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Training Guide

Advanced Components

TopSolid'Design Advanced components
© 2015, Missler Software.
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Version 7.9 Rev.01

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ii Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Parameterization and intelligent components................................................................................................... 1
On-the-fly parameterization ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Family with codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Family with optional drivers and thumbnail images................................................................................................. 4
Publishings and local wizard ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Inherited and local processes ................................................................................................................................... 8
Inherited processes .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Local processes ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Predefined draft ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Part/assembly function .................................................................................................................................. 16

Creation of the Bumper function ............................................................................................................................ 16
Creation of the automatic positioning wizard ........................................................................................................ 18
Creation of the function process ............................................................................................................................ 19
Providing a function ................................................................................................................................................ 21

Advanced parameterization ........................................................................................................................... 23

Table parameter...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Options on part ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Options on component ........................................................................................................................................... 26

Properties ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Creation of a user property..................................................................................................................................... 29
Using the properties ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Bill of material .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Filter ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Search tool.......................................................................................................................................................... 31

Parameterization with geometrical drivers ..................................................................................................... 33

Notes ............................................................................................................................................................. 37

Individual course evaluation form .................................................................................................................. 39

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TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

Parameterization and intelligent components

The purpose of this exercise is to review how to parameterize a component and learn how to create an "intelligent"
component (i.e. a component that machines and can be easily positioned).
 Import the package Advanced Components.TopPkg. This exercise will be done in the Training > Exercise 1 -
Parameterization and intelligent components folder.

On-the-fly parameterization
 Open the Bumper (Start) document and parameterize the part as shown below.

Reminder: To parameterize a dimension, double-click on it and enter ParameterName=DimensionValue.

If the parameter already exists (this is the case for the second 8mm dimension), you can retrieve a parameter
directly from the drop-down menu.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Family with codes

 Convert the Bumper (Start) part document into a virtual document using the > File > Virtual Document
command. This means the document will not appear in the search tool.
 Right-click on the part document's upper tab and create a Family document.
 From the Entities tree's Generics folder, drag the parameters to the code table.

 Then create three types of bumpers as shown below.

 Save the family document.

2 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 Open the buggy assembly and include the family in this document using the desired code.

 Then position the bumper on the front of the buggy on the chassis.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Family with optional drivers and thumbnail images

 Return to the bumper generic document and parameterize the radius on the wheel arch by renaming it to E.

 From the Entities tree, right-click on the Parameters folder and create a Boolean parameter. Specify the
following values.

 From the Operations tree, select the Fillet 2 and Pocket 2 operations using the Ctrl key, and then right-click
the selection and select Folder.

 Rename the folder to Lighter version and condition it by right-clicking on the folder and selecting Others >
Condition. Then complete the dialog box as shown below.

4 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

Note: Make sure to check the Apply recursively box, which saves you from conditioning the operations below the
folder manually.
Once the dialog box is validated, the folder and all the operations in it are indicated by the symbol (?), which means
that the operations are conditioned.
 From the family document's Entities tree, add the D, E and F parameters to the Drivers > Optional Drivers

Note: TopSolid lets you add thumbnail images to identify each parameter.

 To do this, right-click on the Optional Drivers folder and select Drivers Image.
 From the training folder, select the Thumbnail for family.png file, and then for each parameter draw a box
around the corresponding area.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Save the family document and return to the buggy assembly. Edit the bumper inclusion and modify the optional

Note: With the optional drivers, you will be able to create, from a company's standard model, a unique copy for
your specific application. It is also possible to easily detect incompatibilities in parameterization that make the
model invalid, without changing the generic document.

Publishings and local wizard

In order to save you time in everyday work, it is possible to create positioning wizards that make it quick and easy
to position components. A component can have several wizards and several components can have the same wizard
(see next chapter on the functions).

 Return to the Bumper generic document and create a frame by point and 2 directions.

Note: To ensure a uniform orientation of the frames in our example, Z will always be the vertical and X will be
oriented towards the front of the buggy.

