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AOT~; Designation: 02240-15

_ U. .t. __ _

Standard Test Method for

Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness 1
This standard is issl1cd under the fixed dcsignati<ln D'.2240: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year or last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicate> an editorial change since the last l"Ovision or rcapproval.

Thissrarulard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope· D374 Test Methods for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insu-

I. l This test method covers twcl vc types of rubber hardness lation (Withdrawn 2013) 3
measurement devices known as durometers: Types A, B, C, D, D6 l 8 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing
DO, E, M, 0, 00, 000, 000-S, and R. The procedure for D785 Test Method for Rockwell Hardness of Plastics and
determining indentation hardness of substances classified as Electrical Insulating Materials
thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanized (thermoset) rubber, clas- D 1.349 Practice for Rubber-Standard Conditions for Test-
tomeric materials, cellular materials, gel-like materials, and ing
some plastics is also described. D l 415 Test Method for Rubber Property-International
l.2 This test method is not equivalent to other indentation D4483 Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method
hardness methods and instrument types, specifically those Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing
described .in Test Method D1415. Industries
1.3 This test method is not applicable to the testing of Fl957 Test Method for Composite Foam Hardness-
coated fabrics. Duromcter Hardness
1.4 All materials, instruments, or equipment used for the 2.2 ISO Standard: 4
determination of mass, force, or dimension shall have trace- ISO/IEC 17025: 1999 General Requirements for the Com-
ability to the National Institute for Standards and Technology, petence of Testing and Calibrntion Laboratories
or other internationally recognized organizations parallel in 3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 This test method permits hardness measurements based
1.5 The values stated in SI units arc to be regarded as on either initial indentation or indentation after a specified
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information period of time, or both. Durometers with maximum reading
only. Many of the stated dimensions in SI are direct conver- indicators used to determine maximum hmdncss values of a
sions from the U. S. Customary System to accommodate the material may yield lower hardness when the maximltm indi-
instrumentation, practices, and procedures that existed prior to cator is used .
. the Metric Conversion Act of l 975.
3.2 The procedures for Type M, or micro hardness
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the durornetcrs, accommodate specimens that are, by their dimen-
safety concerns, !l any, associated with its use. It is the
sions or configuration, ordinarily unable to have their durom-
re.sponsibility qf' the user c~f' this standard to establish appro- eter bardness determined by the other durometer types de-
priate safe(y and health practices and determine the applica-
scribed. Type M durometers are intended for the testing of
bility of regu.latory limitations prior to use.
specimens having a thickness or cross-sectional diameter of
2. Referenced Documents l.25 mm (0.050 in.) or greater, although specimens of lesser
dimensions may be successfully accommodated under the
2.l ASTM Standards: 2 conditions specified in Section 6, and have a Type M durometer
hardness range between 20 and 90. Those specimens which
1 This test method· is under the jtirisdiction or ASTM Commit.tee D 11 on Rubber have a durometer hardness range other than specified shall use
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommiuce D 11.10 011 Physical Testing. another SL1itable procedure for determining durometer hard-
Current· cdiLfon approved Aug. 1, 2015. Published January 2016. Originally ness.
approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D2240- 05 (2010).
DOT: I 0.1520/02240-15.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM websfte, www,, or 'The last approved vcrs.ion of this historical standard is referenced on
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book qf AS7M
Standards volume information, refer to the standard·s Document Summary page on 4
Available from International Organization for Standardization (lSO), I ri1e de
the ASTM website. V~trembc, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.

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(0 02240-15
02.8::1.:0.3 mm. _
(O.Hl±0.013 in) I ,-

2.5±0.04 mm.
(0.098±0.002 in)
~ 35°±114°
FIG. 1 (a) Type A and C lndentor
-I 00.79±0.03 mm.
• (0.031±0.001 in)

4. Significance and Use differ in their indentor configuration, spring force, and the results
obtained. See Table I and Fig. I (e and g).
4. l This test method is based on the penetration of a specific Presser Foot-flat circular designs designated as
type of indentorwhen forced into the material under specified
Type xR, where x is the standard clurometer designation and R
conditions. The indentation hardness is inversely related to the
indicates the flat circular press foot described hercif1, for
penetration and is dependent on the elastic modulus and
example, Type aR, dR, and the like. The presser foot, having a
viscoelastic behavior of the material. The geometry qf the
centrally located orifice (to allow for the protrusion of the
indentor and the applied force iJ'![iuence the measurements
indentor) of a diameter as specified in Fig. l (a through g). The
such that no simple relationship exists between the measure-
ments obtained with one type of durometer and those obtained !'lat c~rcular pre~ser foot shall be 18 ± 0.5 mm (0.71 ± 0.02 in.)
with anothe1: type of durometer or other instruments used j()f' m diameter. 1. hese clurometer types shall be used in an
operating stand (sec 5.1.2).
measuring hardness. This test method is an empirical test
(a) Durometers having a presser foot configuration other
intended primarily for control purposes. No simple relationship
than that . indicated in shall nol use the Type xR
exists between indentation hardness determined by this test
method and any fundamental property of the material tested. designation, and it is recommended that their presser foot
configuration and size be stated in the Hardness Measurement
For specification purposes, it is recommended that Test Method
Report (see 10.2.4).
D785 be used for materials other than those described in l. l.
.5.1. l.4 Presser Foot; Type M, with a centrally located
5. Apparatus 0:1ticc (to allow for the protrusion of the indcntor), having a
chameter as specified in Fig. I (d), with the center. a minimum
5.1 Hardness Measuring Apparatus, or Durometer, and an
of 1.60 mm (0.063 in.) from any edge of the flat circular
Operating Stand, Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 (sec 5. l.2)
prcssc: frJot. The Type M duromeler shall be used in a Type 3
consisting of the following components:
operatmg stand (see 5. l .2.4). .
5.1.1 Durometer: lndentor, formed from steel rod and hardened to 500
5. l. l. l Presser Foot, the configuration and the total area of
HY_ I 0 and shaped in accordance with Fig. l (~t, b, c, d, e, or g),
a durometcr presser foot may produce varying results when
pohshed over the contact area so that no flaws are visible under
there are significant differences between them. It is recom-
20x magnification, with an indentor extension of 2.50 ± 0.04
mended that when comparing durometcr hm·dness determina-
mm (0.098 ± 0.002 in.).
tions of the same type (see 4.1 ), that the comparisons be
5. I. 1.6 lndentor, Type 000-S, formed from steel rod and
between durometers of similar presser foot configurations and
hardened to 500 HVlO, shaped in accordance with Fig. I (f),
total area, and that the presser foot configuration and size be
polished over the contact area so that no flaws are visible under
noted in the Hardness Measurement Report (see 10.2.4 and
20x magnification, with an indentor extension of 5.00 ± 0.04
mm (0.198 ± 0.002 in.). Presser Foot, Types A B C D DO E O 00
000, ~nd 000-S, with an orific~ (t~ all,ow 'for tl;e ~rot1'.usio~
5. L l. 7 lndentor, Type M, formed from steel rod and hard-
ene_d to 500 HVI 0 and shaped in accordance with Fig. 1 (cl),
of the mdentor) having a diameter as specified in Fig. l (a, b,
polished over the contact area so that no flaws arc visible under
~, d, e, f, and g), with the center a minimum of 6.0 mm (0.24
50x magnification, with an inclentc'ir extension of 1.25 ± 0.02
111.) from any edge of the foot. When the presser foot is not of
mm (0.049 ::1.:: 0.001 in.).
a fiat circular design, the area shall not be less than 500 lndentor Ertension Indicator, analog or dioital
mm2 (19.7 in.2).
electronic, having a display that is an inverse function ofthe
Non; 1-cl~he Type 000 and the Type 000-S, designated herein. indentor extension so that:

