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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception

Module 2: Early Methods of Detecting Deception

Welcome Notes:


I. IN T R O D U C T IO N :
This module presents the ancient practice used in ferreting out deception through various strategies
and forms. The procedures were centered mostly on superstition or religious beliefs which are mostly
painful and dangerous as practiced.

II. O B J E C T IV E S :

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the early methods of detecting deception;
2. Determine the different ordeal methods in detecting deception; and
3. Discern the most effective method of detecting deception.


Before you proceed to the main lesson, complete this activity.

Direction: Describe the image in one (1) sentence.


Fig. 1
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception

G R E A T !!!
You may now proceed to the main lesson.

IV . L E S S O N P R O P E R


1. Observation of Behavior
It was mentioned in an ancient text written in India around 900 BC, that a poisoner was identified because
of his evasive and indirect answer to a question. He exhibited gestures of uneasiness, and noticeable
physiological changes.

King Solomon was able to determine the real mother of a disputed child by observing the behavior of two
woman both claiming as the mother. He decided to cut the baby in two parts to settle the conflict. The real
mother readily gave up her claim rather than seeing the baby killed, while the other woman agreed to the
statement made by the king.

2. Feeling the Pulse

Erasistratus (200-250) a famous Greek physician of the Syrian royal court and Alexander the Great is
credited for discovering the relationship between pulse rate and emotional distress. He was consulted by
the king of Syria to diagnose the unknown illness of his son. The king’s son was observed losing weight, no
appetite and feeling depressed. Erasistratus hinted that the cause of the mysterious illness was the son’s
passion for the king’s young and beautiful wife. During the examination he conducted, Erasistratus
observed that the pulse rate of the king’s son increased when he mentioned the physical attributes of the
king’s new wife. His findings were later on proven with the birth of a baby girl out of the intimacy between
the prince and the new queen.

A noble man who suspected his wife of having an illicit affair with another man consulted one of his
advisers to verify his doubt. The test conducted by the designated adviser was administered by
occasionally placing his hand on the wrist of the nobleman’s wife during their conversation. The adviser
found out that the pulse of the noble man’s wife quickened when he mentioned the name of the suspected
lover. Adversely, there was no similar response noted when the name of her husband was mentioned.

In 1730, Daniel Defoe, an English novelist, discussed in his writings the same concept. He suggested that
by feeling the pulse, he can discover the guilt of a suspected person. According to Defoe, a thief has the
tendency to run and evade when confronted, he will indicate obvious cues of tension that can be observe.
On the other hand, an innocent person whose conscience is clear will not attempt to escape.

3. Trial by Combat
Disputes between two adversaries is resolved by a physical combat. The innocent person is expected to
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception
prevail in the fight because of the belief that the truth is on his side. However, the result of the combat
usually favors the wise, skilled and able-bodied participant.