6 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 Right-click on the frame and select Others > Publish Frame from the Selection section.

 Using the Tools > Create Wizard command, create the wizard and add a Frame on Frame constraint
between the publishing and the absolute frame.

 Save the wizard and family documents, and then assemble the bumper on the buggy again after you have
displayed the publishings on the chassis.

 The positioning is done simply by clicking on the published frame of the chassis.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Inherited and local processes

We now have a component that:
- has a catalog of standard templates;
- has options to meet specific applications;
- can be positioned rapidly.
The next step is to make this component interact with other components. In our case, we will need to create
mounting holes, but we could have created a clearance, a pocket, an addition of material, etc. This is what is called
a process.
There are three types of processes:
- The inherited processes
- The local processes
- The function processes

Inherited processes
Inherited processes allow you to inherit the process of a component used in the assembly, for example a screw.
This is the simplest and quickest method, but it cannot apply to all scenarios because you are forced to use
 Create an assembly and include the Bumper family in this document. Rename the assembly to Equipped bumper
and include two hexagon socket countersunk head screws ISO 10642 M4 x 12.

8 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 From the Tools tab, select Processing Parts in order to inherit the screw processes.

 Include and position the equipped bumper in the buggy assembly; the process for the screws follows.

Note: A disadvantage of this method is that you are forced to use an assembly. In our case, we have lost the
parameterization of the bumper; a family of the assembly should have been created. This method is not
recommended for a part.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Local processes
Local processes are used to create a part or assembly process. Local means the process is linked to the document.
 Open the Bumper part document and create a process using the Tools > Create Process command.
 Create the following martyr shape.

 Create on this part two smooth holes that are concentric to the bumper's countersunk holes.

 Then create the following collision shape. As there is no collision between the bumper and the chassis; TopSolid
is not able to determine which part must be drilled.

10 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 Declare the martyr shape using the Tools > Operator command.
 In the Detection Options dialog, enable the Shape option and select the cylindrical shape. Then uncheck the
Part option. This option indicates to TopSolid that the part itself will collide with the shape to operate, which it
is not our case.

 Include and position the Bumper family in the buggy assembly; the chassis is drilled.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Predefined draft
The final step in creating an intelligent component is to generate its drawing. The goal is to save the user of the
component from having to systematically recreate the draft even if the dimensions/codes change.

 Create a new Draft document from the Bumper generic document.

 Produce a draft similar to the one below.

12 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 In order to save time when dimensioning, display the annotations of the front view. To do this, right-click on
the front view and select Projected Annotations.
Note: As the component is parameterized, it is important to define areas on each view. When resizing the bumper,
TopSolid will adapt the scale and recenter each view.

 Select the View > Layout Sketch command and dimension the sketch as shown below.

 Validate the sketch and launch a view layout optimization using the View > Optimize view layout command.
The views are replaced based on the layout sketch.
 Then declare the drawing as a predefined draft using the Tools > Predefined Draft command.

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Parameterization and intelligent components TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 From the folders Exercise 1 - Parameterization and intelligent components > Predefined draft application, open
the Predefined draft chassis assembly document and include the Bumper family.
 Change the code and the drivers.

 Right-click on the assembly document's upper tab and select Multiple Drafts. Select the
Id.Qty.Des.PN.Mat.Mass BOM template.
The Template column includes the components that have an existing or predefined draft. For the other
components, the template that will be used is specified.

14 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization and intelligent components

 In Specified folder, specify the destination folder where you want the generated drawings saved. Create a
folder named Drafts in Exercise 1, and then validate.

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Part/assembly function TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Part/assembly function
We saw earlier that predefined drafts, processes and wizards can be added to parts/assemblies.
Functions will allow you to quickly assign similar processes/wizards to several components (part or assembly).
In our example, the bumper will always be mounted in the same area and will always have the same mounting type,
whatever the range or type.