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.....,. ' - r,_ -·-·---·-·-;.'-··I!-···-·-- A·-··--·---·-;. 1'1 .. !:.... '-1-- ......... .:..J ....... :.... - .... ,_!_
cO 02240-1s
02.8±0.3 mm. ..
co.111±0.013 in) I r- 01. 27±0. 12 mm.
(0.050±0.005 in)

2.5±0.04 mm.
(0.098±0.002 in) 30°± 1/2°

0.100±0.012 mm. R
AT ZERO (0.004±0.0005 in R)
FIG. 1 (b} Type B and D lndentor (continued)

03.6±0.1 mm.
(0.140±0.004 in)
r· 02.38±0.08 mm.
(0.0937±0.004 in)

2.5±0.04 mm.
(0.098±0.002 in)

AT ZERO 1.19±0.05 mm R.
READING (0.0468±0.002 in R.)
FIG. 1 (c) Type 0, DO, and 00 lndentor (continued)

¢1.19±0.03 mm ...
(0.047±0.001 in)
1 100.7874±0.025 mm.
(0.031.±0.001 in)

1.25±0.02 mm.
(0.049±0.001 in)

0.100±.012 mm. R.
(.004±.0005 in R.)
FIG. 1 (d) Type M lndentor (continued)

( 1) The display shall indicate from 0 to I 00 with no less ( 4) In the case of analog dial indicators having a display of
than lOO equal divisions throughout the range at a rate of one 360°, the points indicating 0 and 100 may be at the same point
hardness point for each 0.025 mm (O.OOl in.) of indentor on the dial and indicate 0, I 00, or both.
movement, 5. l.1.9 Timing Device (optional), capable of being set to a
(2) The display for Type 000-S durometers shal1 indicate
desired elapsed time, signaling the operator or holding the
from 0 to 100 with no less than 100 equal divisions throughout hardness reading when the desired elapsed time has been
the range at a rate of one hardness point for each 0.050 mm
reached. The timer shall be automatically activated when the
(0.002 in.) of indentor movement,
presser foot. is in contact with the specimen being tested, for
(3) The display for Type M durometers shall indicate from
example, the initial indentor travel has ceased. Digital elec-
0 to 100 with no less than 100 equal divisions at a rate of one
hardness point for each 0.0125 mm (0.0005 in.) of inclentor tronic clurometers may be equipped with electronic timing
movement, and

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f)1u•:r. rf\,....t'\Alr.i fr ,.,.,,-1\ t'\l11'C:Oll<:ll"lt tr. f il"r.>l"IC'r.> f1 IY1'r.>t:>l"l"lr.>l'\t l\.!n f111>t\.ir.>1• l'l:>i"'ll'l'\,-l11f'tlr.1"1C' '111thr.1•i'7orl
~. 02240 - 1s

6.35±0.03 mm SR
(0.25•,o.oo 1 in)
0 U).7111.6±0.13 mm
READING (0,420/0.-455±0.005 ln}

FIG. 1 (e) Type 000 lndentor (continued)

0 12.7±0.3 mm
~------~ (0.5±0.01 in).

