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The Hefty Eater Monkey

By: Ligaya I. Din and Virgilio C. Bernardino

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In a remote forest, there lives a Monkey that is known to be the greedy eater in their area.
Often, many admire him because of that, but often many also judge his fat appearance. One day
while traveling, Monkey collapsed, as if his body could no longer cope with the weight of it. The
Rabbit, Lion, and Deer immediately helped him get up and bring him to his home.

The three animals gave a warning to the Monkey. "My friend, maybe you need to reduce your
diet," Rabbit said. "But many admire me because of my talent in eating" Monkey replied. "How's your
health? Many people admire you but what will happen to their admiration if that's what kills you?"
Lion added. Monkey thought about it and promised that he would exercise and take care of his
health "I promise you that I will change. I will eat just enough and exercise as well."

The next day, the monkey seemed to have forgotten his promise and continued with eating a
lot, when suddenly his vision darkened, and he fell to the ground again. When he regained
consciousness, he immediately saw his three friends worried about him. "You promised that you
will reduce your diet, didn't you?" asked Leon "Yes. I said that but my mouth is always looking for
the taste of different foods" replied the Monkey. "Keep your promise, do it. Words aren't enough if
you don't do it." Rabbit's reminder. "Promise, from now on," said the Monkey.

Another day came, the Monkey ate food again as if he hadn't broken his promise. He ate all
his stored food for that day. And finally, his body gave up. He fell and never got up again. His
friends passed by and he was never helped again. "Friend, help me get up." Why would we? Stand
alone. You are stubborn. You're making a promise, but you don't do it. We're not always here to help
you." the Rabbit, Lion, and Deer said. "I promise.
It's real now. Please help me to stand up." Monkey's pleading. "How else can we believe you
again? You don't keep your promise." the Deer said. But the three couldn't stand it either, they went
back to where Monkey was, and they still helped him. But they said, "This is the last time we will
help you if you don't keep your promise to eat just enough. Forget that we arefriends."

Out of great fear of his fate and fear of losing friends he immediately kept his promise. He
was exercising with friends; he was eating enough and just right. A few months later when he
finally lost his fat, his friends were happy because he made his promise. Even though the other
animal lost its admiration for him he was happy because he thought of the importance of his
health and friend. He also proved that if you want to achieve something, it can't be just words. It
must also be accompanied by action.

Proverb: Labis na Salita, kulang sa gawa

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