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Name: …………NGO…………CHI…………CONG…………I.D…………21002080…………
Assignment: ………Summary…critique………
Assignment Question: (write out in full) …… Nuclear power: dirty, dangerous and expensive.......
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Due date: ….11…/…1.…/……2022……. Date submitted: ….11…/…1.…/……2022……

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Summary critique

Ngo Chi Cong – 21002080



Mr. Huy

Nuclear power: dirty, dangerous and expensive

Greenpeace, 2012, ‘Nuclear Power: dirty, dangerous and expensive’,
Greenpeace International
The article ‘Nuclear Power: dirty, dangerous and expensive’ written

by Greenpeace illustrate the negative effect of nuclear power. The essay

clarifies the menaces of nuclear power. This article will fascinating and

useful for everyone interested in environmental and power issues, mainly

environmentalists and the government.

In this article, the author points out the harm of nuclear power by

memorizing nuclear disasters happened in Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Which had released a massive amount of radioactive materials into the

atmosphere. Thereby, Greenpeace warns us about awfully hazardous

nuclear disasters are a consequence of both human mistakes and natural

disasters. Additionally, the author indicates the astronomical building

costs of the nuclear reactor. In addition, nuclear fuel and other radioactive

wastes are enormous problems that have not been any permanent storage

solution. Finally, nuclear power is proved to be a threat to the

environment because of raising climate change.

Greenpeace’s illuminating of the danger of nuclear power is

obvious. The author also combines clear evidence to prove his viewpoint.

Furthermore, the information and idea are logically organized. The

paragraphs are divided reasonably Obviously, the titles at the beginning

of each paragraph Help the reader easy to grasp the content. Although,

Greenpeace’s article just shows a one-way opinion. The author only gives

us the negative effect of nuclear power without presenting any benefit of

it. After all, this is article is written fluently and convincingly.

In conclusion, Greenpeace does not encourage the use of nuclear

power. However, nuclear power is a hot issue that needs to be studied and

discussed more in the future.

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