5.0±0.04 mm
(0.198±0.002 in)

10.7±0.13 mm R
(0.420±0.005 in)

0 l l. 9±0.08 mm
1 - - - - -....1
(0.468±0.003 in)

FIG. 1 (f) Type 000-S lndentor (continued)

devices that shall not affect the indicated reacting or detenni- determinations (see 10.2.4). Arntlog Type M, 00, 000, and
nations attained by more than one-half of the calibration Type 000-S durometers shall not be equipped with maximum
tolerance stated in Table 1. indicating pointers.
5.1.l.10 Maximum Indicators (optional), maximum indicat- Digital electronic durometers may be equipped
ing pointers arc auxiliary analog indicating hands designed to with electronic maximum indicators that shaII not affect the
remain at the maximurn hardness value attained until reset by indicated reading or determinations attained by more than one
the operator. Electronic maximum indicators are digital dis- half of the spring calibration tolerance stated in 'I'abl.e 1.
plays electronically indicating and maintaining the maximum Calibrated Spring, for applying force to. the
value hardness valued achieved until reset by the operator. indentor, in accordance with Fig. l (a through g) and capable Analog maximum indicating pointers have been of applying the forces as specified in Table 1.
shown to have a nominal effect on the values attained; 5.1.2 Operating Stand (Fig. 2):
however, this effect is greater on durometers of lesser total 5, 1.2, I Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 shall be capable of
mainspring loads; for example, the effect of a maximum supporting the durometer presser foot surface parallel to the
indicating pointer on Type D durorneter determinations will be specimen support table (Fig. 3) throughout the travel of each,
less than those determinations achieved using a Type A The clurometer presser foot to specimen support table parallel-
durometer. Analog style durometers may be equipped with ism shall be verified each time the test specimen support table
maximum indicating pointers. The effect of a rnaximum is adjusted to accommodate specimens of varying dimensions.
indicating pointer shall be noted at the time of calibration in the This may be accomplished by applying the durometer presser
calibration report (see I0.1.5), and when reporting hardness foot to the point of contact with the specimen support table and

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Dario Connola (Lmd) nursuant to License Agreement. No furthe·r reproductions authorized.
cO 02240-1s
0 6.0±0.2 mm
(0.236±0.008 in)

0 4.5±0.5 nun
(0.18•,0.02 in)

2.5±0.04 rnm R _ _ _..,.."

2.5±0.04 mm
AT ZERO (0.098±0.002 in)
FIG. 1 (g) Type E Indenter (continued}

TABLE 1 Durorneter Spring Force CalibrationA

All Values are in N
Indicated Value Type A, B, E, 0 Type c; D, DO Type M Type 00, 000 Type 000-S
0 0.55 0 0.324 0.203 0.167
10 1.3 4.445 0.368 0.294 0.343
20 2.05 8.89 0.412 0.385 0.520
30 2.8 13.335 0.456 0.476 0.696
40 3.55 17.78 0.5 0.566 0.873
50 4.3 22.225 0.544 0.657 1.049
60 5.05 26.67 0.589 0.748 1.226
70 5.8 31.115 0.633 0.839 1.402
80 6.55 35.56 0.677 0.93 1.579
90 7.3 40.005 0.721 1.02 1.755
100 8.05 44.45 0.765 1.111 1.932
N/durometer unit O.Q75 0.4445 0.0044 0.00908 0.01765
Spring Calibration ± 0.075 N ± 0.4445 N ± 0.0176 N ±O.D182N ± 0.0353 N
A Refer to for the Type xR designation.

making adjustments by way of the durometer mounting asse.m- support platform may have orifices designed to accept various
bly or as specified by the manufacturer. inserts or support fixtures (Fig. 3) to provide for the support of
5.l.2.2 Operating Stand, Type I (specimen to indentor irregularly configured specimens. When inserts are used to
type), shall be capable of applying the specimen to the indentor support test specimens, care must be taken to align the indentor
in a manner that minimizes shock. to the center of the insert, or the point at which the indentor is
5. l.2.3 Operating Stand, Type 2 (indentor to specimen to contact the specimen. Care should be exercised to assure that
type), shall be capable of applying the indentor to the specimen the indentor does not abruptly contact the specimen suppo1i
in a manner that minimizes shock. table as damage to the indentor may result.
5. l.2.4 Operating Stand, 'f)1pe 3 (indentor to specimen
type), hydraulic dampening, pneumatic dampening, or electro- 6. Test Specimen
mechanical (required for the operation of Type M durometers) 6.1 The test specimen, herein referred to as "specimen" or
shall be capable of controlling the rate of descent of the "test specimen" interchangeably, shall be at least 6.0 mm (0.24
indentor to the specimen at a maximum of 3.2 mm/s (0.125 in.) in thickness unless it is known that results equivalent to the and applying a force sufficient to overcome the calibrated 6.0-mm (0.24-in.) values are obtained with a thinner specimen.
spring force as shown in ·rable l. Manual application, Type I 6. l .1 A specimen may be composed of plied pieces to obtain
or Type 2 operating stands are not acceptable for Type M the necessary thickness, but determinations made on such
durometer operation. specimens may not agree with those made on solid specimens,
5. 1.2.5 The entire instrument should be plumb and level, as the surfaces of the plied specimens may not be in complete
and resting on a surface that will minimize vibration. Operating contact. The lateral dimensions of the specimen shall be
the instrument under adverse conditions will negatively affect sufficient to permit measurements at least 12.0 mm (0.48 in.)
the determinations attained. from any edge, unless it is known that identical results are Specimen Support Table. (Fig. 3) integral to the obtained when measurements are made at a lesser distance
operating stand, and having a solid ftat surface. The specimen from an edge.

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02240 - ts








~-1---- BASE

FIG. 2 Durometer Operating Stand




0 0



FIG. 3 Small Specimen Support Table

6.l.2 The surfaces of the specimen shall be tlat and parallel over an area having a radius of at least 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) from
over an area to permit the presser foot to contact the specimen the indentor point. Tf1e specimen shall be suitably supported to

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(0 02240-15
,,,,,, .... -- ........ --..... 7.1.2 lndentor extension and shape shall be in accordance

/<-->'~ with,, or, respective to durometer type.

