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The Effect of Natural Feeding on Betta Fish

Submitted as One of the Requirements for Passing

Animal Physiology Courses

By :

Fadhillah Rahma Purba (4193342004)

BESP 2019





Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, for His blessings and grace the
author was able to complete a Research Engineering Task in the Animal Physiology course
with the theme " The Effect of Natural Feeding on Betta Fish ".

In addition, I would also like to thank Mr. “Dr. Melva Silitonga, MS.” as a lecturer in
ecology course who has directed the author in making this Mini Research report.

Finally, we apologize if there are words that are wrong in writing this report,
hopefully this report can help in fulfilling the assignments for the Animal Physiology course
and the authors thank you.

Medan, December 2021

Group 3


Foreword i

Table Of Content ii

Chapter I Preliminary 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Research Purpose 1

1.3 Researsch Benefit 2

Chapter II Thinking Framework and General Description 3

Chapter III Methods and Discussion 5

Chapter IV Closing 7

References 8



1.1 Background
Ornamental fish is one of the aquaculture businesses that has great potential
and has been known to the public since the 1960s. Ornamental fish is a potential
commodity because ornamental fish has its own charm. One of the ornamental fish
that is in demand is Betta sp. or better known as betta fish (Agung Syahfrizal, 2021).
Betta fish is one type of ornamental fish that has high economic value. This is
supported by the number of fans of ornamental betta fish that are not limited to
children, teenagers to adults. what is characteristic of ornamental betta fish is when
they show off the beauty of their tails (Muhamad Agus, 2010).

Betta fish (Betta sp.) is one of the fish that can survive for a long time even
though the fish is placed in a container with little water and without an air circulation
device (aerator). This fish has a unique shape and character and tends to be aggressive
in defending its territory. The growth of betta fish is still relatively slow, this is
influenced by the feed used. One of the feeds used is still using artificial feed which
has low nutritional content, so that seed growth is not optimal. Natural feed is feed
that is very suitable for the growth of betta fish seeds because the nutritional content
is balanced, according to the mouth opening of the seeds and their digestive system.
Natural food is food that is available in nature. The nature of the natural feed which is
easy to digest is suitable as betta fish seed feed which has immature digestive organs
(Agung Syahfrizal, 2021). Natural food is very necessary in fish cultivation and
hatcheries, because it will support the survival of fish seeds.

1.2 Research purpose

1.2.1. Does natural feeding affect the growth and quality of betta fish?
1.2.2. How does natural feeding affect the growth of betta fish?
1.2.3. How does natural feeding affect the quality of betta fish?

1.3 Research benefits
1.3.1. Writing this idea is expected to provide information about different types of
natural food that can affect the growth of betta fish.
1.3.2. Provides information on the different types of natural food that can have an
effect on and quality of betta.
1.3.3. Can provide information for betta fish cultivators about feeding as an
effective feed for fish growth.



Betta fish have the Latin name Betta splendens, belonging to the Anabantidae family
(Labirynth Fisher). Therefore, this fish has the ability to breathe by taking oxygen directly
from the air. In nature, betta fish are often found in shallow and muddy water puddles with
low dissolved oxygen levels. Betta fish as carnivorous fish really like natural food, because
natural food is generally always moving in water so it can attract fish to eat it (Muhamad
Agus, 2010).

Feed is a very determining factor for the success of fish farming. Availability
Availability of adequate feed in quality and quantity will affect the success of fish in the
production system, in the form of: healthy fish, growing optimally and of high quality (Balai
Laboratorium Pengujian kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan, 2020).

The process of fish farming requires the need for feed in fish hatchery businesses.
Feed that meets the nutritional needs of fish can increase the growth of fish seeds. The
growth and survival of fish fry is determined by the quality of the broodstock, egg quality,
water quality and the ratio between the amount of food and its density. To maintain the
survival and growth of fish, it is necessary to have food that meets the nutritional needs of
fish. The food eaten by fish is used for survival and for growth. There are two kinds of fish
feed, namely artificial feed and natural feed. Artificial feed is food made from a mixture of
natural ingredients and processed materials which are then processed and made in a certain
form so as to create an attraction (stimulate) for fish to eat them easily and voraciously.
Natural food is food that is available in nature. The advantages of natural feed include having
a fairly high nutritional content, easy to digest, and the movement of the feed attracts the
attention of fish (Rihi, 2019).

Feed is used to produce energy and also serves to repair damaged body cells. That
way, the injured body part can be healed again (Redaksi PS, 2009). Natural food is live food
for larvae or fry of fish and shrimp. For ornamental hickeys, they are often given food so that
the body and fins grow quickly. Accelerating the growth of ornamental betta fish requires
nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. All the

nutritional requirements needed by fish for growth and development are obtained from
different types of feed (Agung Syahfrizal, 2021).

There are at least four types of natural food that are usually given to betta fish, namely
mosquito larvae, water fleas, silk worms and infusoria.

1. Mosquito larvae
There are several types of mosquito larvae depending on the type of
mother mosquito. The 2-3 day old larva is perfect for a 2-3 month old betta.
The nutritional content contained in mosquito larvae is 15.58% protein; fat
7.81%; fiber 3.46; and 1.4% ash.
2. Water fleas
Water fleas are usually given to betta fish, namely Daphnia sp. Water
fleas are very good given to fish fry aged 7-30 days. The nutritional content of
Daphnia sp is 5% protein and 9% fiber.
3. Silk worms
Silkworms are usually given to betta fish aged over one month. At this
age, betta fish really need feed that contains high fat. The nutritional content
of silkworms is 48% protein, 21% fat, 7% glycogen, 1% organic fatty acid and
1 nucleic acid.%.

