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Dr. Kavita Narang Neeta devi

Lecturer, NINE, PGIMER M.Sc. Nursing I Year

Lesson Plan

Subject: Nursing Education

Topic : Adult Education
Group of students: Msc (N)1st year
Number of students: 31
Name of the student teacher: Ms. Neeta Devi
Method of teaching: Lecture cum discussion
Date of teaching:
Time of teaching:
Duration: 1hr.
Venue: Power Point Presentation
Supervisior: Dr. Kavita Narang
General objective: At the end of class students will be able to understand the concept of adult learning
Specific Objective: Students will be able to:
1. Introduce adult education
2. Differentiate between andragogy and Pedagogy
3. Identify types of learners in adult education
4. Analyze needs, styles of adult learning and principles of adult learning
5. Describe characteristics and methods of adult education
6. Explain various stimulus of adult learning
1 1m Establish My name is Neeta Devi and I am a student of Msc.(N) 1st year. Today I will be Lecture
rapport with
teaching about Adult Learning

2 1m Appraise the Announcement of the topic about Adult Learning Lecture


3 1m Recall of What do you know about about Adult Learning? lecture


4 1m Interoducing INTRODUCTION Lecture

the topic The father of Adult Learning, Malcom Knowles, introduced the concept of
“Andragogy” which is the art and science of helping adults learn. Adult
learning is frequently spoken of by adult educators as if it were a
discretely separate domain, having little connection to learning in
childhood or adolescence".

Perspectives on adult learning have changed dramatically over the decades. .

The phenomenon of adult learning is complex and difficult to capture in any
one definition

5 2m Defining adult DEFINITION Lecture Power Define adult

learning point learning?
Adult learning or Adult Education is a new area of study that differs from presenta
children and teens education. It is more likely a work related study, non- tion
formal education including learning skills or learning for personal

Adult learner or mature learner (sometimes also called adult student,
returning Adult, adult returner, and student) is a term used to describe any
What do
person socially accepted as an adult who is in a learning process, whether it is
know about
formal education, informal learning, or corporate-sponsored learning.

The term was originally coined by German educator Alexander Kapp in 1833.

Andragogy was developed into a theory of adult education by Eugen
Rosenstock-Huessy. It later became very popular in the US by the American
educator Malcolm Knowles. Knowles asserted that andragogy (Greek: "man-
leading") should be distinguished from the more commonly used term .

Differentiatig point
pedagogy and Andragogy refers to methods and principles used in adult education. The tion
andragogy word comes from the Greek - (andr-), meaning "man", and (agogos),
meaning "leader of". Therefore, andragogy literally means "leading man",
whereas "pedagogy" literally means "leading children"

6 2m Explaining TYPES OF LEARNERS Lecture cum Power What are

types of a. Global Learners. These people are the ones whose attention needs to discussion point the types of
learners be captured using short stories, anecdotes, humor, and illustrations. presenta learners?
They need to know what they need to learn and why they need to learn tion
b. Analytic Learners. These people learn best when information is
introduced step by step and fact by fact

7 3m Descibing the Assumptions of Adult Learner Lecture cum Power What are
assumptions  Need to know disscussion point the needs of
of the adult  Self concept presenta adult
learner  Prior experience tion learner?

 Readiness to learn
 Learning orientation
 Motivation to learn

8 3m Explaining Elements of Adult Learning Lecture cum Power

Elements of disscussion point
 To Create a Supportive Environment presenta
learning  To Emphasize Personal Benefits of Training tion
 To Use Training Methods that Require Active Participation
 To Use a Variety of Teaching Methods
 To Provide Structured Learning Opportunities
 To Provide Immediate Feedback on Practice
 To Meet Trainee's Individual Learning Needs
 To Make Course Content Relevant and Coherent