4. Ordeal Method
Ordeal was the most popular approach in determining truth or deception. The procedure subjected the
accused to a painful and dangerous test. Superstitious belief and divine intervention serve as basis to
prove the innocence or guilt. It is supposed that innocent individual will be spared by God from harm. This
method of verifying deceit also centered on actual monitoring of psychological and physiological clues that
guilty and innocent individual may indicates.
 Rice Chewing Ordeal (China and India) – This type of ordeal is based on the concept that fear is
associated with a dry mouth. Rice powder or Sathee rice is used to test the suspected liars. The
Roman Catholic used bread and cheese as another form of Corsnaed to test erring member of the
 Red-Hot Iron (North Bengal, India) – This is also based on the concept of dry mouth. Suspect
innocence is tested by applying a red-hot iron on his tongue for nine times. He is considered
innocent if his tongue will not get burned. It is presumed that the guilty person will not be able to
salivate, and the lack of saliva will cause his tongue to get burned. The extreme implementation of
this ordeal is accomplished by asking the suspect to hold the hot iron with his hand.
 Red Water Ordeal (Western Africa) – Suspect is required to fast for twelve hours before given
small amount of rice to swallow and red colored liquid made of root extract to drink. Suspect is
considered innocent if he vomits and ejects all the amount of the rice he ingested.
 Ordeal of Heat and Fire (East Germany) – Accused was forced to walked through a fire
barefooted, if remains unhurt, he is innocent.
 Ordeal of the Balance (600 BC, India) – A scale of balance is used to determine the truthfulness
of suspect. Before conducting the ordeal, accused fasted for the whole day. On the following day
he will take a bath and weighed with his/her wet garments. When the accused step out of the
balance, a judge will perform ceremony and prayer to the Goddess before the suspect is weighed
again. The accused is guilty if he weighed heavier or the balance is destroyed.
 Ordeal of Red-Hot Needle (East Africa) – The lips of an accused were pierced by a red-hot
needle; no blood will come out of the wound if he is innocent.
 Boiling Hot Water Ordeal (Modern Africa) – Suspect’s arm was alternately dipped from cold
water to boiling water back to cold water for several times. This ordeal involves the fight, flight, or
freeze theory, where blood in fearful person is pulled from extremities into the major muscle groups.
Therefore, it is most difficult for the body to cool. This causes blisters on the guilty person’s arm.
 Trial of the Cross (Europe) – Both accused and accuser were positioned on the crossed with
arms extended or placed crossed their chest. Whoever moved his arm/s first will be considered
 Ordeal of the Bier (England) – It was believed that the murder victim corpse would bleed if it was
touched or approached by the murderer.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception
 Ordeal of the Tiger (Thailand) – Both suspect and accuser were placed on a cage with a tiger,
whoever spared by the tiger is considered innocent.
 Smelling the Liars (Africa) – Fear is determined through smell. Suspects were assembled into
circle while an exorcist performing hypnotic procedures will suddenly throw himself to each suspect
to smell the neck of every accused. The procedure lasted for several hours until the guilty person is
smelled out.
 Guillotine (Turkey) – The head of the accused is cut during the trial. If he is innocent, his head
would roll through the maze directly to the sea. The head of the guilty would get stuck in the maze.
The implication of this ordeal reflects on family honor. The family of innocent suspect will be spared
from the embarrassment of the crime.
 Trial by the Sacred Ass (500BC, India) – This tale was introduced by Leonarde Keeler. It
involves the use of donkey placed in a dark room to determine the guilty suspect. Suspects were
told to pull the donkey’s tail to prove their innocence. The donkey will bray when touched by a
guilty person. Not known to the suspects the tail of the donkey has lamp soot that will stain the
hands of innocent person.
 The Sheik Solution (India) – This story is similar to sacred ass tale of Leonarde Keeler. The sheik
robbed a pungent herb on the tail of his white ass to determine the thief among the members of his
 Smearing the Bell (China) – A judge in Fujian used a bell painted with blank ink to identify the
theft. Suspects were instructed to hold the magic bell placed behind the curtain. They were told
that it will ring when touched by a guilty person.
 The Theft Catcher (India) – A holy man used a heavy grinding stone rubbed with unpleasant
odorous substance to determine the theft. Suspects were told to hold the grinding stone placed in a
room containing religious relics and images. They were told that the hand of the guilty will be
crushed by the stone and it is difficult to free himself from the predicament. Each suspect is placed
on separated area to avoid talking with each other after they came out of the room. The theft
catcher will confront the guilty and encourage him to confess privately for the crime to preserve his

Other Countries Practicing the Methods of Ordeal

 Burma – Lying is determined by two lighted identical candles given to both accused and accuser.
The candle that consumed faster belongs to the liar.
 Greece – With divine intervention, an axe spun around the center of group of suspects is used to
identify the guilty. Whoever was in line with the axe blade upon its stop is considered guilty.
 Borneo- Two shellfish which represents the accuser and suspect were placed on a plate. A
substance which can cause irritation is poured on the two shellfish. The winner is determined
among the shellfish which moves first.
 Nigeria- A priest used a greased feather to pierced the tongue of the accused. He is innocent if the
feather easily passed through his tongue. Pouring of corrosive liquid in the suspects eyes or oil on
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception
his hands were also practiced in Nigeria. It is assumed that the innocent person will not get hurt by
these methods.

