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Undergraduate thesis proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the Mariano Marcos State
University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte. College Contribution No.____. Department
Contribution No.____. Prepared under the guidance of Ms. Micah Benize S. Gregorio.



Background of the Study

The most extensively cultivated cucurbits crop in the world is watermelon. It is

usually grown in tropical and subtropical regions across the world. In the Philippines,

watermelon is usually grown from the month of October until January. According to the

Philippine Statistics Authority (2021), the average production volume of watermelon from

2016 to 2020 was 82,445.83 metric tons (MT).

In every country, watermelon is known as a commercial vegetable and a popular

dessert fruit which is high in water, vitamin C, vitamin A, as well as other vitamins and

minerals. It is low in fat and calories, and watermelon supplies essential vitamins and

minerals such as potassium (Ipatenco, 2018).

Potassium (K) is a nutrient that is necessary for plant development because plants

absorb substantial amounts of K during their life cycle, and it is categorized as a

macronutrient. Soils can provide some K for crop production, but if the supply from the

soil is insufficient, the K must be supplied through a fertilizer program. Watermelon also

needs this macronutrient to enhance the taste, color and juiciness of the fruit (Kaiser and

Rosen, 2018).

On the other hand, improvements in cultural techniques have also resulted in

increased earliness and yield in the watermelon crop. Various cultural techniques, like

mulching, are employed to control soil temperature, moisture content, weeds, pests, and

diseases. Mulching has an important function in increasing yields, promoting early harvest,

reducing fruit defects, reducing evaporation from the soil surface, preventing weed growth,

modifying soil temperature, and reducing insect population in vegetable production

(Splittstoesser, 1990), and the effectiveness of which will depends on the type of mulching

material used. Also, mulching is a typical practice among commercial vegetable growers

in order to improve agricultural growth and water efficiency (Brinen and Locascio, 1979;

Elmstrom et al., 1981). New technologies, particularly the use of polyethylene film as

mulch, have increased yields (Brinen and Locascio, 1979).

Mulching and applying enough potassium levels for watermelon production may

boost agricultural output, bring high-quality products to the market, and manage pests and

weed infestations (Lament, 1993).


Statement of the Problem

Watermelon is one of the most common commodities being planted in the country

because of its diverse health benefits. Despite having diverse uses, watermelon production

is still insufficient because of weather fluctuations, biotic and abiotic stresses and

physiological disorders. In order to meet the needs of an expanding human population,

there is a need to improve crop yield and quality by improving the cultural management

practices being employed. Thus, using mulch and different levels of potassium will be

explored in order to improve the yield and fruit quality of watermelon.

The study will be conducted to assess the growth and yield performance of

watermelon as affected by different levels of potassium and mulching materials.

Specifically, the study will aim to:

1. determine the effect of different levels of potassium and mulching

materials on the yield and fruit quality of watermelon;

2. evaluate the interaction effect between level of potassium and mulching

material; and

3. compute for the cost and return analysis of using different levels of

potassium and mulching materials for watermelon production during the

wet season cropping.


Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be of great help to farmers especially those that are

growing watermelon in the sense that will offer them valuable information of the most

appropriate and economical mulching material and best recommended rate of K fertilizer

to use in watermelon production. It will also give them the idea that knowing the best

mulching materials and appropriate measurements of fertilizer will provide low cost,

sustainable and renewable energy source while protecting the environment. The result of

this study will serve as evidence based literature to researchers and students who are

interested in pursuing further research with the same topic on a wider coverage.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will be limited to the production of watermelon as affected by different

levels of potassium and mulching materials. The treatments will be limited to two mulching

materials and three different levels of potassium fertilizer. Results may be applicable to

areas of the same growing condition as used in the experiment.



Description of Watermelon

Botanically, watermelon develops like a vine that sends out long runners over the

ground. The development of the watermelon root system begins prior to the emergence of

cotyledons to the soil surface and continues until flowering. Watermelon has a long,

branching tap root that may reach up to one meter into the earth. A total of 15 lateral roots

sprout off from the main root. The stem is a long, trailing vine that may grow up to five

meters in length in some seasons and is heavily branched, generating secondary side shoots

that branch out. Long, fuzzy hairs cover the vines, especially the younger branches,

insulating the plant from scorching. Watermelon leaves are dark green, with prominent

veins. They have three large lobes, each further divided into smaller lobes. Watermelon

leaves are heart shaped with three to seven lobes per leaf and are produced on trailing vines.

