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Task 2 (280 words)

The fact that obeying parents’ viewpoints is a should or not has gained much attention in
this day and age. In my opinion, I completely agree with the view that children should
follow parents’ advice.
The first reason why I agree is that as following parents’ advice brings security and
certain. Children are different from parents that parents have experienced and confronted
with lots of life problems, therefore, they know how to protect themselves from bad stuffs
and troubles. So, when it comes to obeying parents, children are given golden chances to
avoid negative or even severe situations in their life journeys. In a way, if children obey
parents’ opinions carefully, they will be fortunate and feel confident when solving
problems because they are equipped with knowledge and experience from their parents.
The second reason that I want to support my idea is that parents’ advice is a motivation
for children to become mature. For instance, children when being at their puberty are
really difficult to control their emotions and actions because they like listening to
themselves rather than others, so if they get involved to a bad scenario, they will get
confused and panic. At this moment, parents’ advice will cure them from that situation,
then, they will realize what they had done wrong and regret. Following that, children may
set their parents’ advice as example in order not to fall in their mistakes again in the
In conclusion, those are two reasons which utterly encourage my agreement with
following parents’ advice. I believe that children obeying parents’ points of view is
definitely a good foundation for children to prevent from terrible scenarios and develop
their life skills.

In those days, ready-to-eat food is biased more than food passed on generations. From my
point of view, I am completely on board with this statement.
One of the most common reasons that convenience food has gained more preference is it
helps people save their time. Nowadays, people work overtime excessively due to tight work,
so they will need a quick meal to continue their tasks. As a result, convenience food is their
first choice because not only it is time-consuming but also cost efficient. Hence, this best
advantage of fast food will motivate people to buy more
In those days, ready-to-eat food is biased more than food passed on generations. From my
point of view, I am completely on board with this statement. One of the most common
reasons that convenience food has gained more preference is it helps people save their time.
Nowadays, people work overtime excessively due to tight work, so they will need a quick
meal to continue their tasks. As a result, convenience food is their first choice because not
only it is time-consuming but also cost efficient. Hence, this best advantage of fast food will
motivate people to buy more.

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