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Consider the mechanism of planner as shown in the picture

- length of linkages l AB=l AC =0.2m, l CD =0.5 m and l DE =0.15 m
- driver 1 rotates with the constant angular velocity ω 1=20(rad /s)
Draw the polygons to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the point G5 on the cutter

2. Consider the mechanism of planner as shown in the picture. Given parameters: l AB=0,1 m=l DB,
ω 1=20 rad /s . Calculate the velocity and acceleration of the point F 5 on the cutter

3. Consider the mechanism as shown in the picture, with the given parameters
- link 1 has a constant velocity v=√ 2m/ s
- link 3 has the length l BC =0,1m tạo với phương ngang góc 45 0.
Using polygon vector to derive the velocity and acceleration of link 3

4. Consider the quick return mechanism as shown, with l AB=l CD = l AC =0,1 m and ω 1=10 rad /s .
Using polygon vector to derive the velocity and acceleration of point D on link 3

5. Consider the jigsaw mechanism as shown, l AB=0,1 m , ω 1=10 rad /s . Find the angular velocity
and acceleration of link 3

6. Consider the mechanism as shown in the picture

- l AB=l BD=0,5 l BC =0,2m , DBC=120 0
- driver 1 rotates with the constant angular velocity ω 1=20(rad /s)
Draw the polygons to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the point D on the slider 2

7. Consider the tangent generator mechanism as shown in the picture with ω 1=10 rad /s , l AB=0 . 2 m
. Draw the polygons to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the link 3
8. Find the velocity and acceleration of point C , angular velocity and acceleration of links 2 and 3
in the four bar linkage mechanism at the instant as shown in the figure. Numerical values :
ABC=BCD=90 , ω 1=10 rad /s , 4 l AB=l BC =l CD =0,4 m

9. Find the velocty and acceleration of point D 2 of the mechanism shown in the figure. Numerical
values : CAB=CDB=900 , ω 1=20 rad /s , l AB=l CD =0,5 l BC =0,1 m

10. Consider the mechanism as shown in the figure with the given parameters: ω 1=ω=const ,
l AB=l BD=a ,l AC =2 a, BD ⊥ BC , CAB=60 0 ^
, ABC=90 0. Find ω 2, ω 3, ⃗v D ,ε⃗ 2, ε⃗ 3


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