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VI) Pates
Pâté is a paste, pie or loaf filled with a forcemeat. Common forcemeats include ground meat
from pork, poultry, fish or beef; fat, vegetables, herbs, spices and either wine or brandy. Pâté
can be served either hot or cold, but it is considered to develop its best flavors after a few
days of chilling.

Traditionally made with liver, and mixed with wine and spices until it's cooked down into a
spreadable texture, pâté can also be created with liver or other parts of pork, venison,
chicken, fish, duck and other game, and even created with veggies on occasion.

The origin of pâté is rooted in all of the northern and central European cuisines. In the
Middle Ages, it was in fact, a staple of the European country side, the “Campagne” where
meat, game, and poultry were raised, slaughtered, and prepared for food on the homestead.

b) Pates de foie gras

c) Making of pate

d) Commercial pate & Pate Maison

Pate means paste. It refers to various types of dough in bakery. In Garde manger it is a type
of cooked meat preparation.

a) Types of pate- In bakery Pate means a paste or a variety of dough like short crust, puff,
flaky, Danish, choux, phyllo etc.

In Garde Manger it means a paste or focemeat cooked in a mould in double boiler or baked
with or without crust. It is prepared and kept in advance in refrigerator. It can be of different
types and sometimes confused with Cook paste set wiyh gelatine.

1. Plain Pate:-  is a paste, pie or loaf filled with a forcemeat. Common forcemeats
include ground meat from pork, poultry, fish or beef; fat, vegetables, herbs, spices and
either wine or brandy (often cognac or armagnac).
2. Pate en croute:- pâté en croûte, a meat, game, or fish filling cooked in a crust and
served hot or cold.
3. Pate en pain:- Bread dough
4. Pate maison:- Easy to make liver pate recipe, made with chicken livers and pork
sausage, wrapped in bacon, well seasoned with herbs and spices. also known as pate
de champagne.
5. Pate facson du chef:- chefs pasta
6. Pate a moule:- generally different mould are used to make pate.
It can be from different source and different combination.

b) Pates de foie gras:- goose liver paste

Foie gras is a specialty food product made of the liver of a duck or goose. According to
French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by gavage. In Spain
and other countries, it is occasionally produced using natural feeding.

c) Making of pate

d) Commercial pate & Pate Maison

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