(Interempresas Media, 2021).

Watermelon flowers are yellow, five-petaled flowers with a diameter of around 1

cm (smaller than some of the other vine fruit). Squash, pumpkin, and cucumber vines, like

watermelon vines, have male and female blooms on the same plant. The plants are

monoecious and have yellow flowers that are about 3 cm in diameter (Department of

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2011). Fruits can be virtually spherical or obovate in

form. Although most fruits are green, few uncommon varieties include yellow or bicolor

(yellow and green) fruits. The rind of a watermelon fruit might be a single green shade,

such as black–green, dark green, or light green, or it can be striped with two green tones

(Elsevier, 2021). The edible flesh is normally pink and contains several flat, oval, black

seeds. There are seedless cultivars as well as orange, yellow, and white fleshed variations.

Small "icebox" watermelons, weighing 3 to 4 kg, are available early in the season. They're

ideal for local sales and backyard gardening (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and

Fisheries, 2011).

Origin and Distribution

Watermelon is currently grown in all tropical and subtropical parts of the world,

and the juicy and delicious flesh of ripe fruit is usually consumed fresh. Legapu (Setswana)

is one of the most widely produced fruit vegetables in the country today, especially during

the summer. Watermelon culture dates back to ancient times and was first grown in ancient

Egypt (Thulaja, 2016.) The existence was confirmed in the 1850s by David Livingstone

(the famous missionary explorer), who discovered vast swaths of watermelon (known as

kengwe) growing wild in the Kalahari Desert and other semitropical parts of Africa.

Watermelons are still grown as a source of water in semi-arid areas of Africa during

drought seasons. African slaves and European colonizers rapidly disseminated watermelon

across the rest of the world. It made its way to Brazil, the West Indies, Eastern North

America, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand, and Australia. Watermelons were planted in

Massachusetts as early as 1629, by the Florida Indians before 1664, in the Midwest in 1673,

in Connecticut in 1747 (from seeds that originated in Russia), by Indian groups along the

Colorado River in 1799, and in Illinois in 1822, according to written documents.

Watermelons are presently grown on every continent in the world's warm areas

(Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2011).

Major Production Areas of Watermelon

Watermelon production is becoming one of the most lucrative industries along

agriculture despite, being considered as a minor fruit in the Philippines. Typically, regular

production takes place from February until May, while off-season production, generally

begins in October and lasts until January. According to the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics

(2012), a total of 6,700 hectares of watermelon were planted in 2010, resulting in a total

volume of 110,238 metric tons (MT). Bulacan, Pampanga, and Pangasinan are the

Philippines' top watermelon growers. Pangasinan produced a total of 18,331.05 tons in

2012 and 18,040.5 tons in 2013 (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2011).

Watermelon production from 2015 to 2019 decreased at an average annual rate of -0.7

percent, from 148.03 thousand metric tons in 2015 to 143.48 thousand metric tons in 2019.

In 2016, watermelon production was 143,880 metric tons. Meanwhile, the drop in overall

priority fruit production in 2019 can be traced back to a substantial production decline in

watermelon, which fell short of the 2018 realized output of 9,924 metric tons by roughly

2,258 metric tons. This implies a 22.8 percent reduction in the projected production for

2019, which is only 7,666 metric tons. In 2019, production of watermelon went down by -

4.7 percent, from 150.52 thousand metric tons in 2018. In the same year, watermelon

accounted for 46.0 percent of the region's total priority fruits (PSA, 2020). Watermelon has

been marginally competitive as a vegetable crop from the 2000 to 2003 production seasons.

But on the other hand, production of watermelon might increases or decreases. Some

decrease has been the result of increased yields. However, a large part of the reduction was

due to lower customer demand, which resulted in the sale of low-quality melons. A farmer

must produce high-yielding, high-quality melons, which can only be accomplished via

careful management (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2011).

Climatic Requirements

Watermelons thrives in hot, dry climates and susceptible to severe temperatures,

and even a minor frost can injure the crop significantly. The ideal average temperature

range for watermelon production during the growing season is between 18°C and 35°C.