The results of research by Agus et al (2010), showed that the provision of natural food
for mosquito larvae and silk worms had a very significant effect on the growth of ornamental
betta fish. Where the results are due to differences in the nutrients contained in the feed. The
quality of the feed is determined by the nutritional content of the feed. The type of feed that
contains high nutrients and in accordance with the needs of fish will produce high growth as
well, and vice versa. Feeding silk worms resulted in the highest growth in the study because
the nutritional content contained in silk worms was higher than the nutritional content found
in other feeds. The treatment carried out on silkworms determines the nutritional content of
the feed later. Silkworm culture really depends on the quality of the water source.

Protein is the most important element in feed and is indispensable for fish growth.
Betta fish as carnivorous fish need more protein, which is 50% for their body growth. Not
only protein is needed for fish growth, but fat. Fat is one source of energy that must be
available in feed. If the fat in the feed is not sufficient for the fish's needs, then the energy for
activities is taken from protein so that growth becomes stunted (Muhamad Agus, 2010).



3.1 Place and time of research

This research was conducted for 1 week. Starting from November 13, 2021 to November 20,
2021. The place for this research is at the researcher's house.

3.2 Tools and Materials

 Tools
The tool used in this research is a betta fish rearing container, namely a small aquarium
measuring 10 x 10 x 15 cm.
 Materials
The materials used in this study were 6 betta fish measuring ± 5 cm, silk worms, shrimp feed,
ketapang leaves, ± 700 ml of water.

3.3 Research procedure

1. Feeding is done 3 times a day, namely at 08.00, 12.00. and 16.00 WIB. Siphoning was
carried out 1 hour after feeding.
2. Checking water quality every day such as temperature and pH at 09.00 WIB. 3.
Documentation of the quality of betta fish was carried out before and after the study at
the same time.

3.4 Data collection technique

The data collection technique used in this study was taken from the experimental data
that has been carried out. This study used an experimental method with a completely
randomized design method consisting of one or two treatments and each treatment was
repeated 1 time.
1. Treatment A: Giving silk worms and plain water
2. Treatment B: Feeding shrimp and ketapang leaves

3.5 Data analysis technique

Data analysis technique is the most decisive step of a research, because data analysis
serves to conclude the research results. The data analysis technique used in this study is to

analyze the results of the experimental developments that we carried out and then we
conclude the results of the analysis as the results of our experiments.

Fish will increase in size if the amount of food or feed eaten and utilized by its body is
greater than what is needed to maintain its life. Bettas are carnivorous fish that eat almost all
small animals that live in water (natural food). Natural food is very good for betta fish
because the nutritional content in it is complete, including protein, fat, carbohydrates,
vitamins and minerals. Natural food is generally always moving in the water, thus attracting
the attention of fish to eat it (Muhamad Agus, 2010). The nature of the natural feed which is
easy to digest is suitable as betta fish seed feed which has an immature digestive system.
Natural food is live food for larvae or fry of fish and shrimp. One of the efforts to
maintain and improve the color quality of fish is to feed them with carotenoids. The color and
pigmentation of ornamental fish are influenced by the absorption and accumulation of
carotenoids in the body. One of the foods rich in carotenoid sources is rebon shrimp. Rebon
shrimp flour plays a good role in fish coloring because it contains astaxsanthin carotenoids
(Bunga Melati, 2017).
Terminalia catappa L. or better known as ketapang is a plant that has potential as an
antibacterial agent and is widely used in aquaculture. It has been widely used in betta fish
farming as a supplement to treat injured fish. One of the threats in betta fish farming is
infectious disease by bacteria. To prevent or treat the disease can use ketapang leaves.
Ketapang leaves have good properties for betta fish as an antibacterial. Ketapang leaves are
known to contain a type of active ingredient that is able to kill fungi and parasites. The leaves
contain organic acids, tannins and flavonoids. In the maintenance of betta fish, the sap
contained in ketapang leaves can increase the pH of the water and absorb toxic materials that
are harmful to fish health (Deasy Ladyescha, 2015).

4.1 Conclusion
Betta fish (Betta sp.) is one of the fish that can survive for a long time even though the
fish is placed in a container with little water and without an air circulation device (aerator).
The growth of betta fish is still relatively slow, this is influenced by the feed used. One of the
feeds used is still using artificial feed which has low nutritional content, so that seed growth
is not optimal. Natural feed is feed that is very suitable for the growth of betta fish seeds
because the nutritional content is balanced, according to the mouth opening of the seeds and
their digestive system. Natural food is food that is available in nature. The nature of the
natural feed which is easy to digest is suitable as betta fish seed feed which has immature
digestive organs. Natural food is very necessary in fish cultivation and hatcheries, because it
will support the survival of fish seeds.

4.2 Suggestion
I hope that further research will use more complete tools and be carried out more
deeply to get maximum results.


Agung Syahfrizal, S. P. (2021). Effect of Different Natural Feeding on Survival and Seed
Growth of Cupang Fish. Jurnal Agroqua, 19(1), 181-187.

Balai Laboratorium Pengujian kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan. (2020, 12 11). PENTINGNYA
PAKAN DALAM BUDIDAYA IKAN. Dipetik 12 03, 2021, dari DKP PROV.

Muhamad Agus, t. Y. (2010). The Effect of Different Types Of Natural Food Daphnia,
Mosquito Larvae and Silk Worms to Growth of Ornamental Fish Betta ( Betta
splendens). PENA Akuatika, 2(1), 21-29.


Civier) .

Redaksi PS. (2009). Cupang, Panduan Lengkap Memelihara Cupang dan Cupang Adu.
Depok: Penebar Swadaya.

Rihi, A. P. (2019). Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan Alami dan Buatan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan
Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus Burchell.) di Balai
Benih Sentral Noekele Kabupaten Kupang. BIOEDU, 4(2), 56-62.

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