5. Torture Method
The use of force and coercion to obtain admission as method of verifying the statement of a person is also
described in history. Various forms of this technique were used and have found to be effective in extracting
information about crimes. However, the procedure creates serious concerns since the developed
information can be generated both from innocent and guilty person. Torture methods violates the rights of a
person under investigation. The employment of torture was gradually neglected by many in the advent of
technology. The application of forensics has been regarded to be more sound and scientific means of
investigating crimes. The use of polygraph significantly decreases the use of torture in verifying the
statement of suspected criminals.


1. Truth Serum – Introduced by Dr. Edward Mandel House, a US physicist. The theory involves
intervention through interrogation after administering the proper dosages of drugs which brings the
person into unconscious condition.
2. Hypnotism – Introduced in 1788 by Franz (Friedrich) Anton Mesmer an Austrian physician. This
method involves the use of a pendulum placed in front of the eyes of the person requiring him to
focus and cooperate with the hypnotist.
3. Word Association Test - The application of psychology in the detection of deception in a form of
word association test was conceptualized in 1879 by Sir Francis Galton. The procedure involves
presenting numerous words that are irrelevant and inserted with words that are pertinent to the
issue under investigation. The examinee is directed to call out the word that first comes to his mind.
It is supposed that a guilty examinee will indicate obvious mental conflict that becomes observable
when answering the words related to the crime and words that have no connection with the crime
under investigation.

We had just finished the discussion on Early Methods of

Detecting Deception. Let’s move on to the next higher level of
activity/ies or exercise/s that demonstrate your potential
skills/knowledge of what you have learned.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception

V . A N A LPolicing


Name: _________________________________ Course & Section: ________________

DIRECTION: Choose the correct word from the box that corresponds to the statement.

Trial by Combat
Ordeal Method
Observation of Behavior
Feeling the Pulse
Torture Method

________________ 1. This method of detecting deception was used by King Solomon to determine the
real mother of a disputed child when he ordered to cut the baby in two parts to settle the conflict.
________________ 2. Superstitious belief and divine intervention serve as basis to prove the innocence or
guilt. It is supposed that innocent individual will be spared by God from harm. This method of verifying
deceit also centered on actual monitoring of psychological and physiological clues that guilty and innocent
individual may indicates.
________________ 3. The use of force and coercion has found to be effective in extracting information
about crimes. However, the procedure creates serious concerns since the developed information can be
generated both from innocent and guilty person.
________________ 4. Disputes between two adversaries is resolve by a physical combat. It is presumed
that innocent person is expected to prevail in the fight because of the belief that the truth is on his side.
________________ 5. A noble man was able to confirm the illicit affair of his wife when one of his advisers
conducted this method of detecting deception.


DIRECTION: Match column A with column B. Write letter of your answer on the box provided.

Answer No. A B
1. It is believed that the murder victim corpse would
A. Guillotine
bleed if it was touched or approached by the
2. This method involves the use of a heavy grinding
B. Rice Chewing
stone rubbed with unpleasant odorous substance
to determine the theft.
3. The procedure involves in this method includes
C. Ordeal of the
presenting numerous words that are irrelevant
and inserted with words that are pertinent to the
issue under investigation.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception
4. The innocence of the accused is determined
Policing D. Word
when his head would roll through the maze
directly to the sea during the trial.
5 This type of ordeal is based on the concept that
E. The Theft
fear is associated with a dry mouth.

