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Name: John Allen E.

Atutubo Teacher: Sir Kenneth Basila

Grade and Section: 11STEM(E)-2 Subject: P.E. 2

Performance Task in PE 2

Watch the badminton match

After watching the match, write your observations/critics in terms of the following:

A. Players Name and country they represent (5 points)

- The players in the 2016 Summer Olympics Badminton Finals are Chen Long
and Lee Chong Wei. Chen Long is a candidate from China and Chong Wei
represented his country, Malaysia.

B. Game Location (5 points)

- These two badminton players competed for their nation’s honor on 2016 in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where the entirety of the year’s Summer Olympics was
held. This game specifically took place in Riocentro.

C. Skills (10 points)

- As badminton players, they showcased their polished skills in reaction time,
control, agility, and power. They utilized these to swiftly move places and hit
the shuttlecock with precise accuracy and right impact or strength. Their
footwork and stance also contributed to the prolongation of their rally.

For LCW, I particularly noticed his great ability in controlling the trajectory
and angle of his racket to target the blind spots and edge of the court. He is
also great at changing the speed of their exchange, surprising his opponent
with his rapid smash. Meanwhile Chen Long’s edge was his adapting ability,
though sometimes he gets carried away, he can catch up to LCW

If they were lacking some skill, it would be calmness or easiness, I have

observed that they were kind of tensed or pressured especially in the early
game, they made faults and missed some easy shots.

D. Strokes (10 points)

- In the game, they did various strokes that are usually seen in any
badminton game which are serves, clears, drops, and smash. They showed a
variety of combinations of overhead, underarm, forehand, and backhand
E. Over-all impression on the game (10 points)
- Overall, the game was interesting and nerve-wracking, their scores are not
much distant making every exchange exciting to see who would dominate.
The game was thrilling since there isn’t much gap, it’s hard to know who will
really win, one would make some advantages but the other would keep up
again making them great equal rivals for the gold medal. Even though much
of their points were from faults, they still put up a great fight and it was
amazing to see their rapid reactions and movements. Player-wise, it’s good
to see that there is no grudges or hostility between the finalists, only
sportsmanship. The crowd’s cheer for their candidate also gave life to the
game’s dynamics and flow, the champion, Chong Wei even gave stuffs to the
audience after his victory.

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