Creation of the Bumper function

 In the Exercise 2 - Part/assembly function folder, create a new Part Function document from the Advanced
tab and rename it Bumper

 Draw the following sketch.

 Extrude the sketch to 5mm.

 Add two drillings by parameterizing the diameter (A).

16 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Part/assembly function

The next step is to publish the elements that will be common to all the bumpers:
- The positioning of the bumper (Frame)
- The positioning of mounting holes (Frames)
- The diameter of holes (Parameter)

 From the Entities tree, open the Frames folder, and then right-click on Absolute Frame and select Others >
Publish Frame.

 Repeat the procedure for frame 1 and frame 2 (drilling frames).

 Finally, publish the parameter A. To do this, open the Parameters folder, and then right-click on A and select
Others > Publish Real.

 Save the part function document.

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Part/assembly function TopSolid'Design Advanced components

Creation of the automatic positioning wizard

 In the Exercise 2 folder, create a new Wizard document (Advanced tab) and rename it Bumper on chassis.
 From the Assembly tab, select Define Source to add the Bumper function as the source shown below.

 Still from the Assembly tab, select Define Destination to add the Chassis function as the destination.

 Use the Frame on Frame constraint to create the following positioning.

 Validate the positioning, and then save and close the wizard document.

18 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Part/assembly function

Creation of the function process

 In the Exercise 2 folder, create a new Part Process document (Advanced tab) and rename it Chassis drillings.
 Using the Tools > Use Function command, add the Bumper function.

 Create the following shape.

 Then create the collision shape.

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Part/assembly function TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Retrieve the diameter of the drillings (A) using a relay parameter. To do this, from the Entities tree, right-
click on the Parameters folder and select Others > Real Relay Parameter.

 Make two drillings on the two frames of the function (for the diameter use the parameter A).

20 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Part/assembly function

 Declare the operator using the Tools > Operator command. Make sure to specify the collision shape and
uncheck the Part option.

 Save and close the document.

Providing a function
 From the folders b - Bumper > Range 1, open the part document Bumper Range 1.
 Provide the Bumper function either by dragging it from the PDM, or using the Tools > Publishings > Provide
Function command.
TopSolid creates a new Functions folder in the Entities tree and a Provided function operations in the Operations
 Edit this operation and complete the fields as shown below.

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Part/assembly function TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Save and close the part document, and then update the Bumper Range 1 family document.
 From the c - Function application folder, open the Chassis + Bumper assembly and include the Bumper Range 1

The bumper is automatically positioned on the chassis. In the case of several chassis, you should have selected the
destination chassis.

Once validated, the processes are performed.

It is also possible to assign a function on an imported part.
 From the Bumper > Range 2 folder, convert the Bumper Range 2 - Parasolid document, and then open the part
document and provide the function again. You will have to create the required frames manually (see below).

22 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Advanced parameterization

Advanced parameterization
In this exercise, we will look at other types of parameters with some practical examples. This exercise will be done
in the folder Exercise 3 - Advanced parameterization.

Table parameter
 From the folder a - Table parameter, open the Chassis part document. We will parameterize openings in the
chassis which will adjust according to the chassis thickness (parameter B).
A sketch manages all the pockets. The openings of this sketch are adjusted based on the parameter A.

 From the Entities tree, right-click on the Parameters folder and select Others > Table Parameter. This
parameter will make a value change based on another value.

 In the Name field, enter the name of the new parameter, and in the
Source field specify B (thickness). Then complete the table with the
values shown here.

Note: The interpolation will affect the intermediate values. The linear
interpolation will make the parameter vary between the source values. For
example, if B=7.5, then C will be equal to 5.

The left and right linear interpolation will work with increments.
For B=7.5:
- Left constant: C=6
- Right constant: C=4

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Advanced parameterization TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Then move the Table Parameter (C) operation between the Modeling folder and the sketch 3.

 Edit the parameter A (value that enable the openings to vary) and enter C in the Value field.

 Test the part by modifying the value of the B parameter.