Finally, let us summarize the lesson of what we had

discussed today.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception

V I.Policing

Name: _________________________________ Year & Section: ________________

DIRECTION: In 3 to 5 sentences, discuss the ancient methods of detecting deception. See Rubric on page
No. 8 for reference.

Level Description Score

 Well written and very organized.
 Excellent grammar mechanics.
 Clear and concise statements.
 Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the
 Writes fairly clear.
 Good grammar mechanics.
GOOD 7-8
 Good presentation and organization.
 Sufficient effort and detail
 Minimal effort.
 Good grammar mechanics.
 Fair presentation.
 Few supporting details.
 Somewhat unclear.
 Shows little effort.
POOR  Poor grammar mechanics. 5
 Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
 No organization of thoughts.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception

You have come to an end of Module 2
O O P S ! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….


Name: ________________________________ Course & Section: __________________

Direction/Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the prominent person in the field of Deception


_____________________ 1. He was able to determine the real mother of a disputed child by observing the
behavior of two woman both claiming as the mother
_____________________ 2. He discovered the relationship between pulse rate and emotional distress.
_____________________ 3. According to this person, a thief has the tendency to run and evade when
confronted, he will indicate obvious cues of tension that can be observe
_____________________ 4. He suggested the use of donkey placed in a dark room to determine the guilty
_____________________ 5. He introduced the theory that involves intervention through interrogation after
administering the proper dosages of drugs which brings the person into unconscious condition.

After your long journey of reading and accomplishing

the module, let us now challenge your mind by answering
the evaluation part of this module.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception


Name: _____________________________________ Course & Section ________________

Direction/Instruction: Read each sentence/situation carefully and select the letter of the correct
answer among the choices.

1. He was an English novelist who discussed in his writings that he can identify a thief by feeling the
A. Erasistratus
B. King Solomon
C. Daniel Defoe
D. Alexander the Great
2. Which country uses two lighted identical candles given to both accused and accuser to identify the liar?
A. Thailand
B. Burma
C. Greece
D. China
3. He introduced the concept of application of psychology in the detection of deception in 1879.
A. Carl Jung
B. Sir Francis Galton
C. Leonarde Keeler
D. Hugo Munsterberg
4. This method involves the use of a pendulum placed in front of the eyes of the person requiring him to
focus and cooperate during the questioning process.
A. Trial by Torture
B. Word Association Test
C. Truth Serum
D. Hypnotism
5. He was a famous Greek physician of the Syrian royal court and Alexander the Great credited for
discovering the relationship between pulse rate and emotional distress.
A. Dr. Edward Mandel House,
B. Franz (Friedrich) Anton Mesmer
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Erasistratus
6. This method assumed that an innocent person is expected to prevail because of the belief that the
truth is on his side.
A. Ordeal of the Tiger
B. Trial by the Sacred Ass
C. Guilotine
D. Trial by Combat
7. This type of ordeal is based on the concept that fear is associated with a dry mouth.
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M o d u le 2 : Early methods of detecting deception
A. Trial of the Eucharist
B. Red Water Ordeal
C. Ordeal of the Red-Hot Needle
D. Rice Chewing Ordeal
8. The following method employs psychological approach in detecting deception, EXCEPT __________.
A. The Sheik Solution
B. Trial by the sacred ass
C. Smelling the Liar
D. Smearing the Bell
9. This method of detecting deception involves intervention through interrogation after administering
proper dosages of drugs which brings the person into unconscious condition.
A. Hypnotism
B. Intoxication
C. Drinking Ordeal
D. Truth Serum
10. This type of ordeal presumes that suspect is innocent if he vomits and ejects all the amount of the rice
he ingested.
A. Rice Chewing
B. Red Water Ordeal
C. Trail by Eucharist
D. Corsnaed Ordeal

C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S on reaching the end of this module!

You may now proceed to the next module.
Don’t forget to submit all the exercises, activities and portfolio
on ___________________.
Well Done!!!

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