9 Enlist
Principles of adult Learning:
Eloborating principles of
1. Learning is a normal adult activity- adult learns throughout their
the principles adult
lives. Adult learning takes place not by teacher initiating and
of adult learning?
motivating the learning process, but rather, by the teacher removing or
reducing obstacles to learning and enhancing the process after it has
2. Adults with a positive self-concept and high self-esteem are more
responsive to learning. Adults see themselves as achievers and
therefore wants to be treated with respect
3. Adults learn best when they value the role of adult learner and
possess skills for managing their own learning. Adult learning is an
active , self-directed process. After being reoriented to learning, adults
can take responsibility for their own learning as they have done with
other facets of their lives.
4. Immediate descriptive feedback is essential if adult learners are to
modify their behavior. As adult learner practice new skills, they need
feedback about how they are progressing toward their objectives. The
longer the interval between performance and feedback, the less likely it
is the feedback will have a positive effect on learning.
5. Success reinforce changes already made and provide a motive for
further learning. For the adult learner meeting established objectives
reinforce the newly acquired skill and motivates them to learn more.
The earlier satisfaction and success come in the learning programme,
the more likely it is that further learning will take place
6. Adults tend to begin to any learning programme with some anxiety
and firther stress can interfere with learning. Excessive anxiety
interferes with adult learning . stress comes from the fact that they are
beginning ina new learning programe, but also comes from other
aspects of life obligations. For instance, if the preceptor’s actions
arouse anxiety to the leaner,she/he will experience further anxiety and
the ability to learn will be diminished.
9 5m Describing Characteristics of adult learning Describe the
characteristic Power charactristics
of adult 1. Less flexible thinking Lecture cum point of adult
learning Adults are more reluctant to change because their thinking has become more Discussion presenta learning?
rigid due to life experiences. It's important to explain why making these tion
specific changes is important and how the changes will help them, the team,
2. Self-direction
Adults prefer to have control over their learning because they hold themselves
accountable for their lives and their decision-making - they take responsibility for
their own achievements or failures at learning.

3. Practical and outcome-focused

Adults prefer information that can be practically applied and information that
improves their performances because they are goal-orientated. It's important to
create a learning environment which consists of practical and hands-on
content, rather than just theory.
4. Use personal experiences
Adults learn better when they are able to link previous experiences with new
ones and adults trust new concepts more when they have been based on
previous knowledge attained. This is because, as aforementioned, adults
already have lots of experience and existing frameworks which are concrete to
5. Readiness to learn
Adults want to learn things they need to know in order to do their job or deal
with situations better. Adults want to learn what they can apply and use Power
immediately in their current day-to-day activities, and are less focussed on point
training focussed on the future. presenta
The less the training is focussed on the now, the harder it will be to engage tion
adult learners.
6. Slower learning but more knowledgeable
Aging does slow down the learning process for adults. However their depth of
experience and knowledge increases over time, varying considerably with the
type of job they do and extracurricular work.
10 5m Explaining Styles of adult learner Lecture cum Enlist
different styles discussion CHART different
of learning 1. Visual/spatial types of
Visual/spatial learners lean heavily on images to process new information. learning?
These learners are able to vividly picture patterns and learn best with images
and graphics that use fewer words. Further, these learners can literally see the
forest and the trees. They are good at making connections in visual/spatial
relationships and may be able to see details that others miss.
2. Auditory
Auditory learners learn by hearing information, retaining up to 75% of it.
While only 30% of people are auditory learners, the majority of training
already focuses on this adult learning style.
That’s because auditory learners are one of the two types of adult learning
styles that are easiest to design training for (the other is linguistic learners).
Schools are designed around this type of learner.
3. Linguistic learners
Linguistic learners process information best through speaking and language.
They are often voracious readers and able to pick up other languages (and
nuances in their own language).
Consider a book group that reads a book and then uses guided questions to
unpack themes and deepen understanding. Linguistic learners function the
same way.
Further, a linguistic learner is generally a good communicator. They might
listen to someone speaking and then summarize what was said to gain clarity
or identify anything they missed
4. Logical/mathematical learning
Logical/mathematical learners use distinct processes to break down learning
into steps. Think about how the scientific method is applied, and you have a S

great example of how this learning style works.

5. Intrapersonal
Intrapersonal learners require solitude and reflection to really take new
information on board. These quiet thinkers need time and space to reflect on
and integrate new material. This allows for deeper insights and helps transfer
old information to new settings.
6. Interpersonal
Social interaction is key for this type of adult learner. Interpersonal
interactions help these learners process information. Through social cues,
conversation, and discussion, they integrate their learning into memory.

7. Kinesthetic
Kinesthetic adult learners process information by doing. It’s not enough to tell
them how something works – this type of adult learner needs to put their
hands on to experience it. This is one of those learning styles that needs action
to make information stick.

11 3m Describing Create a Supportive Environment Lecture cum Power How will you
techniques to 1. Convey respect for individuals and the belief and value in the learning discussion point creat
create process. Draw previous experiences of participants. presenta supportive
supportive 2. Techniques: tion environment
environment to a. call each trainee by name throughout training for adult
adult learniner b. listen to each person's questions and viewpoints learner?
c. never belittle an individual
d. always be courteous and patient
e. assure individuals that mistakes are part of the learning process
f. look for opportunities to validate each person
g. encourage trainees to support one another in learning endeavors
h. ensure that the physical space is as comfortable as possible.

Emphasize Personal Benefits of Training

 Adult learners need to know how the course relates to their immediate
work and help them reach personal and professional goals--what's in it
for them (WIFM).
 Techniques:
a. have each participant develop their own personal goals for this
b.encourage participants to write down specific actions they will take
in response tothis training.