Temperatures over 35°C or below 10°C will impede crop growth and maturity (Department

of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2011). Watermelons grow and produce fruits ideally

during dry, sunny and long warm growing periods. Watermelon has a high water

requirement and 400 – 600 mm of rainfall well distributed throughout the growing period

is required but excessive rainfall and high humidity reduce productivity by affecting

flowering and encouraging the development of leaf diseases (International Tropical Fruits

Network, 2016).

Site and Soil Requirements

It's preferable to start planting before the end of the year. Watermelon may be

grown in clay soils with appropriate management. However, production is best on sandy

loam and clay loam soils (PCAARRD, 2011). Since most sandy soils have poor water-

holding capacity, they must be irrigated and fertilized with care in order to achieve high

yield potential. Clay soils are typically avoided for watermelon cultivation, but they can be

productive if irrigated carefully to avoid prolonged root zone saturation (which promotes

the development of root rot pathogens) and to allow good drainage between irrigations.

The pH of the soil should be at level of 5.6 to 8.0 (Agrimag, 2019).

Effect of Mulching in Watermelon

In locations with a warm growing season, plastic mulch stimulates the soil,

enhancing watermelon development and production (Parmar et al., 2013; Rao et al., 2017).

Mulches retain soil moisture, insulate the soil, providing a buffer against hot and cold

temperatures, improve soil nutritional status, minimize erosion losses, helps reduce root

competition and soil compaction inhibit weeds in crop plants, and remove pesticide,

fertilizer, and heavy metal residues. Mulches enhance the visual appeal of landscapes while

also increasing the economic viability of crops (Ahmad, 2007, Sharfuddin and Ssiddique,


According to Moe et al. (2018), mulching is effective for watermelon production,

and silver polyethylene mulch is the best mulching materials. Mulching is a cultural

practice that involves applying organic or inorganic materials on the soil around plants to

improve their development and output (Osiru and Hahn, 1994). On the study of Rao et al.,

(2016), they found that different types of mulching materials, which is the organic mulch

(paddy straw) and six different colors plastic mulch filma of 30 micron that were used in

the study by adopting drip irrigation had a substantial impact on watermelon growth

metrics. The fruit production of watermelon was shown to be considerably enhanced by all

mulching material treatments. When compared to no mulch conditions, the use of plastic

mulches in watermelon production will generate economically viable outcomes. Organic

and inorganic mulches both performed well, but inorganic mulches (plastic mulches)

outperformed organic mulches. In comparison to other colored mulch films, silver color

mulch film gave the greatest results in watermelon production.

In addition, according to Parmar et al., (2013), there was an increased moisture

retention and availability, as well as greater nutrient absorption for optimal plant growth

and development, resulting in higher plant growth as compared to control. Changes in soil

temperature beneath polyethylene mulch can be ascribed to a variety of heating and heat

transmission mechanisms to the soil, as well as heat buildup during the day and loss at

night. The impact of silver on black polyethylene mulch on the extent of fruit set was found

to be substantially superior to that of other mulching materials tested. When compared to

other mulches and no mulch, this mulch consistently enhanced fruit set. Dean et al., (2004),

Ansary and Roy (2005), and Al-Majali and Kasrawi (1995) found similar results in

watermelon and muskmelon, respectively. It was also shown that mulching material had a

substantial impact on acidity in watermelon fruit when compared to control.

In another study, Nwokwu, and Aniekwe (2010) recommended that farmers must

use mulch as a crop husbandry technique for moisture availability during the off season.

Results of their study showed that: 1) rice husk and black plastic mulches were more

effective than white plastic mulch; and 2) rice husk mulch had a significant impact on the

growth and yield metrics, and that it was comparable to other mulch varieties, indicating

that if any of these become limited, this by product may be used successfully. They

conducted that mulching with rice husk can assist to clean the environment, reduce

pollution, conserve and restore endangered areas, and improve soil fertility.

Finally, Santos and Larios (2010) reported that when compared to bare-soil

cultivation, all plastic mulches improved fruit weight and overall output of watermelon.

Mulches may minimize the requirement for pesticides focused at aphid control by delaying

aphid population growth. Mulch made of colored polyethylene has a significant impact,

and transparent plastic and other organic mulch might be a useful management tool for

increasing watermelon output and improving fruit quality in tropical climates.

