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I want to fulfill my English assignment, which is to read basic formulas

It is part ey
A. How are these….
a plus b equals c ( e ples bi ikeuls si)
a minus b equals d (e maynes bi ikeuls di)
a times b equals e (e tayms bi ikeuls i)
a divided by b equals f ( e over bi ikeuls ef)

we can also say

a times b equal e (e tayms bi ikeul i)
a divided by b equals f( e devaided bay bi ikeuls ef)

Sign Noun Verb

+ Addition add
- Subtraction subtract
x multiplication multiply
÷ Division divide

These signs () are called round brackets or parentheses

These signs [] are called square brackets
ABC are capital letters
def are small letters
how do we read Rx (capital R sub x)

B. How are these fractions….

½ one half (wan half)
¼ one fourth (one quarter)
1/3 one third (wan therd)
¾ three fourth (thrii fourth)
2/3 two third (tu third)
1/8 one eighths (wan eight)
3/16 three sixteenth (thrii sikstinth)

C. Read out….
1. X equals a plus b over c (eks ikeuls e ples bi over si)
2. X plus y equals capital A over a minus b(eks ples way ikeuls kapital e over
e maynes bi)
3. Capital i equals a plus n minus 1 in brackets times d(capital ay ikeuls e
ples en maynes wan in brakits tayms di)
4. Capital v equals capital I R(capital vi ikeuls capitalayr)
5. One over u plus one over v equals one over f( wan over yu ples wan over
vi ikeuls one over ef)
6. V equals u plus a t (vi ikeuls yu ples e tayms ti)
7. Capital F t equals m v minus m u (capital ef tayms ti ikeuls em tayms vi
maynes em tayms yu)
8. One over capital r equals minus capital m over capital e I (wan over
capital ar ikeuls maynes capital em over capital i tayms ay)
9. D capital q over d z equals minus q(di tayms capital kyu over di tayms zet
ikeuls maynes kyu)
10.Capital e equals capital t plus capital p minus c plus e(capital I ikeuls
capital ti ples capital pi maynes si ples i)

D. How are these…

X2 = x squared (eks skwerd)
X3= x cubed(eks kyubd)
Xn= x to the power of n(eks tu de power of en)
Xn-1= x to the power of n minus one(eks tu de power of en maynes wan)
X-n= x to the minus n (eks to de power of maynes wan)
√ x= the square root of x(de skwer rut of eks)
√3 x = the cube root of x(de kyub rut of eks)
√n x = the n-th root of x(de enth rut of eks)
Now read out
20 cm s-1 = twenty centimeters second to the minus one(twenty
sentimeders second tu de maynes wan)
98.3 km s-2 = ninety eight point 3 kilometers second to the minus two(nainti
eigh point thri kaylomeders second tu de maynes tu)
33 cm3 = thirty three centimeters cubed(thirty thrii sendimders kyubd)
4.39 cm2 = four point thirty nine centimeters squared(four point thirty nain
sendimeders skwerd)
9.1 x 10 -31 kg = nine point one times 10 to the minus thirty one
kilograms( nain point wan tayms ten tu de maynes thirty one kelograms)
X1/2 = x to the power of one half (eks tu de power of wan half)
X3/4 = x to the power of three quarter ( eks tu de power of thri quarder)
(a+b1/2)2 = a plus b to the one half in brackets squared(e ples bi tu de wan
half in brakets skwerd)
√ xy = the square root of x y(de skwer rut of eks way)

√ ( x−a ) = the cubed root of x minus a squared in brackets(de kyubd rut of

3 2

eks maynes e skwer in brakets)

E. Practise reading….
1. X to the minus p equals one over x to the p(eks tu de maynes pi ikeuls
wan over eks tu de pi)
2. X to the p over q equals the q root of x to the p(eks tu de pi over kyu
ikeuls de kyu rut of eks tu de pi)
3. X squared minus a squared equals x plus a in brackets times x minus a in
brackets( eks skwerd maynes e skwerd ikeuls eks ples e in brakets tayms
eks maynes e in brakets)
4. Y equals a e to the k x( way ikeuls e tayms I tu de key eks)
5. X equals n x sub 1 plus m x sub 2 over m plus n(eks ikeuls n eks sab wan
ples em eks sab tu over em ples en)
6. Y minus y sub 1 equals y sub2 minus y sub1 over x sub2 minus x sub1 in
brackets times x minus x sub1 in brackets (way maynes way sab wan
ikeuls way sab tu manes way sab wan over eks sub tu maynes eks sab
wan in brakets tayms eks maynes eks sab wan in brakets)
7. X squared over a squared plus y squared over b squared plus z squared
over c squared equals 1(eks skwer over e skwer ples way skwer over bi
skwerd ples zet skwerd over si skwerd ikels wan)
8. D equals the squared root of x sub1 minus x sub2 in brackets squared
plus y sub1 minus y sub2 in brackets squared plus z sub1 minus z sub2 in
brackets squared (di ikeuls de skwerd rut of eks sab wan maynes eks sab
tu in brakets skwerd ples way sab wan maynes way sab tu in brakets
skwerd ples zet sab wan maynes zet sab tu in bakets skwerd)
9. B squared equals a squared times 1 minus e squared in brackets( bi
skwer ikeuls e skwerd tayms wan maynes skwerd in brakets)
10. X squared plus y squared plus 2 g x plus 2 f y plus c equals zero( eks
skwerd ples way skwerd ples tu ji eks ples tu ef way si ikeuls ziro)
Hello, my name is…..
I’am from statistika B
I want to fulfill my English assignment, which is to Reading More Complex Mathematic

Part A(Ey)
1. It is kongruen tu
2. It is not iquals tu
3. It is epproksimedly iqual tu
4. It is amplais
5. It is lass den
6. It is greyder den
7. It is de mach lass den
8. It is de mach greyder den
9. It is lass den or iquals
10.It is greyder den or iquals
11.It is Alfa
12.It is infenedi
13.It is plas or maines
14.It is der four
15.It is slash
Part B (Bi)
 Alfa
 Beida
 Gyama
 Deltha
 Epslon
 Zeida
 Itiyey
 Teida
 Ayota
 Kafa
 Lembda
 Miu
 Niu
 Si
 Omaikron
 Pay
 Row
 Sigma
 Thau
 Yupslon
 Fay
 Kai
 Psaii
 Oumega
Part C(si)
1. Ef iquals one over two tayms pay tayms squer ruut of el si
2. I iquals deltha tayms ti tuu de four
3. Dabel yu eks iquals two taims pay taims ef over pi
4. Gyama iquals dabel yu ziro over four tayms pay taims ar tayms ef
5. Miu ziro iquals four tayms pay taims ten tuu de mainess seven
hektomaiders tu de maynes wan
6. Si iquals el over ar squer plas oumega squer taims el squer
7. Vi tu iquals squer ruut of tu I over em taimes vi tu in brikets
8. Yu iquals one half taims sigma vi squer over kei
9. Sigma iquals em tayms way tayms si over ai plas pi over ey
10.Gyama iquals four taims kyu over tri tayms pay tayms ar squer taims ar
squer maines gama squer in brikets
Part F(Ef)
1. Teida is greyder den nainti digris
2. Eks amplais infenedi
3. I infenedi thau
4. Alfa is kongruen tuu beida
5. Ei wan is not iqual tuu bi wan
6. Teida epproksimedly iqual tuu ziro point faiv digris
7. I is lass den or iquals plas or maines ziro point terthi tuu
8. Miu iquals faiv point trii
9. Derfour i is kongruen tuu one plas deltha
10.Lambda is greyder den one

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