12 3m Explain Use Training Methods that Require Active Participation Lecture cum Power What are the
different discussion point methods that
method of Active participation engages trainees in the learning process and enhances presenta require active
training that retention of new concepts. tion participation?
require active Active Learning Techniques:
participation a. design curriculum that allows training to be student-centered
b. limit lecturing to trainees
c.encourage participation and sharing of experiences
d. use question techniques
e. weave discussion sections with exercises that require trainees to practice a
skill or apply knowledge.

13 5m Describing Use a Variety of Teaching Methods Lecture cum Power Enlist various
different  Not all people learn the same way. In fact, research shows there are discussion point training
variety of many different learning styles -- characteristic ways that adults prefer presenta methods to
teaching to learn. Individual learning styles are influenced by: personality, tion adult
methods intelligence, education, experiences, culture, and sensory and cognitive learning?
 To engage all learners, it is best to vary the methods in which
information is communicated.

Training methods:
a) group discussion (small and large)
b) skill practice (role-play) lecture
c) case study
d) laboratory
e) panel/guest expert
f) games
g) structured note-taking ("accelerated learning")
h) individual coaching
i) question/answer
j) demonstration
k) technology (media, video, computer, interactive
Provide Structured Learning Opportunities point
1. Empower trainees to be self-directed learners as they strive to fulfill tion
objectives of the training, by teaching them how to master the content and to
become aware of their own learning process.
2. Techniques:
a. teach trainees how to learn by implementing learning tools into the
(1) structured note-taking
(2) problem-solving exercises
(3) brainstorming
(4) progress logs
(5) evaluating own work and the work of others
b.identify learning styles and assist trainees in becoming aware of their own
preferred style, e.g.,
(1) have them analyze the way they went about doing a learning project
(2) encourage participants to support/train one another

15 2m Explaining Provide Immediate Feedback on Practice Lecture cum Power How will you
how to provide a) Providing timely corrective feedback leads to successful learning and point provide
immediate mastery of content and skills discussion presenta immediate
feedback on b) Sensitive feedback helps trainees correct errors and reinforces good tion feedback on
practice. behaviors. Adult learners want gentle, constructive criticism. practice of
c) Techniques:- learning?
a. self feedback
b. peer feedback
c. trainer feedback

16 2m Explaining Meet Trainee's Individual Learning Needs Lecture cum Power

techniques of  Effective trainers never forget they have a group of individual learners discussion point
meeting with varying abilities, experiences, and motivation. presenta
individuals  Techniques tion
learning needs a) get to know trainees
b) consider each trainee's capabilities and interests
c) encourage individual creativity and initiative
d) pay attention to individual communication
e) acknowledge cultural differences

17 2m Enumerating Make Course Content Relevant and Coherent Lecture cum Power
techniques of  Begin with the basic and build on each part in sequential order when discussion point
making presenting course content. presenta
content  Be sure that exercises and content can be applied to real-life situations tion
relevant and of the trainee
coherent  Techniques:
a. provide overview of course with objectives
b. relate each new component to previous component
c. when presenting new material, present overall concept first

d. utilize an Experiential Learning Model

e. provide examples of concept that are relevant to trainees' work

18 5m Explaining Adults learn best when they Enlist the

various  Are in a supportive environment Lecture cum FLASH various
situations or  Learners are allowed to define their own needs discussion CARDS stimuls when
stimulus of  See personal growth opportunities in the training adult learns
adult learner  Material presented is relevant to perceived needs best?
 Participate actively in cooperative and individual exercises
 Educator respects the life experience of the learner
 Material can be immediately related to learner's life experience
 Instructions for learning activities are clear
 Experience a variety of training methods and media
 Are empowered with learning skills
 Receive timely feedback on practice activities
 Learners receive positive reinforcement for accomplishments
 Have their individual needs met
 Are taught course content that is relevant and in integrated patterns
 Learners feel free to question and challenge
 a Learner's self-esteem and ego are respected

19 1m Summerizing summerization Lecture cum Power

the topic Today we have discussed about adult learning:- discussion point
 Definition of adult learning presenta
 Difference between pedagogy and andragogy tion

 Types of adult learnimg

 Phases of adult learning
 Domains of adult learning
 Characteristics of adult learners
 Needs of adult learners
 Principles of adult learning
 Conditions when the adults learn best

20 1m Referring the REFERENCES Lecture cum Power

literature and  Shankaranarayan B.Learning and Teaching Nursing.2009. discussion point
books to Kerala.Brainfill.216. presenta
review topic  Neeraja .K.P. Textbook of Nursing Education.2009.New Delhi.Jaypee tion

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