See Fig. l (a through g). Examination or the indentor under
20x magnification, 50x for Type M indentors, is required to
examine the inclentor condition. Misshapen or damaged inden-
tors shall be replaced.
7 .1.3 A combination of dimensional gage blocks shall be
used to achieve a difference of 2.54 + 0.00/-0.0254 mm (0. lOO
+ 0.00/-0.001 in.) between them. For Type 000-S durometers,
the gage block dimensions are 5.08 + 0.00/-0.()508 mm (0.200
+ 0.00/-0.002 in.). For Type M clurometers, the gage block
dimensions are 1.27 + 0.0/-0.0127 mm (0.050 + 0.00/-0.0005
FIG. 4 Detail of lndentor Extension and Display Adjustment in.) between them (Fig. 4).
7.1.4 Carefully lower the durometer presser foot until it
contacts the largest dimensional .block(s), the inclentor tip
should just contact the smal.ler block, verifying full indentor
provide for positioning and stability. A suitable hardness extension.
determination cannot be made on an uneven or rough point of 7. l .5 Adjust the inclentor extension to 2.50 :t 0.04 mm
contact with the indentm: (0.098 ± 0.002 in.). For Type 000-S durometers, adjust the
6.2 Type 000, 000-S, and M test specimens shoL1ld be at indentor extension to 5.0 ± 0.04 mm (0.198 ± 0.002 in.). For
least l )5 mm ((l.05 in.) in thickness, unless it is known that Type M durometers, adjust the indentor extension to 1.25 ±
results equivalent to the l.25-rnm (0.05-in.) values are obtained 0.02 mrn (0.049 ± 0.001 in.), following the manufacturer's
with a thinner specimen. rcci)mrnended procedure.
6 . 2. l A Type M specimen that is not of a configuration 7. l .5. I . When performing the procedures in 7. l, care should
described in 6.2.2 may be composed of plied pieces to obtain be used so as not to cause damage to the indentor tip. Fig. 4
the necessary thickness, but determinations made on such depicts a suitable arrangement for gaging indentor extension.
specimens may not agree with those made on solid specimens 7. l.6 Parailelism of the durometer presser foot to the
because the surfaces of the plied specimens may not be in support surface, and hence the dimensional gage blocks, at the
.complete contact. The lateral dimensions of the specimen time of instrument calibration, may be in accordance with Test
should be sufficient to permit measurements at .least 2.50 mm . Methods D374, Machinist's Micrometers, or otherwise accom-
(0.10 in.) from any edge unless il is known that identical results plished in accordance with the procedures specified by the
are obtained when measurements are made at lesser distance manufacturer.
from an edge. A suitable hardness determination cannot be 7.2 lndentor Display Ac(iustment:
made on an uneven or rough point (~f' contact with the indento1: 7.2.1 After adjusting the indentor extension as indicated in
6.2.2 The Type M specimen, when configured as an o-ring, 7.l, use a similar m-rnngernent of dimensional gage blocks to
circular band, or other irreg11lar shape shall be at least I .25 mm verify the linear relationship between indentor travel and
(0.05 in.) in cross-sectional diameter, unless it is known that indicated display at two points: 0 and 100. Following the
results equivalent to the l.25-mm (0.05-in.) values are obtained manufacturer's recommendations, make adjustments so that:
with a thinner specimen. The specimen shall be suitably 7 .2.2 The indicator displays a value equal to the indentor
supported in a fixture (Fig. 3) to provide for positioning and travel measured to within:
stability. -0.0 + .1.0 durometer units measured at 0;
6.3 The minimum requirement for the thickness of the :±:0.50 durometer units measured at 100;
specimen is dependent on the extent of penetration of the :±: 1 durometer units at all other points delineated in 7.4.
indentor into the specimen; for example, thinner specimens 7.2.3 Each durometer point indicated is equal to 0.025 mm
may be used for materials having higher hardness values. The (0.001 in.) of indentor travel, except for:
minimum distance from the edge at which measurements may TypeM Durometers, each indicated point is equal to
be made likewise decreases as the hardness increases. 0.0125 mm (0.0005 in.) of indentor travel; Type 000-S Durometers, each indicated point is
7. Calibration equal to Cl.050 n1rn (Cl.002 in.) of indentor travel.
7.l lndentor Extension Adjustment Procedure: 7 .2.4 The indicator shall not display a value greater than I 00
7.1. l Place precision ground dimensional blocks (Grade B or less than 0 at the time of calibration.
or better) on the support table and beneath the durom.eter 7.2.5 Other means of determining indentor extension or
presser foot and indentor. Arrange the blocks so that the indentor travel, such as optical or laser measurement methods,
durometer ·presser foot contacts the larger block(s) and the are acceptable. The instrumentation used shall have traceability
indentor tip just contacts the smaller block (Fig. 4). It is as described in J .4.
necessary to observe the arrangement of the blocks and the 7 .2.6 The durometer shall be supported in a suitable fashion
presser foot/indentor under a minimum of 20x magnification to when performing the procedures described in 7. I and 7 .2.
assure proper alignment. 7.3 Calihration Device:

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nn ... in. rr> (I mrl'\ n111•C'JHH1t tn r if"P11C'P A nrr->Pmr.>nt Nn f11rthPr rPnrnrh1r.tirm<:. m1thnrh~n
cO 02240-15
7.7 Spring Force Combinations:
7.7.l For Type A, B, E, and 0 durometers:
Force, N ::;: 0.55 + 0.075 HA
Where HA hardness reading on Type A, B, E, and 0
7.7.2 For Type C, D, and DO durometers:
Force, N = 0.4445 HD
Where HD = hardness reading on Type C, D, and DO
durometers .
IWAM IM>l '>: .7.7.3 For Type M durometers:
---flt';l.MN~MJU:SNAmr f'O;;T
Force, N = 0.324 + 0.0044 HM
Where HM = hardness read111g on Type M durometcrs.
I •