Options on part
TopSolid lets you manage operations via a drop-down menu. To do this, we will use enumeration documents that
make it possible to create options on a component or to enable/disable several batches of operations easily without
creating a family. Here, depending on what you choose in the enumeration, the chassis will be more or less light.

 In the b - Options on part folder, create a new Enumeration document (Special tab) and rename it Lighter
 Complete the table as shown below.

24 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Advanced parameterization

 From the b - Options on part folder, open the Chassis with options part document.
 From the Entities tree, right-click on the Parameters folder and select Others > User Enumeration
 Select the Lighter chassis enumeration, rename the parameter to D and select None as the value.

 From the Operations tree, create three folders named Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3. Then drag the pocket
operations in each folder as shown below.

 Condition the folders. To do this, right-click on a folder and select Others > Condition.

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Advanced parameterization TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Change the value of the D parameter.

Note: The user enumeration parameter can be defined as a driver in a family document.

Options on component
We saw earlier that options and variants can be created on a part. In the next exercise, we will create options and
variants with sub-assemblies. The objective is to design a wheel which you can change the dimensions (tire and
rim), the type of tire and the type of rim.
 In the c - Options on component folder, create a new assembly document named Wheel.
 Open a family of tires (c - Options on component > R Tire) and rims (c - Options on component/Spoked rim).
 To drive the tire/rim type, create a family parameter. To do this, use the Tools > Parameters > Other
Parameters > Family Parameter command, and then specify the following values.

 Repeat the operation for the tire.

 To drive the tire + rim dimensions, create a new User Enumeration Parameter and select the Wheel
diameter type.

26 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Advanced parameterization

 In order to link the user enumeration and the two families, we will use switch code parameters. To do this,
select the Tools > Parameters > Other Parameters > Switch Code Parameter) and create the following two

Note: This parameter will allow each line of the user enumeration to match to a code available in the selected
 Include the Spoked rim family in the assembly. Edit the inclusion and match the document to the family
parameter and the code to the switch code parameter.

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Advanced parameterization TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Repeat the operation with the tire.

 Create a new family document from the Wheel assembly and define the Tire and Rim family parameters and
the Wheel diameter user enumeration parameter as drivers.

 Test the family in a new assembly.

28 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Properties

Properties are characteristics that appear in all the PDM's documents (part, assembly, draft…). There are two types
of properties:
- Standard properties (name, part number, author…): These are TopSolid's original properties. They can be
accessed by right-clicking and selecting Properties on any document of the PDM. In a document, they
can also be found in the Entities tree's Parameters > System Parameters folder.

- User properties: These are the custom properties created and assigned by the user. They can be accessed
by right-clicking and selecting Properties > User properties tab on any document of the PDM. In a
document, they can also be found in the Entities tree's Parameters folder.
Properties can be used and exploited in all documents. Here are a few common examples:
- Draft (title block, text…)
- Bill of material (columns)
- Search tool (grouping, sorting, search…)
- Filter (selection by property)

This exercise will be done in the folder Exercise 4 - Properties.

Creation of a user property

 Create a new user property. To do this, create a new Property document (Special tab) and rename it
Production place. Complete the fields as shown below.

The Domain field classifies and groups the user properties when they are applied.
The Parameter field must indicate a parameter created in the user property. The nature of the parameter will
depend on the user property.
The objective here is to enable the user to specify a place of production for his parts.

 From the Entities tree, create a Text parameter (the name and designation do not matter), and then select
the resulting parameter in the Parameter field.

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Properties TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Create a new Part document. Select the Production place user property using the Tools > Parameters > User
Property command, and then add a place.

Using the properties

Bill of material
 Create a new Bill of material document from the Buggy 4WD OpenRC assembly. Add a User column by right-
clicking on a column and selecting Add column, and then select the Production Type property.

 Create a new Filter document (Advanced tab) and rename it Printed parts filter. Select the Type of
production user property, the Equals operator and the 3D printing value.

 Save the filter document.

