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18/09/2021 22:21 Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário

Pronomes Possessivos
Fique atento:

Os adjetivos possessivos sempre antecedem um substantivo.

My house is that one. PLAY

The boy’s coats are here and their caps are in the bedroom. PLAY

Os pronomes possessivos não antecedem substantivo, pois o mesmo está subentendido no contexto.

You took my keys. PLAY

You took mine. PLAY

Observe que o substantivo “Keys” não aparece na segunda oração após o possessivo, mas é pelo contexto que se percebe
que este é o objeto possuído.

3.1. Grammar Practice 1/9
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01.Dogs should have _______ own kennels outside the house. PLAY

a) its PLAY

b) his PLAY

c) theirs PLAY

d) their PLAY

e) her PLAY

02.I can’t find ______ pen. Can you lend me ______? PLAY

a) my - my PLAY

b) my - your PLAY

c) mine - his PLAY

d) my - her PLAY

e) my – yours PLAY

03.This is _______ cup, _______ is pink. PLAY

a)his - hers PLAY

b)his – her PLAY

c)my - her PLAY

d)mine - hers PLAY 2/9
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e)your - her PLAY

04.______ cat has ______ own corner in this room. PLAY

a)my - it PLAY

b)our - its PLAY

c)our - hers PLAY

d)it - our PLAY

e)his – it PLAY

05.Don’t use _______ comb. Use ______. PLAY

a)mine - yours PLAY

b)his – my PLAY

c)my – yours PLAY

d)her - your PLAY

e)your – her PLAY

3.2. Reading Practice

TEXT 3 -A reader’s best friend PLAY

A month ago, eight-year-old Connor Schultz could read forty-five words a minute. Today he’s up to ninety-three. The reason? PLAY
A four-year-old longhaired dachshund named Ruby who, once a week, visits Connor’s school in Schenectady, New York, 3/9
18/09/2021 22:21 Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

and sits with him while he reads aloud. She doesn’t judge or correct him, and Connor has an audience he feels comfortable
reading to.

Ruby is one of sixteen thousand certified therapy dogs participating in reading-assistance programs at schools and libraries
across America, as educators have begun exploring the calming effect dogs have on us. “As words spread and test scores
improve, requests for visits from therapy dogs have been pouring in. “We get calls every day,” says Ursula Kemp, president
of New Jersey’s Therapy Dogs International. And Utah-based Intermountain Therapy Animals has close to a thousand three PLAY
hundred dogs registered in its reading assistance program.

PHILIPS, Matthew. Newsweek. New York, p. 6, Dez 18, 2006.

01. According to the text, Connor feels comfortable reading to Ruby because she PLAY

a) barks only when he reads silently. PLAY

b) won’t criticize him. PLAY

c) compliments him when he finishes. PLAY

d) sleeps soundly while he is reading. PLAY

e) interrupts him gently whenever he makes a mistake. PLAY

02. The text says that requests for visits from therapy dogs are PLAY

a) usually rejected. PLAY

b) in decline. PLAY

c) disregarded. PLAY

d) promptly accepted. PLAY 4/9
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e) on the rise. PLAY

03. Educators have started using dogs in their reading activities because they make people feel PLAY

a) less nervous. PLAY

b) protected. PLAY

c) frightened. PLAY

d) happier. PLAY

e) more interested. PLAY

04. Based on the text, match the numbers on the left with the information on the below:
I. 16,000
II. 93

IV. 4
V. 8

( ) Ruby’s age. PLAY

( ) Connor’s age. PLAY

( ) number of dogs registered in reading assistance programs in America. PLAY

( ) number of words Connor used to read in a minute. PLAY

( ) number of words Connor can currently read in a minute. PLAY

The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is PLAY

a) V, III, II, IV e I.
b) IV, V, I, III e II. 5/9
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c) IV, III, V, II e I.
d) III, I, IV, II e V.
e) I, IV, III, II e V.

05.The word “improve” (l. 12) is closest in meaning to: PLAY

a) get easier. PLAY

b) get worse. PLAY

c) get better. PLAY

d) improvise. PLAY

e) are published. PLAY

06.The only pair of opposites is in alternative PLAY

a) “close to” (l. 15-16) — about. PLAY

b) “begun” (l. 10) — started. PLAY

c) “comfortable” (l. 7) — pleased. PLAY

d) “aloud” (l. 5) —silently. PLAY

e) “sits” (l. 5) — lies. PLAY

TEXT 4 - Peanuts. Good ol Charlie Brown PLAY

PLAY 6/9
18/09/2021 22:21 Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

01.Put the following sentences in the order they take place in the cartoon: PLAY

A. The dog sympathizes deeply with the bird. PLAY

B. The bird kicks the boy. PLAY

C. The bird watches a turkey cooking inside a microwave oven. PLAY 7/9
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D. The bird jumps down from the dog’s house. PLAY

E. The bird tells the dog about the human behavior. PLAY

The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is in alternative

a) B-A-C-D-B
c) A-D-C-E-B
d) C-B-E-A-D
e) C-E-A-D-B

02. The dog thinks that the act of killing the turkey is PLAY

a) humane PLAY

b) bizarre PLAY

c) natural PLAY

d) expected PLAY

e) reasonable PLAY

03. When the bird kicks him, the boy seems to be PLAY

a) puzzled PLAY

b) worried PLAY

c) horrified PLAY

d) scared PLAY

e) understanding 8/9
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04. The pronoun “they” used in the cartoon refers to PLAY

a) birds PLAY

b) cooks PLAY

c) humans PLAY

d) hunters PLAY

e) housewives PLAY

05.The expression “used to kill” (4th picture) describes a/an PLAY

a) ongoing activity PLAY

b) universal truth PLAY

c) habit in the present PLAY

d) habit in the past PLAY

e) single action in the past PLAY 9/9

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