7.7.4 For Type 00 and 000 clurometers:

Force, N = 0.203 + 0.00908 HOO
Where HOO =hardness reading on Type 00 durometers.
FIG. 5 Example of Durometer Calibration Apparatus
7.7.5 For Type 000-S durometers:
Force, N = 0.167 + 0.01765 HOOO-S
7.3.l The durometer spring shall be calibrated by support- Where HOOO-S = hardness reading on. Type· 000-S
ing the durometer in a calibrating device, see Fig. 5, in a durometers.
vertical position and applying a measurable force to the 7.8 The rubber reference block(s) provided for verifying
indentor tip. The force may be measured by means of a balance clurometer operation and state of calibration are not to be relied
as depicted .in Fig. 5, or an electronic force ce.11. The calibrating upon as calibration standards. The calibration procedures
device shall be capable of measuring applied force to within outlined in Section 7 arc the only valid calibratioi1 prociydures.
0.5 % of the maximum spring force necessary to achieve 100
7.8.1 The use of metal reference blocks is no longer
durometer units.
recommended (see Note 2).
7 ,3.2 Care should be taken to ensure that the force is applied
vertically to the indentor tip, as lateral force will cause errors 7 .9 Verifying the state of durometer calibration, during
in calibration. See 7.l.5.l and 7.1.6. routine use, may be accomplished by:
7.4 Spring Catr:bration-The durometer spring shall be 7.9. I Verifying that the zero reading is no more than 1
calibrated at displayed readings of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, indicated point above zero, and not below zero (on durometers
80, and 90. The measured force (9.8x mass in kilograms) shall so equipped), when the durometer is positioned so that no
be within the spring calibration tolerance specified in Table I. external force is placed upon the indentor.
'fable I identifies the measured force applied to the indentor for 7 .9.2 Verifying that the 100 reading is no more than I 00 and
the entire range of the instrument, although it is necessary no less than 99 when the durometer is positioned on a flat
to verify the spring calibration at points listed herein. surface of a non-metallic material SQ that the presser foot is in
7.5 Spring Calibration Procedure: co1'nplcte contact, causing the indentor to be fuUy retracted.
7 .5.1 Ensure that the indentor extension has been adjusted 7 .9.2.1 It is important that when performing the verification
in accordance with 7.J, and the .linear relationship between of 100, as described in 7.9.2, that extreme care be taken so as
indentor travel and display is as specified in 7.2. to not cause damage to the indentor. Verification of the I 00
7 .5.2 Place the durometcr in the calibration device as value is not recommended for durorneters having a spring force
depicted in Fig. 5. Apply the forces indicated in Table l so that greater than lO N (Types C, D, and DO).
forces applied are aligned with the centerline of the indentor in When performing the verification of 100, as de-
a fashion that eliminates shock or vibration and adjust the scribed in 7.9.2, the non-metallic material shall be of a
durometer according to manufacturers' recommendations so hardness value greater than 100 of the type (scale) of the
that: duromete1' being employed. Tempered glass of a thickness
7.5.3 At the points enumerated in 7.4, the display shall greater than 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) has been found satisfactory for
indicate a value equal to 0.025 .rnm (0.001 in.) of indentor this appl.ication.
travel. For Type 000-S durorneters, the display shall indicate 7.9.3 Verifying the displayed reading at any other point
a value equal to 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) of indentor travel. For using commercially available rubber reference blocks which
Type M durometers, the display shall indicate a value equal to are certified to a stated value of the type (scale) of the
0.0125 mm (0.0005 in.) of indentor travel within the spring clurometer being employed. The displayed value of the clurom-
calibration tolerances specified in 7 .6. eter should be within ±2 durometer points of the reference
7 .6 Spring calibration to.lerances are ± 1.0 durorneter units block's stated value.
for Types A, B, C, D, E, 0, and DO, ±2.0 durorneterunits for 7.9.4 Ye1ification of the zero and 100 readings of a durom-
Types 00, 000, and 000-S, and ±4.0 durometer units for eter provide reasonable assurance that the linear relationship
Type M, while not indicating below 0 or above 100 at the time between the indicated display and the durometer mechanism
of calibration (see Table I). remain valid.

