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Test Number

“Snack Attack” is a 4-min short animation movie produced by Eduardo Verastegui

and Metanoia Film. The movie pictured an old lady that was forgetful which caused her to
get into a snack fight with a teenage boy.

The story started when the old lady tried to get a cookie snack from a vending
machine. However, the machine was broken which made the lady hit it several times to
make the snack fall to the pick-up box. The plot continued when the lady sat down on the
pavement to wait for her train. She opened the snack on the bench, and grabbed one.
Suddenly, one of the cookies had gone missing. She then noticed that there was a teenage
boy sitting next to her and eating one of the cookies. Mad as she was, she took the snack
package, so that the boy wouldn’t take another piece. Yet, the boy still tried to take it from
her. Seeing this, the lady started shouting to the boy, thinking that the boy was being
disrespectful. Finally, the train arrived, the old lady jumped to it and found her seat. When
she opened her bag, she realized that her cookie was still in her bag, and that the cookies
she had been eating on the pavement belongs to the boy.

“Snack Attack” is a very fun and entertaining short movie. In short movie
perspective, this film was made very detailed and pictured great characters. It was shocking
how a 4-min film can have such deep meaning inside. “Snack Attack” tells us that we
should never judge a situation nor a person so quickly. The big picture of the story can be
linked to our society, in which we often see how an old woman and a teenage kid can act
so differently in a situation. The ending of the movie will also give the audience a jolt of
surprise because of its little plot twist. Unfortunately, the movie can be a little boring or
weird to some people as there weren’t any speech in it.

Overall, “Snack Attack” is one movie worth-watching. Everyone can enjoy this film
regardless of their age. Not only that this film gives you a good laugh, but it also contains
meaningful messages and offers you a room for your own interpretation of the story.

Writing Sheet – English Writing Examination
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Writing Sheet – English Writing Examination

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