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Task 2: Performance Development Plan

Goal 1:
For my client I would like to improve many different factors that could lead to the success
of my clients dance sentence, for example I would like to improve his coordination in which
he could improve his coordination to move on well along the beat to make the dance
sentence much better, rather than that my client has to work on improving his timing in
which he could move along with the beat in the right timing to make his dance sequence a
success and a well routine dance sequence, and finally he has to work on his speed during
his dance routine since it could help my client take his dance routine to the next level at an
average speed with all the dance moves in it.

Goal 2:
Although my client has to work on improving many different skills related fitness factors
that could improve his dance routine, but he also has to take into consideration that he has
to do a full two-minute dance routine with a high level of intensity that’s why my client has
to work on his movement elements where as he works on them he has to tend to use each
move throughout the right movement, rather than that I would like to see my client to
work correctly while being synced in with the beat and rhythm in which he will be able to
take his dance routine to the next level.

Health/ Skill Fitness Name of Drill How to Preform Justification

Coordination 1. Jump Rope 1. Running in These drills are
Drills place, one important since my
foot multiple client could use
2. Juggling hops, and these drills to
crisscrossing develop his
are all coordination, and
options you throughout
can play developing my
with. Keep clients coordination
the rope he is going to be
moving at a able to perfect his
steady pace entire dance
while you get sequence.
fancy in your
and jumping
rope can be
an incredible
drill that
teaches you
how to
rhythm and
control while

2. Start with
slow circles
with just two
balls, finding
your pacing
between both
hands, then
add the third
ball. It’s
amazing how
the addition
of that extra
ball can
make you
speed up too
much and
lose your
Speed and Agility 1. Lateral These drills are
1. Lateral
Plyometric important since my
Jumping client could use
these drills to
2. Shuttle Runs help build
develop his speed
and agility, and
balance, and
developing my
clients speed and
by using our
agility throughout
natural body
these drills he is
weight. This
going to be able to
perfect his entire
dance sequence.
exercise is
essential for
any athletic
position that
and power.
For best
results, be
sure to
perform this
drill after a
warm up.

2. The shuttle
run is a
exercise used
by athletes
who play
sports (i.e.
and hockey).
Shuttle run
drills are an
easy way to
inject some
training into
a basic
while you
build speed,
agility, and
Training Plan for Goal 2:

- The First Week:

My client and I will pick a melody that coordinates her capacity to do the
progression heart stimulating exercise and practice the fundamental developments
in step vigorous exercise yet essentially concentrating on the leg developments not
the arm movement because of that later on we will rehearse for the arm
developments, my customer changed her tune on the grounds that the main tune
that she has done her progression high impact exercise execution was not as quick as
she needs so she pick another tune that has higher speed, we will rehearse for 1hr
and 3min its ordinary to commit errors toward the start on the grounds that later
on we will rehearse more and build up the customers execution and abilities I won't
drive her into putting forth a valiant effort so I can see what she is able to do from
moves without including power and force.

- The Second Week:

As my client has had all the developments at the top of the priority list begin
preparing on the left seconds to finish 2minutes, later on in the wake of rehearsing
on the developments and finished with the 1min the customer must put more power
and vitality to improve the nature of the moves and the exhibition and spotlight on
the space, arm and leg developments, power I will include high power by utilizing
all the development components and rehash the routine ordinarily without any
missteps so the customer can play out her last her 2min that incorporates her own
innovativeness of including moves from different games and moves while building
up her presentation and building up her arm developments, power, space and
keeping up her adaptability we will rehearse for 1hr and 10min.
- The Third Week:
We will do rehearses for the essential developments yet including force and vitality
and concentrating on the two arms and leg developments then my customer will
begin to applying moves to the tune that was picked then practice on the space
(bearing, confronting, level, floor example) and power (vitality, quality, progression
of developments) notwithstanding the arm developments, I will include the force of
the training so I can see her improvement and work for 1hr and 8min and begin
remembering the moves as per the beat of the tune picked and be finished with the
primary 1min and 40 seconds of the 2min that must be acted in week 3.

after having all the movements in mind start training on the left seconds to complete
2minutes, later on after practicing on the movements and done with the 1min the client
must put more force and energy to enhance the quality of the moves and the performance
and focus on the space, arm and leg movements, force I will add high intensity by using all
the movement elements and repeat the routine many times with no mistakes so the client
can perform her final her 2min that includes her own creativity of adding moves from
other sports and dances while developing her performance and developing her arm
movements, force, space and maintaining her flexibility we will practice for 1hr and 10min.

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