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(0 02240-15
7 .9.5 Verification of points between zero and 100 provide manner that assures parallel contact of the specimen to the
reasonable assurance that the curvilinear relationship between durometer presser foot without shock and with just sufficient
the indicated display and the durometer mechanism remain force to overcome the calibrated spring force as shown in Table
valid. l.
7.9.6 This is not a calibration procedure, it is a means by 9.1.6 An operating stand that applies the mass at a con-
which a user may routinely verify that the du.rometer may he trolled rate of descent, without shock is mandatory for Type M
functioning correctly. (See Note 2.) durometcrs. Hanel-held application or the use of a Type 1 or
Type 2 operating stand for the Type M durometer is not an
8. Laboratory Atmosphere and Test Specimen acceptable practice, see 5. l.2.4.
Conditioning 9.1.7 For any material covered in 1.1, once the presser foot
8.1 Tests shall be conducted in the standard laboratory is in contact with the specimen, for example, when the initial
atmosphere, as defined in Practice 0618, Section 4.2. indcntor travel has ceased, the maximum indicated reading
shall be recorded. The time interval of 1 s, between initial
8 ..2 The instrument shall be maintained in the standard
indcntor travel cessation and the recording of the indicated
laboratory atmosphere, as defined in Practice D6 J 8, Section
reacling, shall be considered standard. Other time intervals,
4.1, for 12 h prior to performing a test.
when agreed upon among laboratories or between supplier and
8.3 The specimen shall be conditioned in accordance with user, may be used and reported accordingly. The indicated
condition 40/23 exclusive of humidity control, as described in hardness reading may change with time.
Practice 0618, Section 8.1, Procedure A and tested under the If the durorneter is equipped with an electronic
same conditions, exclusive of humidity control. maximum indicator or timing device (refer to the
8.4 These procedures may be modified if agreed upon indicated reading shall be recorded within 1 ± 0.3 s of the
between laboratories or between: supplier and user and are in cessation of indentor travel and reported (refer to I0.2.9 for
accordance with alternative procedures identified in .Practice reporting protocols), unless otherwise noted.
D618. 9.l.7.2 If the durometer is equipped with an analog type
8.5 No conclusive evaluation has been made on durometers maximum indicator (refer to 5. L l. lO), the maximum indicated
at temperatures other than 23.0 ± 2.0°C (73.4 · ±. 3.6°F). reading may be recorded and shall be reported (refer to I 0.2.9),
Conditioning at temperatures other than the above may show unless otherwise noted.
changes in calibration. Ourometer use at temperatures other 9. I. 7 .3 If the durometer is not equipped with the devices.
than the above should be decided locally (see Practice D 1349). described in or 5. LL I0, the indicated reading shall be
recorded within I s as is possible and reported (refer to 10.2.9),
9. Procedure unless otherwise noted. ·
9.1.8 Make five determinations of hardness at different
9. l Operating Stcmd Operation (7)1pe 3 Operating Stand
positions on the specimen at least 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) apart, 0.80
Required for Type M):
mm (0.030 in.) apart for Type M; and calculate the arithmetic
9.1. l Care shall be exercised to minimize the exposure of
mean, or alternatively calculate the median. The means of
the instrument to environmental conditions that are adverse to
calculating the determinations shall be reported according to
the performance of the instrument, or adversely affect test
results ..
9.J.2 Adjust the presser foot to support table parallelism as 9.2 Manual (Hand Held) Operation (~f Durometer:
described in 5 .1.2. l. It .is necessary to make this adjustment 9.2. l Care shall be exerc.isecl to minimize the exposure of
each time the support table is .moved to accommodate speci- the instrument to environmental conditions that are adverse to
mens of varying dimensions. the performance of the instrument, or adversely affect test
9.1.3 Prior to coriducting a test, adjust the vertical distance results.
from the presser foot to the contact surface of the test specimen 9.2.2 Place the specimen on ·a flat, hard, horizontal surface.
to 25.4 ± 2.5 mm (l.00 ± 0.100 in.), unless it is known that Hold·the duromctcr in a vertical position with the indentor tip
identical results are obtained with presser foot at a greater or at a distance from any edge of the specimen as described in
lesser vertical distance from the test specimen contact surface, Section 6, unless it is known that identical results are obtained
or if otherwise stipulated by the mmrnfacturer. wher\ measurements are made with the indentor at a lesser
9. L.4 Place the specimen on the specimen support table, in distance.
a manner that the contact point of the indentor is in accordance 9.2.3 Apply the presser foot to the specimen, maintaining it
with Section 6, unless it is known that identical results are in a vertical position keeping the presser foot parallel to the
obtained when measurements are made with the indentor at a specimen, with a firm smooth downward action that will avoid
lesser distance from the edge of the test specimen. shock, rolling of the presser foot over the specimen, or the
9.1.5 Actuate the release. lever (Fig. 2) of the operating application of lateral force. Apply sullicicnt pressure to assure
stand or activate the electromechanical device, allowing the firm contact between the presser foot and the specimen.
duromet:er to descend at a controlled rate and apply the presser 9.2.4 For any material covered in LL after the presser foot
foot to the specimen in accordance with 5.1.2. fo the case of is in contact with the specimen, the .indicated reading shall be.
"specimen to indentor" type operating stands, operate the lever recorded within l ::!::: 0.1 s, or after any period of time agreed
or other mechanism to apply the specimen to the indentor in a upon among laboratories or between supplier and user. lf the

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cO 02240-15
TABLE 2 Type 1 Precision-Type M Durorneter Method TABLE 3 Type 1 Precision-Type A Durorneter Method
Material Within Laboratories Between Laboratories Average Withi'n Laboratories Between Laboratories
MEAN SrA ?3 (r)e SR0 RE (R( Level Sr A (B (1) c SR 0 R" (~
1 31.8 1.26 3.58 11.24 3.76 10.63 33.41 51.4 0.646 1.83 3.56 1.56 4.41 8.59
2 40.8 1.14 3.23 7.90 2.47 7.00 17.13 2 65.3 0.878 2.48 3.81 2.21 6.06 9.27
3 54.0 0.975 2.76 5.11 2.38 6.73 12.46 3 68.0 0.433 1.23 1.80 2.28 6.45 9.49
4 62.8· 0.782 2.21 3.52 2.24 6.34 10.10 Pooled 61.6 0.677 1.92 3.11 2.018 5.72 9.28
5 70.9 0.709 2.01 2.83 0.974 2.76 3.89
A Sr= repeatability standard deviation, measurement units.
6 80.6 1.686 4.77 5.92 1.61 4.56 5.65 8
r =repeatability =2.83 x Sr, measurement units.
7 87.7 1.15 3.25 3.71 2.63 7.45 8.50
c (r) = repeatability, relative, (that is, in percent).
8 32.4 0.947 2.68 8.26 3.64 10.29 31.73 0
SR= reproducibility standard deviation, measurement units .
9 41.8 0.797 2.26 5.40 2.23 6.31 . 15.11
ER= reproducibility = 2.83 x SR, measurement units.
10 53.3 0.669 1.89 3.55 2.29 6.49 12.17
'' (R) =reproducibility, relative, (that is, in percent).
11 63.2 0.485 1.37 2.17 2.19 6.20 9.80
12 69.6 0.737 2.09 3.00 0.99 2.80 4.02
13 78.3 0.784 2.22 2.84 1.04 2.94 3.75
14 87.6 1.121 3.17 3.62 2.65 7.49 8.55 TABLE 4 Type 1 Precision-Type D Durorneter Method
15 34.1 0.85 2.40 7.05 1.84 5.20 15.25
0.635 1.80 4.25 1.20 3.39 8.01 Average Within Laboratories Between Laboratories
16 42.3 Material
Level Sr A (B (r) c SR 0 R'i!' (R) F
17 54.6 0.56 1.59 2.90 2.15 6.09 11.15
1.12 3.17 5.04 1.47 4.16 6.61 42.6 0.316 0.894 2.10 2.82 7.98 18.7
18 62.9
70.3 0.689 1.95 2.77 0.944 2.67 3.80 2 54.5 0.791 2.24 4.11 3.54 10.0 18.4
1.37 1.67 1.10 3.10 3.80 3 82.3 1.01 2.86 3.47 3.54 10.0 12.2
20 81.7 0.483
87.9 0.879 2.49 2.83 2.07 5.86 6.67 Pooled 59.8 0.762 2.16 3.61 3.32 9.40 15.7
AVERAGE 61.4 A Sr= repeatability standard deviation, measurement units.
POOLED 0.924 2.62 4.26 2.14.6 6.07 9.89 13
r = repeatability = 2.83 x Sr, measurement units.
VALUES c (r) = repeatability, relative, (that is, in percent).
A Sr= repeatability standard deviation, measurement units. SR= reproducibility stanaard deviation, measurement units.
r = repeatability = 2.83 x Sr, measurement units. ER= reproducibility= 2.83 x SR, measuremen_t units.
F (R) =reproducibility, relative, (that is, in percent).
c (r) = repeatability, relative, (that is, in percent).
0 SR = reproducibility standard deviation, measurement units.

