learning and achievement

Managing the classroom includes several complexities of student learning that take
account of expectations, interactions, motivations and behavior. Improving your
classroom management means that teachers are constantly working to create a
learning environment in which all students feel safe and appropriately challenged.

Successfully engage students

Engaging students in lectures by moving around the classroom, asking questions,

and employing both verbal and nonverbal teaching methods ensure that students
are paying attention and taking more from the learning experience than simple facts.
The teacher’s role in the classroom

Manage classroom time effectively

The efficient use of time is an important variable in helping students achieve

learning goals and making the classroom a pleasant place for teachers and
students. Instructional strategies must be planned to fit into fixed time frames.

Organize students and classroom space

It is vital for teachers to be able to group students and set them in sitting
arrangements that match the activities they conduct in the classroom in order to
maximize students learning experiences.

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