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This is to certify that “SHIKHAR KUMAR” of class XII – C of BIRLA

VIDYA NIKETAN has completed the project on ‘SOIL ANALYSIS’ under my


(PGT Chemistry)

I take this opportunity to thank the assistance given to me by all those who have

directly or indirectly helped me in preparing the project which deals with

various aspects of soil chemistry.

I would like to express my gratitude to the invaluable guidance given by my

chemistry teacher ‘MR. HARISH RAUTELA’ and Lab assistant ‘MR.

ROHIT’ for helping me in the project.


1. Introduction

2. Aim (Presence of various inorganic salts in sample)

3. Theory

4. Classification of Cations (Sample A)

5. Classification of Cations (Sample B)

6. Classification of Anions (Sample B)

7. Classification of Cations (Sample C)

8. Classification of Anions (Sample C)

9. Overall Result

10. Precautions

11. Bibliography
Why study soils?

Many people treat soil like dirt, yet it is a vital natural resource. Our work in the

interdisciplinary field of soil science can be divided in various ways.

The study of soils in their natural environment is called pedology.

It is one of two main branches of soil science, the other living edaphology.

Pedology deals with soil morphology & soil classification, while edaphology

studies the way soil influences plants, Fungi & other living things. Soil

scientists have raised concerns about how to preserve soil and land in a world

with growing population, future water crises & land degradation. Due to

numerous interactions between the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere that

are hosted within the pedosphere, more integrated, less soil centric concepts are

also valuable. Many concepts essential to understanding soil come from

Aim :

To test for the presence of various inorganic salts present in given samples of



Inorganic salts are ionic compounds which on dissolution splits into ions. In

order to establish this identification of salts, cations and anions have to the

detected. This is known as qualitative analysis. Soil particles absorb & retain


While disorder cations are combined chemically with soil particles. They can be

replace by other cations present in soil. Cation absorption occur as a

consequence of electric charges at surfaces of soil particles. A group reagent is

defined as an electrolyte which when added to solution containing cations of its

group precipitates then in form of salts, which have been common anions as the

group reagent.
Orange brown PPT Negetive Test

(NH+4 confirmed) (Cu+2, Pb+2, Cd+2, As3+, absent)

Prussian Blue Colour White ppt

(Fe+3 confirmed) (Ca+2 confirmed)

Sample A (Cations)
Experiment Observations Inference

 Add NaOH to the Smell of ammonia gas & NH+4 may be present

sample information of dense

white forms when rod

dipped in dil. HCL is

taken near test tube

Add Nessler’s Reag. Orange brown PPT NH+4 confirmed

 Prepare salt No PPT. observed on Pb+2 absent

Soution & dil. addition of dil. HCL

HCL & Conc.

HCL to sample No ppt. observed Cu+2, Pb+2, Cd+2, As3+,

Pass H2S gas in absent

presence of dil.


 Boil off H2S gas & Reddish brown curdy Fe+3 indicated

add a pinch of ppt. formed

NH4Cl. Filter the

soln. & divide the

residue in 2 parts

on dissolving in

i) Add KCN

ii) Add K4 [Fe (CN)6] Blood red ppt. Fe+3 confirmed

Prussian Blue colour

 Pass H2S gas in No ppt. formed Co+2, Ni2+, Mn2+ & Zn+2

test tube in absent

presence of excess


 Boil off H2S &

add NH4OH,

NH4Cl, (NH4)2

CO3 Dissolve in

acetic acid &

divide in 3 parts:

a) Add K2 CrO4 No ppt Ba+2 absent

b) Add ( NH4)2SO4 No ppt Sr+2 absent

c) Add (NH4)2C2O4 White ppt Ca+2 confirmed

Orange brown PPT

(NH+4 confirmed)

Negative Test

(Zn+2, Mn+2 , Ni+2 absent)

Sample B (cations)
Experiment Observations Inference
 Salt soln. Is Smell of NH3 absorbed NH+4 indicated
prepared glass rod dense white forms NH+4 indicated
dipped in HCL
soln. is dipped in
Soln. Nesseler’s
reagent is added to
NaOH & salt soln. Brown ppt formed NH+4 confirmed
 Salt soln + HCL No ppt. observed Pb+2 absent
 H2S gas was No ppt. Cu+2, Cd+2 absent
passed through
above soln.
 NH4Cl is added to No ppt. observed
salt soln., it is
boiled & cooled. Fe+3, Al+3absent
NH4OH added

i) H2S passed through No ppt. observed Zn+2, Mn+2 , Ni+2 absent

above soln.
ii) Add (NH4)CO3 in No ppt. observed Ba+2, Sr+2 ,Ca+2 absent
above soln
iii) (NH4)2 HPO4 is added
to above solution No ppt. observed Mg +2 absent
Dense white fumes evolved

(Cl- indicated)

White solid ppt

(SO42- indicated)
Sample B (anions)
Experiment Observations Inference

 Add dil H2SO4 to No gas evolved SO32-, NO2-, CO32- absent


 Add Conc. H2SO4 Evolution of gas with Cl- indicated

to fresh sample pungent odour

 Glass rod dipped Dense white fumes were Cl-indicated

in NH4OH was evolved

kept near mouth of

test tube

 Sample & K2Cr2O7 Dense red gas evolves Cl- confirmed

were taken in main which turns NaOH pale

part & H2SO4 was

added to it with

NaOH in U- tube Yellow ppt Was

CH3COO & observed


were added to pale

NaoH in u- tube
Sample B (anions)
Experiment Observations Inference

BaCl2 solution is added White solid ppt was SO42- indicated

to solution in the test formed

tube Conc. HNO3/ HCL ppt remains insoluble SO42- confirmed

were added to precipitate

Yellow ppt

(Pb+2 confirmed)

Prussian Blue Colour

(Fe+3 confirmed)
Sample C (cations)
Experiment Observations Inference

 Prepare by adding A yellow ppt formed Pb+2 confirmed

dil HCl boil it &

add K2CrO4

 Boil off H2S gas & Reddish Brown curdy Fe+3 indicated

add NH4Cl & ppt forms

excess of NH4OH

 Add K4 [Fe(Cn)6]

this solution Prussian Blue Fe+3 confirmed


 Add dil. HCL to Dirty white ppt is formed Zn+2 confirmed

sample Add

NaOH dropwise &

pass H2S gas

through it
Sample C (anions)
Experiment Observations Inference

 Add HCL & boil White ppt formed which SO42- confirmed

Add Bacl2 is insoluble in conc.


 Add conc. HNO3, A deep yellow ppt or PO43- confirmed

boil & add colouration


 Alluvial Soil (Sample A)

The sample contains following cations

a) NH4+ b) Fe+3 c) Ca+2

 Garden Soil (Sample B):

The sample contains following cations

a) NH4+

The soil sample contains following anions

a) Cl- b) SO42-

 Sandy Soil (Sample C)

The soil sample contains following cations

a) Pb+2 b) Fe+3 c) Zn+2

The soil sample contains following anions:

a) SO42- b) PO43-


 All chemicals must be handled with care

 Use all the chemicals in small amounts

 Immediately close the lids of chemicals after each use.


 Modern ABC
  www.soil




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