ER= reproducibility = 2.83 x SR, measurement units.

F (R) = reproducibility, relative, (that is, in percent).

l 0. 1.4 Manufacturer, type, model,. and serial number of the

instrument, and a notation when a maximum indicator or
timing device is present. .
durometer is equipped with a maximum indicator, the maxi-
10.1.5 Values obtained (pre- and post-calibration results),
mum indicated reading shall be recorded within l ± O.l s of
including a notation of the effect of a maximum indicator, if
the cessation of initial .indentor travel. The indicated hardness
present. The method of repmting the calibrated value shall be
reading may change with time.
by attaining the arithmetic mean of the determinations.
9.2.5 Make five determinations of h1trdness at different
10.1.6 Ambient temperature.
positions on the specimen at least 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) apart and
10.1.7 Relative humidity.
calculate the arithmetic mean, or alternatively calculate the
l 0.1.8 Technician identification.
median. The means of calculating the determinations shall be
l 0.1.9 Applicable standards to which the instrument is
reported according to I 0.2.8.
9.3 It is acknowledged that durometer readings below 20 or 10.1.10 Calibrating instrument information to include type,
above 90 are not considered rel.iable. It is suggested that serial number, manufacturer, date of last calibration, calibration
readings in these ranges not be recorded. due date (see Note 2), and a statement of. traceability of
9.4 Manual operation (handheld) of a clurometer will cause standards used to NIST or other acceptable organization. See
variations in the results attained. Improved repeatability may 1.4.
be obtaineti by using a mass, securely affixed to the durornetcr 10.2 Hardness Measurement Report:
and centered on the axis of the indentor. Recommended masses I 0.2.1 Date of test.
are l kg for Type A, B, E, <U1Cl 0 durometers, 5 kg for Type C, l0.2.2 Relative humidity.
D, and DO durometers, and 400 g for Type 00, 000, and 10.2.3 Ambient temperature.
000-S durometers. The introduction of an additional mass on 10.2.4 Manufacturer, type, and serial number of the durom-
Type M durometers is not permitted. Further improvement may eter or operating stand, or both, including a notation when a
be achieved by the use of a durorneter operating stand that maximum indicator or timing device is present, date of last
controls the rate of descent of the durometer presser foot to the calibration, and calibration due date (see Note 2).
test specimen and incorporates the masses described above.
NOTE 2-The calibration interval (calibration due date) for a clurometer

10. Report is to be determined by the user, based upon frequency of use, severity of
conditions, environmental factors, and other variables.
10.l Instrument Calibration Report (Durometer or Operor- Periodic checking of' the operation and stale of durometer calibration
ing Stand): using commercially available rubber test blocks (refer to 7.8), specifically
designed for this purpose, is recommended.
l 0.1.l Date of cali brat.ion.
An instrument that has been exposed to severe shock, is visibly
10.J.2 Date of last calibration. damaged, produces test determinations more than 2 points different from
10. l.3 Calibration due date (see Note 2). calibrated rubber test blocks or other reference standard, or is otherwise