30 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Properties

 Open the Buggy 4WD OpenRC assembly and drag the filter into it. Complete the dialog box as shown below.

Only the 3D-printed parts are displayed.

Search tool
 Open the search tool. To do this, right-click on the title bar of a window and select Search.
 Select Part in the Type box, and then Current project.
 Display the search details by clicking the icon and select the Production Type property and the 3D printing

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Properties TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Refresh the search.

Note: Results can be grouped by material.

 Add a Material Name column and drag it to the grouping area.

32 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization with geometrical drivers

Parameterization with geometrical drivers

Geometrical drivers make it possible to combine parameterization and positioning. The next exercise will focus on
the creation of a cable with connectors on both ends.

When using the cable, you'll just have to specify the orientation of connector 1, the wire path and the orientation
of connector 2. This exercise will be done in the folder Exercise 5 - Geometrical drivers.
 Create a new assembly named Cable, and then draw the following sketch.

 Using the Tools > Directions > Direction command, create the first direction driver by selecting the Z axis.
 Repeat the operation by selecting the X axis.

 Using the Tools > Profiles > Profile command, create the profile driver and select the sketch.

Note: One complexity of creating components with geometric drivers is that you must never hook on the absolute
frame, but only on geometries that will be used for driving operations. Hide the sketch in order to avoid any error.

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Parameterization with geometrical drivers TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Create two frames on profile on the profile's ends. For the first frame, select the orientation 1 and for the
second frame select the orientation 2. These frames will be used to position the connectors.

 Insert the first connector (XT60 male connector) using the following positioning constraints.
- Axis on point between the published axis of the connector and the frame 1.

- Orientation between a horizontal face and the direction 1.

34 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Parameterization with geometrical drivers

- Plane on plane between the connector's internal face and the YZ plane of frame 1.

 Repeat the positioning with the other connector.

 Create a new in-place part and create a 5mm diameter pipe (Surface > Pipe command) on the profile.

 Trim each end using a plane.

Note: For an optimum result, ends should be trimmed by a surface (copy the face of a wire's section and extend it).

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Parameterization with geometrical drivers TopSolid'Design Advanced components

 Save the part document and create the family. Define the two directions and the profile as drivers.

 Save the family document.

 Open the Buggy 4WD OpenRC - Cabling assembly and create the connection between the two connectors (3D

 Include the Cable component.

 Save the assembly document.

36 Missler Software
TopSolid'Design Advanced components Notes






























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Notes TopSolid'Design Advanced components































38 Missler Software
 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TopSolid'Design Advanced components Individual course evaluation form

Individual course evaluation form

(To be completed and returned to the training instructor at the end of the course)

TopSolid'Design 7 – Advanced Components

Name : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Company : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Date(s) from ................................................................ to ............................................................................
By completing this individual evaluation form, you are helping to improve the quality and usefulness of the training provided in the future. Please complete it

Number of people during the course: Onsite at your company? YES □ NO □

GENERAL ASSESSMENT Poor Average Good Excellent

Overall, this course has been: □ □ □ □

What grade would you assign? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LOGISTIC Poor Average Good Excellent

Orientation (quality, organization, user-friendliness, etc.) □ □ □ □
Physical setup (room, materials, etc.) □ □ □ □

TRAINING Poor Average Good Excellent

Instructor's teaching method □ □ □ □
Group relationship (participation, sharing of experiences) □ □ □ □
Quality and clarity of educational materials (documentation) □ □ □ □
Balance between Theory and Practice □ □ □ □
Consistent presentations with what has been announced □ □ □ □
Training Content □ □ □ □

DURATION No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall duration of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too short □ Too long □

PACE No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall pace of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too slow □ Too fast □


Have you found this training to be useful in your work? □ □ □ □
Do you think you can put the acquired knowledge into use quickly? □ □ □ □
Do you believe that you have achieved your objectives
upon completion of this course? □ □ □ □

Comments and suggestions: ............................................................................................................................................


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