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Expo de sumary icpna

1. For example, if a student makes a sentence where he says I made the exam last week,
he is not using the correct verb in the sentence, it may be that technically it makes
sense and you can understand it but it sounds strange since it is not usual to hear it, it
happens when we translate literally from Spanish to English and that's where we make
these mistakes. for this we use collocations that are simply 2 or more words that are
always used together and if you replace one of the words with a similar one, the
phrase will sound strange and unnatural, even if the meaning is practically the same.
then the correct phrase in Instead of I made the exam last week it would be took the
exam, failed the exam, passed the exam.
agua dulce sweet water fresh water
ojo morado purple eye black eye

2. You cannot use a sentence for different contexts as some sentences only work in one
way so you cannot take a sentence you heard or learned to put it in a different context
because it would not work.

3. We must not be satisfied with just thinking that we understand the language correctly
if we do not use the correct expressions and as teachers we have to make students
constantly challenge themselves to improve the language, although you can
communicate you are not using the correct words and our Your duty as teachers is not
to let them think that what they say is completely right but at the time of giving them a
retribution let them know that there are other expressions that would be better in this
way their knowledge in the language is broadened and they will not make the other
mistake again.

4. In certain cases it is very difficult to give the meaning when you are asked to define
two or more words that mean the same and have the same use, for this it is much
better to use the collocations when we want to make our sentences so that they
notice the differences and we are not make it very difficult to explain the meaning for
this there are some activities that can be done such as Quick choice, Guess the
collocation, Chunk Looking:

for example the activity of guessing the collocations, where the teacher can divide the class
into three groups and gives each one a word, then tells them that they have to make a list of
five collocations related to that word, when they have finished and are Clever students read
their lists one item at a time and the other teams try to guess the original word. If the word is
guessed immediately

the first clue, both teams (list makers and word guessers) score ten points; for each extra
word, the points decrease by one. This encourages list builders to find the most common and
distinctive colocations.

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