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cO 02240-15
suspected of um:cliability, should be removed from service and returned to 'J 1.5 A test result for hardness, for Types A, D, and M, was
a qualified calibration faci.lity. · the median of five individual hardness readings on each day in
A calibration. interval of one year is recommended for durori1eter test
each laboratory.
b.locks and durorneter instruments that arc infrequently used, more often
for others. 11.6 Table 2 shows the precision results for Type M
The calibration interval for instruments and periphenll devices em- metbod, 5 Table 3 shows the precision results for Type A
ployed in the calibration of durome.ters is to be determined by the
method/' and 'fable 4 gives the precision results for Type D
calibration service provider. lt is recommended that the protocols outlined
in ISO/lEC 17025, as required by the manufacturer, and those to which the rnethod. 6 ·
service is provided, be followed. 11.7 Precision-The precision of this test method may be
10.2.5 Means of testing, whether manual (hand helti), Type expressed in the format of the following statements which use
l operating stand (specimen to indentor), Type 2 operating as appropriate value r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to be
stand (indentor to specimen type), or Type 3 operating stand used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test
(electromechanical or hydraulically dampened). method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R
10.2.6 Description of test specimen, including thickness, associated with a mean ]eve.I in Table l closest to the mean
nmriher of pieces plied if less than the thickness indicated in level under consideration (at any given time, for any given
Section 6, including the vulcanization date. material) in routine testing operations.
10.2.7 Complete identification of material tested. NoTE 3-A Type l precis.ion statement for Types E, 000, 000-S, and
10.2.8 Hardness value obtained and method of calculation, R have not yet been made available.
either arithmetic mean or alternatively, the mediaii. 11.7.1 Repeatability-The repeatability, r, of these test
10.2.9 Indentation h~trdness time interval at which determi- methods has been established as the appropriate value tabu-
nation· was made. Readings may be reported in the form: lated in Tables 2-4. Two single test results, obtained under
M/60/1 where M is the type of durometer, 60 the reading, and normal test method procedures, that differ by more than this
1 the time in seconds that the presser foot is in contact with the tabulated r (for any given level) must be considered as derived
specimen or from an electronic timing device. from different or non-identical sample populations.
11.7.2 Reproducibility-The reproducibility, R, of these test
11. Precision and Bias methods has been established as the appropriate value tabu-
11.1 These precision and bias statements have been pre- lated in Tables 2-4. Two single test results obtained in two
pared in accordance with Practice D4483. Refer to this Practice different laboratories, under normal test method procedures,
for terminology and other testing and statistical concepts. that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level)
must be considered to have come from different or non-
11.2 The Type l precision for the Type M method was identical sample populations.
determined from an interlaboratory program with 21 materials I 1..7.3 Repeatability and reproducibility are expressed as a
of v<trying h<trdness, with six participating laboratories. Tests percentage of the mean level, (r) and (R), and have equivalent
were conducted on two separate days in each laboratory for the application statern.ents as above for rand R. For the (r) and (R)
Type M testing program. All materials were supplied from a statements, the difference in the two single test results is
single source, being those commonly supplied as reference expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the two test
materials with the instruments from the manufacturer. results.
11.3 The precision results in this precision and bias section 11.8 Bias-In test method terminology, bias is the difference
give an estimate of the precision of this test method with the between an average test value and the reference (or true) test
materials (rubbers) used in the particular interlaborat()ry pro- property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
gram as described above. 'fhe precision parameters should not method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
.be used for acceptance or rejection testing, or both, of any defined by this test method. Bias, therefore cannot be deter-
group of materials without documentation that they are appli- mined.
cable to .those particular materials and the specific testing
protocols that include this test method. 12. Keywords
11.4 The Type 1 precision for both Type A and D methods 12. l clurometer; clurometer hardness; hardness; indentation
was determined from an interlaboratory program . with 3 hardness; micro durometer hardness
materials of varying hardness, with six participating laborato- 5
Supponing data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
ries. Tests were conducted on two separate days in each
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D 11-1091.
laboratory for both A and D testing programs. All rnaterials "Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters imd may
were supplied from a single source. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-I029.

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cO 02240-1s

(Nonmandatory Information)


XI.I The durometer selection guide is d~s.igned to assist .in

the selection of the proper durometer type for various applica-
Xl.2 It is generally recognized that durometer hardness
determination befow 20 and above 90 are unreliable. It is
recommended that the next lower or higher type (scale)be used
in these situations.
XI .3 It is also recommended that, whenever possible, an
operating stand be employed in performing durometer hardness

TABLE X1.1 Durometer Selection: Typical Uses

Durometer Hardness
Type (Scale) Typical Examples of Materials Tested
(Typical Uses)
A Soft vulcanized rubber, natural rubber, nitriles, thermoplastic elastomers, 20-90 A
flexible polyacrylics and thermosets, wax, felt, and leathers
B Moderately hard rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, paper products, and Above 90 A
. fibrous materials Below 20 D
c Medium-hard rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, medium-hard plastics, and Above 90 B
thermoplastics ·Below 20 D
D Hard rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, harder plastics, and rigid Above 90 A
DO Moderately hard rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, and very dense textile Above 90 C
windings Below 20 P
M Thin, irregularly shaped rubber, thermoplastic elastomer, and plastic 20-85 A
0 Soft rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, very soft plastics and Below 20 PO
thermoplastics, medium-density textile windings
00 Extremely soft rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, sponge, extremely soft Below 20 0
plastics and thermoplastics, foams, low-density textile windings, human
and animal tissue
CF Composite foam materials, such as amusement ride safety cushions, See Test Method F1957
vehicle seats, dashboards, headrests; armrests, and door panels


C367 Test Methods for Strength Properties of Prefahricatcd D 1037 Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-
Architectural Acoustical Tile or Lay-ln Ceiling Panels Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials
C473 Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel DI 054 Test Method for Rubber Property-Resilience Using
Products a Goodyear-Healey Rebound Pendulum
C58l Practice. for Determining Chemical Resistance of Dl414 Test Methods for Rubber 0-Rings
Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Struc- Dl474 Test Methods for Indentation Hardness of Organic
tures Intended for Liquid Service Coatings
C66 l Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric- D2134 Test Method for Determining the Hardness of Or-
Type Sealants by Means of a Durometer ganic Coatings with a Sward-Type Hardness Rocker
C836 Specification for High Solids Content, Cold Liquid- D2287 Specification for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer
Appliecl Elastomcric Waterproofing Membrane for Use with and Copolymer Molding and Extrusion Compounds
Separate Wearing Course 02583 Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid
D46 l Test Methods for Felt Plastics by Means of a Barco! lmpressor
D531 Test Method for Rubber Property-Pusey and Jones 02632 Test Method for Rubber Property-Resilience by
Indentation Vertical Rebound
D619 Test Methods for Vulcanized Fibre Used for Electri- 04289 Test Method for Elastomer Compatibility of Lubri-
cal Insulation cating Greases and Fluids

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(0 02240-15
D5672 Test Method for Flexible Cellular Materials Mea- F 1151 Test Method for Determining Variations in Hardness
surement of Indentation Force Deflection Using a 25-mm of Film Ribbon Pancakes
(1-in.) Deflection Technique Nun.; X2. I-The hardness lesting of other nonmetallic materials may
D6546 Test Methods for and Suggested Limits for Deter- be under the jurisdiction of one or more ASTM con1111ittees; the respective
mining Compatibility of Elastomer Seals for Industrial Hy- committee should be contacted for specific information.
draulic Fluid Applications

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO 8ox C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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