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Name : Sithi Alfiqaroh Suarti

SRN : 181230172
Final Test Of Bimbingan Penulisan Skripsi

My Answer

1. my tittle accepted is “Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Using Hand Puppet” the reason I choose the
tittle because Speaking is one of the language skills that must be taught in order to teach English. One of the
most crucial abilities that children must master is how to speak. The focus of English instruction should be on
students' ability to communicate effectively through spoken language. This is due to the fact that you must
speak English correctly orally. And hand puppet as media for learning and can give performance are a well
know medium, although they are infrenquently employed in classroom, especially when I teaching english.
This puppet show is puppet with a box shaped for improve speaking by conversation expression or dialogue
a way that it can pique the interest of students attention, the puppets are brightly colored and include a variety
of characters. To make students’ interesting studying english by hand puppet to give effectively and efficiency
for learning.

2. - to make this research more focused, the writer instends to formulated the problem as follow:
1. how is the students’ speaking skill before and after using hand puppet media?
2. is the use of hand puppet media are effective to improve students’ speaking skill?

- according to the problem statement above, the objectives of this research as follow:
1. to find out the students’ speaking skill before and after using hand puppet media
2. to examine whether the use of hand puppet media are effective to improve students’ speaking skill
3. I use the method is qualitative. Action research is defined in a variety of ways. “Regard it as a type of self-
reflective inquiry' by participants, conducted in order to increase knowledge of their activities in context with
a view to maximizing social justice,” MC.Teggaart and Kemmis write. Action Research involves taking a
self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to exploring your own teaching contexts.A classroom action
research is usually conducted in a certain cycle. For this classroom action research, one cycle consists of two
meetings, which lasts on about 90 minutes or more. In each cycle, the researcher applied conversation activity
by using hand puppet in speaking class. This study used an action research model from Kemmis and Taggart,
which is a spiral from one cycle to the next. According to Kemmis and Taggart Arikunto. there are several
stages in this research, namely:
1. Planning (make a lesson plan)
2. Action (teaching speaking using hand puppet and collabolator with english teacher)
3. Observation (when action and I can to observe the students’ and evaluate are this media effective and
efficiency or not)
4. Reflection (the value of students’ when studying english speaking skills)
This research was conducted in two cycles. The cycle is stopped when the data displayed in the field is
saturated; meaning that if there has been an increase in students' English speaking skills using hand puppet
to improve speaking skill.
4. a. Participant And Sample
The subject of the research is the grade 8th students of MTs KULNI Islamic modern boarding school. It
only one class. It consist of 23 students’ (female all). The students’ is active and struggling in learning
b. time schedule
to execute the research, the researcher will conduct for appximately 4th months to answer the statement of
the problem and will be conducted from august in 2021.
c. setting place
the researcher will be conducted in MTs KULNI Islamic boarding school. Which is located on kp.
Songgom ds. Parigi kec. Cikande kab. Serang, banten. Because the majority of the graduates are
knowledgeable and accomplished, this school is Islamic modern boarding school and the stuednts’ rules
of boarding used Arabic and english lamguage to speak in anywhere and anytime for daily activity to
teacher and other students’. The researcher will be conduct the research in the 8 th grade of MTs KULNI
Islamic modern boarding school
5. the time line (schedule) of my research program

No Activities August September October November December

1 meeting the administration officer
Asking permission to the headmaster to
do research and getting familiar with the
2 school situation
Interview with the english teacher in
the preliminary study (before a
3 classroom action research)
Doing observation by observing the
teaching and learning process from the
teacher in the class going to the class by
4 offline and get with the students’
5 Doing cycle I
6 Doing cycle II
7 Analysis data
6. the reference of my proposal thesis
1. brown, H. Douglas. (2004). Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practice. New York: Longman
2. ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal) Volume 12 , No. 1,
February 2021 ISSN: 2086-5473 (Print); ISSN: 2614-1639 (Online)
3. Prasetyaningrum, Ari. The Use of Puppets in Teaching Speaking for Junior High School Students Voices of
English Language Education Society (VELES); Vol. 1, No. 2; September 2017 E-ISSN 2579-7484 Page
4. Richard, Nordquist. (2018). Conversation defined. Search on 14th September
5. Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in English language teaching : a guide for practitioners. New York:
6. Peyton, J. The use of puppet. [accessed Nov, 25 2019]. English Education Journal(EEJ),216-228, Retrieved
from: http://e-

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