Role of Potassium (K) in Crops

Potassium (K) is a nutrient that is necessary for plant development. Because

plants absorb substantial amounts of K during their life cycle, it is categorized as a

macronutrient. Soils can provide some K for crop production, but if the supply from the

soil is insufficient, K must be supplied through a fertilizer program. Potassium's purpose

in plant tissue is linked to the flow of water, minerals, and carbohydrates. It impacts protein,

starch, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis by activating enzymes inside the plant.

The rate of photosynthesis may be controlled by the generation of ATP. Potassium also

aids in the regulation of the stomata, which controls the exchange of water vapor, oxygen,

and carbon dioxide. Plant development is stunted and yield is reduced when K is inadequate

or not provided in sufficient levels (Kaiser and Rosen, 2018).

For perennial crops, potassium plays a role in stand persistence. Other roles of K

includes; increases root growth and improves drought resistance; maintains turgor; reduces

water loss and wilting; aids in photosynthesis and food formation reduces respiration;

preventing energy losses; enhances translocation of sugars and starch; produces grain rich

in starch; increases plants’ protein content; builds cellulose and reduces lodging; and helps

retard crop diseases (Kaiser and Rosen, 2018).

Potassium increases crop yields while also improving crop quality. It boosts the

nutritional value of grains, tubers, and fruits by increasing protein and oil content in seeds,

starch content in tubers and seeds, and vitamin C and sugar content in fruits. It also

enhances the growth of tubers and fruits and improves their flavor and color. Furthermore,

it improves resistance to a variety of damage during storage and transportation, therefore

increasing shelf life (Imas, 2013). In the study of Okur and Yagmur (2004), the use of an

appropriate K fertilizer with irrigation enhanced the production and several quality indices

of watermelon.

Potassium (K) Absorption

Several studies K showed that, accumulated by watermelon in its tissues. According

to Da Costa and De Medeiros (2018), the largest accumulation of this nutrient occurred at

54 and 46 days after transplanting (DAT) for the Shadow and Quetzali cultivars, with

average levels of 9.88 and 5.90 g plant-1, respectively. The maximum accumulation in the

aerial part of the plant for the Shadow cultivar was 38.77 g plant-1 at the end of the crop

cycle, while the highest amount required by the crop for the Quetzali cultivar was 17.78 g

plant-1 at 56 DAT, with a subsequent decrease in K amount in the aerial part of the plant.

From the beginning of fruiting until the end of development, the data show a rise in K

accumulation in the fruits. Grangeiro and Filho (2005 cited in Da Costa and De Medeiros,

2018) achieved similar results with Mickylee watermelon, confirming that K was the

nutrient most accumulated by the cultivar, with the highest requirement for this component

occurring between 40 and 50 DAT.

Potassium in Soils

Soil total K concentration typically reaches 20,000 parts per million (ppm). While

soils have a vast supply of total K, only a limited quantity is accessible for plant

development at any given moment, this is because virtually all of the K in soil minerals is

in the structural component and isn't available for plant development. Due to substantial

variations in soil parent components and the effect of weathering on these minerals, the

quantity of K provided by soils varies. As a result, the amount of K required in a fertilizer

program differs across other countries (Kaiser and Rosen, 2018).

Potassium in Watermelon

Watermelon isn't a high-potassium food, but it does contain a modest quantity of

this vital mineral. Potassium is found in 170 milligrams per cup of sliced watermelon. This

amounts to roughly 4% of the daily potassium requirement of 4,700 mg. A slice of

watermelon, which is roughly 1/16 of a melon, has 320 milligrams of potassium, which is

around 7% of daily need. A 15-by-7.5-inch melon has around 5,060 milligrams of

potassium, somewhat more than the daily recommended amount (Ipatenco, 2018).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. Yield performance and fruit

quality of watermelon could be affected by the application of potassium at different levels

and mulching materials. Various levels of potassium and types of mulching materials have

different effects on watermelon, they may influence flower initiation and fruit set, resulting

in a better yield. The inputs will be the different levels of potassium which will be 160-

110-170, 160-110-190, and 160-110-210 kg/ha and mulching materials that will be used

(control no mulch and plastic mulch). The output will be the yield and fruit quality

parameters, and the production economics for watermelon.

Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the conceptual framework of the study, the following hypotheses will be


a. that using different levels of potassium and mulching materials can significantly

increase the yield of watermelon;

b. that application of different levels of potassium and mulching materials will

significantly affect the fruit quality of watermelon; and

c. that using higher level of potassium can significantly increase the return on


Input Throughput Output

Mulching Materials
(Main plot)
Fruit and yield
Control (No Mulch) Native productivity performance

Plastic Mulch -Enhance growth and

-Increase fruit set
-Improve soil physical Cost and Return
Levels of Potassium condition Analysis
(Sub-plot) -Return on investment

K1- 160-110-170 kg
(Recommended -Improve yield
Rate) -Improve quality of Production Cost
the fruit -Input Cost
K2- 160-110-190 kg -Enhance flower -Labor Cost
NPK/ha initiation of the
K3- 160-110-210 kg

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study.



Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Brgy. Sumader, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte. The

area is rainfed upland and well exposed to sunlight. The topography of the area is relatively

flat (0-1% slope) and under climate Type I wherein there are two pronounced seasons: wet

from June to December and dry from November to May. The crops that were usually grown

in the area are tobacco and vegetables like string beans, winged beans and eggplant. Clay

loam with a light brown hue was identified as the soil type in the area and soil analysis will

be done before planting. The study will be conducted from of December 2021 to March


Research Design

A Split-plot Design in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two

main plots and three subplots will be used in the study. The study will have a three

replications. The field experiment will have an effective area of 288m2. The unit plot size

will be 16m2 (2.0m x 8.0m) with a 1.0m spacing between plots. The schematic layout of

the study is shown in Figure 2.



M 1K 1 M2K3 M1K2

M 1K 3 M2K1 M1K1

M1K2 M2K2 M1K3

1m 13.5m
M2K1 M1K2 M2K3

M2K2 M1K3 M2K1

M2K3 M1K1 1m M2K2

26 m

Main Plot

M1- (No Mulch) - Yellow Shade Distance per Replication – 1 meter

M2- (Plastic Mulch) - Green Shade Distance per Main Plot- 1 meter
Distance per Sub-Plot- 0.5 meter

Plot Size- 2m x 8m
Sub-Plot (Potassium Levels)
Effective Plot Size- 288m2
K1-160-110-170 (Recommended Total Area- 351m2

Figure 2. Schematic layout of the study.


Variables of the Study

The variables that will serve as treatments of the study will be the different

mulching materials and different levels of potassium. This will be assigned as follows:

Main plot (Mulching Materials)

M1- no mulch

M2- plastic mulch

Sub-plot (Potassium Levels)

K1- 160-110-170 kg NPK ha-1 (Recommended Rate)

K2- 160-110-190 kg NPK ha-1

K3- 160-110-210 kg NPK ha-1

Cultural Management

Land Preparation

Using a tractor and a moldboard plow, the area will be plowed and harrowed once

in an alternating manner to pulverize the soil. This is necessary to get rid of any latent weed

seeds before preparing the ground. This will be done to slant the soil in order to promote

equal seed germination while also preventing weed development.


The watermelon seeds will be directly sown in the soil. One to two seeds will be

sown at 2cm depth with the spacing of 1.0m between rows and 1.0 m between the plants.

One week after sowing, thinning will be done to avoid overcrowding of plants.

Preparation and Application of Mulching Materials

Mulching materials which is plastic mulch will be applied before sowing the seeds.

In creating holes in the respective planting spots, a thin can with a hot charcoal will be used

as a punching hole.

Fertilizer Application

The rate of potassium fertilizer that will be applied will depend on the treatments.

The following rates will be used:

K1- 160-110-170 kg NPK/ha

K2- 160-110-190 kg NPK/ha

K3- 160-110-210 kg NPK/ha


Furrow irrigation method will be followed using a water pump. After seed sowing,

irrigation will be done every 2 weeks and every after fertilizer application. The plants will

be irrigated eight times throughout the growing season.

Pest Management and Weed Management

Spraying pesticides and employing an insect sticker trap will be done to manage

insect pests and diseases. Manual weeding will be done at the same time to effectively

eliminate weeds and minimize competition in terms of nutrients, space, light, and moisture.

The incidence of insect pests and diseases of the 10 sample plants will be assessed by using

the rating scale below.


1 0 No infestations

3 1-25 Slightly infested/infected

5 26-50 Moderately

7 51-75 Severely infested/infected

10 76-100 Highly infested/infected


The fruits will be harvested when they attain full maturity. The indices of maturity

are dried tendrils near the fruit and yellowing of the blossom end. It will be done manually

by cutting the pedicle.

Data Gathering Procedures

Number of Lateral Branches

The number of lateral branches of 10 sample plants per plot will be recorded at

30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after sowing (DAS) and will be counted manually.

Main Vine Length (cm)

Ten randomly selected plants will be used in getting the main vine length. A

meter stick will be used in measuring the main vine length. The main vine length will be

measured from the base of the plant to the tip of the longest vine.

Number of Days from Sowing to 50% Flowering

This will be determined by counting the number of days from sowing seeds until

50% of the plant population will produce flowers.

Number of Days from 50% Flowering to First Harvest

This will be determined by counting the number of days from 50 % flowering

until to the first harvest of fruits.

Number of Days from 50% Flowering to Last Harvest

This will be determined by counting the number of days from 50% flowering of the

plant population to the last harvest of fruits.

Polar Diameter (cm) and Equatorial Diameter (cm)

The fruits of the 10 randomly selected plants will be measured for its polar and

equatorial diameter. Measurements of polar diameter will be done from the top to bottom

end of the fruit using a measuring tape. While, the equatorial diameter of the fruit will be

measured using a measuring tape. The total fruit length and diameter will be divided by the

total number of fruits to determine the mean length and diameter.

Average Fruit Weight (kg)

Weights of fruits from ten randomly selected plants will be taken by electronic

balance and the average weight will be calculated.

𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 10 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐹𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑥 100
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑠

Grading of Fruits

The harvested fruits will be sorted into four different grades according to their



Small 10 to 15 centimeters

Medium 16 to 30 centimeters

Large 31 to 45 centimeters

Extra Large 46 centimeters and above

Fruit Sweetness (ºBrix)

Fruit sweetness will be measured using refractometer. A few drops of the juice are

placed on the sample plate and when sample plate is shut, bubbles are released, and the

refractometer is held up to a natural light source. The calibrated scale will show the result

through the eye viewer.

Fruit Flesh Color

The color will be recorded using the standard color chart. It will be taken in the

morning at 7-9 am.

Average Number of Fruits per Plot

In getting the average number of fruits per plant, the formula below will be used.

Total number of harvested fruit

No. of Fruits per Plot =
Number of plants per plot

Average Fruit Yield per Plot (kg)

In getting the fruit yield per treatment, the formula below will be used:

Total weight of fruits per plot

Average Yield per Plot =
Number of fruits per plot

Percent Marketability

The percent marketability will be calculated based on the quality of the fruits that

will be produced. In getting the percent marketability, the formula below will be used.

Weight of marketable fruits (kg)

% Marketability = x 100
Total weight of harvested fruits (kg)

Marketable Yield (kg)

The marketable yield will be recorded by listing the weight of all the marketable

fruits from first to last priming.

Yield per Hectare (kg)

The yield per hectare will be based on the total harvest in 365m2 area. To get the

yield per hectare, the formula below will be used. All harvested fruits of watermelon will

be recorded including the unmarketable fruits.

Yield per plot (kg) x 10,000 m2/ha

Yield (kg/ha) =
15 m2

Production Economics

The economics of production per hectare will be evaluated using cost and return

analysis. Economic variables include net income, production cost kg-1 fruits and return on

investment (ROI).

Gross Income (GI) = Yield (Y) x Price/kg

Net Income (NI) = GI – Cost of Production (CP)

Production Cost kg-1 fruit = Cost of Production /Yield

Return of Investment (ROI) = (NI/CP) x 100

Data Analysis

Growth and yield data will be analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA)

for split-plot design. When the F –test will show significant results, the treatment means

will be further tested using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The statistical

analysis will be done using the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR) software.


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Appendix table 1. Calendar of farm activities in growing watermelon in Brgy. 24

Sumader, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte. December 2021 to May 2022.

of planting
materials and
field supplies
Application of
Data collection
Data analysis
Thesis defense,
revision and





Department of Agricultural Sciences

College of Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte

December 2021

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